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[EGJUG] - Openness Developers Competition

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Ahmed Ali

Dec 31, 2013, 9:31:04 AM12/31/13


Openness Developers Competition

Are you OPEN to coming up with an idea that serves Egyptians and/or solve nation-wide problem(s) using information technology to build up the necessary solution?  If your answer is YES then it is your chance now to show your skills and participate in"Openness Developers Competition” from Eitesal and Microsoft.

Eitesal is hoping that this kind of competitions ends up by having ideas that can be adopted on a large scale to solve bigger problems and also hoping in discovering and making new generation for developers who are comfortable with future technologies like Cloud and mobile.

Apply now with your solution to our OPENNESS competition, and Microsoft will help you in implementing it on Windows Azure Cloud system in order to facilitate your work.

Whether you are student or professional it doesn't matter, just be more OPENno matter what technology you are using to develop the solution, you can still WIN.

For more details about the competition and how to register click here


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