Update On Sweet Billiejean My Retired Angel-Guide

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Penny Lewis

Jul 4, 2010, 9:01:57 PM7/4/10
to Guide Dog's, pla...@aol.com
hi Yall,

We had to have some blood work done on Billiejean on Friday. She
just wasn't herself and had threw up some. Our Vet called and
had us take hher to the emergency Animal hospital about five on
Friday evening. Due to the Holiday weekend they wanted her to be
under twenty-four hour care. She got critical last night and had
to have a blood transfusion. She is holdeing in and her stats
have improved a little. They will call us tomorrow morning with
an update or sooner if something changes. She's a little fighter
and we're sending up constant prayers for her.

I intend to see her tomorrow even if they say I can't we'll just
go there and wait until we do.

If I don't reply to an email please don't take it personally.
I'm not online to often lately.

They think this may be caused by a bleeding ulser.

I'll try to send out an update when I am able to. Been pretty
upset but gotta believe in miracles and hold on to positive

I just wanted to let others know so that we can all bond in

We'll be staying home and keeping close to the phone. She was to
ill to have visitors on Saturday.

It's now Sunday;

We did go see her earlier today. She's not doing to well but she
knew it was us. We cuddled with her on a pretty quilt and I sang
and prayed. she's so precious.

Gabriella our poodle keeps looking for her sissy.

I'll talk to the vet later this evening and see how she is.

I refuse to give up hope.

Much thanks and Love,


Shelly Ondich

Jul 5, 2010, 2:26:19 PM7/5/10
to gdbtex...@googlegroups.com
Awwww, poor baby! I'll keep both of you in my prayers.

Shelly Ondich, Certified Scentsy Consultant
If what you're smellin right now isn't so good, you've got to go to
and take care of all your aromatic needs!

hi Yall,

It's now Sunday;

Much thanks and Love,


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Penny Lewis

Jul 5, 2010, 6:38:31 PM7/5/10
to gdbtex...@googlegroups.com
Hi Shelly and everyone,

Thanks for the prayers.

We went to see her a bit ago. She's doing better today. she's
not wanting to eat the perscription dog food but I can't blame
the poor girl. We're awaiting the report from an ultra sound
done earlier today. She wagged her tail a little and held her
head up and was more alert. She dozed asleep laying on the
blanket with my arm around her. The nurses and staff really know
their stuff so I'm feeling much better.

Jesus loves our little animals too.


hopeful Penny

Jenny Wood

Jul 5, 2010, 5:59:38 PM7/5/10
to gdbtex...@googlegroups.com
Oh Penny, my heart goes out to you, your family and of course,
Billiejean. I am so sorry she is struggling so. I will definitely
keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted,
and if you get the opportunity, give her a hug for Padre and I.

Jenny & Padre

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