Fw: dog guide lost in central Florida

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george bybee

Jan 28, 2011, 12:26:48 PM1/28/11
to GDBTex...@googlegroups.com, BlindAmbit...@yahoogroups.com, big-happ...@raineemusic.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Rivard" <woof...@sbcglobal.net>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;@smtp103.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com;>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:19 PM
Subject: [H N L] dog guide lost in central Florida

> KISSIMMEE, Fla. -- A blind man visiting Kissimmee for a convention lost
> his seeing-eye dog. The dog's owner, Jeff Bazer, said Devon got spooked
> during Tuesday night's storms and hasn't been seen since.
> Devon is a big, black Labrador retriever and Bazer said he is desperate to
> find him.
> For all of his 39 years, Bazer has seen the world differently than the
> rest of us.
> "It really depends on how you look at it. And each day can be a bit of a
> challenge sometimes," Bazer said.
> Jeff was born blind, and for the last 8 years, his most trusted companion
> has been his guide dog Devon.
> "He goes everywhere with me. He travels on airplanes, and trains, and
> cabs. Wherever I am, he is," he said.
> Jeff works for a company that develops computer software for the vision
> impaired. They put him up for the week in a rental home in Kissimmee. But
> Tuesday night, just before the storms raced through the area, Devon got
> out and hasn't been seen since.
> "I can only hope and pray, and believe me we've said several prayers here
> in the house. I have, and many, many people who are helping us look,"
> Bazer said.
> If somebody has already found Devon, they should know how valuable a guide
> dog is.
> "From its birth to it's typically 2 years old, when they're handed out to
> a person, it costs roughly $40,000," said Kelli Parker of Division of
> Blind Services.
> Parker is working with Bazer to find Devon.
> "He is the most important part of my life, for sure. He's a wonderful dog,
> and he has a job to do and he knows that. And we just hope we get him
> back," he said.
> Devon wears a collar with his name and Jeff's name, address and phone
> number on it. The dog has a special tattoo in his ear. It's his service
> dog I.D., and Devon has a microchip that contains Jeff's contact info.
> <I itxtvisited="1">Copyright 2011 by wftv.com.
> ---
> Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to
> heart.
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