New issue 481 by abhishek.kona: InsertRow gives 400 bad request
steps will reproduce the problem [I am on a mac]
1. Using a google app account, by setting gd_client.domain =
2.Using the same example ListInsertAction as provided in the example.
The data should be inserted in the spreadsheet but I see {'status':
400, 'body': 'Invalid query parameter value for grid-id.', 'reason': 'Bad
Comment #1 on issue 481 by joe.gregorio: InsertRow gives 400 bad request
Can you provide sample code that replicates this problem?
Comment #3 on issue 481 by joe.gregorio: InsertRow gives 400 bad request
This is an issue with the Apps API.
Hi Joe,
is there a bug open against the Apps API? Can you reference it here, please?
Cause this closed... but I have no visibility on the issue... is it being
p.s. my code, if you want to reproduce...
guserra@4DEL06116:~/tmp/berliner$ ./y_fetch|./g_write
('EURUSD=X', '1.4441')
('EURCHF=X', '1.2941')
('EURGBP=X', '0.8878')
- username: guido.serra
- password:
gdata.service.RequestError: {'status': 400, 'body': 'We're sorry, a
server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try reloading your
spreadsheet.', 'reason': 'Bad Request'}
Same error trying to insert a row into spreadsheet using gdata. Code
similar to that listed in earlier examples.
Comment #6 on issue 481 by InsertRow gives 400 bad
can you set gd_client.debug = True and paste the HTTP output you get when
reproducing the 400?
sure, here you go...
grinder:berliner zeph$ ./y_fetch|./g_write
('EURUSD=X', '1.4773')
('EURCHF=X', '1.2938')
('EURGBP=X', '0.8885')
- username: #######me#######
- password:
send: 'POST
HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 88\r\nContent-Type:
send: 'Passwd=#########&source=None&service=wise&Email=#######me#######&accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
header: Content-Type: text/plain
header: Cache-control: no-cache, no-store
header: Pragma: no-cache
header: Expires: Mon, 01-Jan-1990 00:00:00 GMT
header: Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 17:03:22 GMT
header: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
header: X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
header: Content-Length: 755
header: Server: GSE
send: 'POST
HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 307\r\nContent-Type:
application/atom+xml\r\nAuthorization: GoogleLogin
auth=################\r\nUser-Agent: None GData-Python/2.0.14\r\n\r\n'
auth=#####################\r\nUser-Agent: None GData-Python/2.0.14\r\n\r\n'
p.s. the code is here, if you want to play ;-)
any update on this? i'm having the same issue
I was running into this problem but it turned out to be the uppercase
column name problem discussed here:
Changing to lowercase column names worked for me.
hi, there are no upper case column names involved in my scenario...
Existing document > I create a new worksheet > I create the row
column names are "trade" and "value", in lower case
Just wanted to report that I found the solution.
This bug only seems to occur with *blank* spreadsheets. If I go into the
spreadsheet via the web UI, and add the header columns manually -- then I'm
able to successfully add the data using gdata.
I had been creating a blank spreadsheet using the instructions here:
The trick to make this work, is to add the header row first with the "Cell
Based Feed" api:
Then, use the Row api to add the rest of your data. Works like a charm! :-)
thanks Erik, i have been struggling with the same problem
Comment #15 on issue 481 by InsertRow gives 400 bad
(No comment was entered for this change.)
any plans on fixing this?