Compilation issues with GooglePhotosSample: GTMMIMEDocument.h/GTMHTTPFetcher.h not found

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Adam Ambrose

Apr 18, 2016, 1:17:03 AM4/18/16
to Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library Discussion
Hey all!  Objective C/Xcode newbie here (although experienced in other langs).  I'm trying to compile the GooglePhotosSample xcodeproj.  I have a pretty much clean env:

I got errors about missing files:
  • GTMOAuth2Framework-Info.plist
  • GTMOAuth2Window.xib
  • GTMMIMEDocument.h
  • GTMHTTPFetcher.h

Now, sure enough I notice the project file for GData is referencing OAuth2 and GTMTHTTPFetcher files (and GTMMIMEDocument, which appears to belong in the latter group), but they're all actually missing.

So:  am I supposed to copy those files in from the appropriate projects manually?   Seems iffy, since I could run into some versioning problems this way...

Second question, which turns out to be the same question: I also notice that HTTPFetcher has been deprecated in favor of HTTPSessionFetcher, and sure enough, I see the preprocessor directive GTM_USE_SESSION_FETCHER can be used to use the newer library.   I figured out how to set this in preprocessor macros for the GData project, and I know it works, because now it no longer complains about missing GTMHTTPFetcher it's GTMSessionFetcher files it can't find.   Progress!  :)

So, best to handle these missing dependencies?



Thomas Van Lenten

Apr 18, 2016, 10:16:35 AM4/18/16
to Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library Discussion
As noted on the github page, the GData apis are mostly phased out.  The Picasa Web Albums is one of the few apis that doesn't seem to have a more modern replacement.

Since GData is on it's way out, we haven't done a lot to fix things up on github; when the project was on, we used svn:external to pull in the fetcher and OAuth2 code, but we haven't cycled back to update GData since most developers need now.  git submodules could help with that.  Pulling in those other two projects directly is the right way to do it.  There likely are some other updates for deprecated warnings that will also be needed.  :(


Adam Ambrose

Apr 23, 2016, 1:38:03 PM4/23/16
to Google Data APIs Objective-C Client Library Discussion
Cool;  thanks!
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