Added contact doesn't appear in contactsFeed

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Mike Tomlinson

Oct 16, 2014, 12:39:02 AM10/16/14
I am using the iOS libraries to access the Contact APIs. 

If I use:

- (GDataServiceTicket *)fetchEntryByInsertingEntry:(GDataEntryBase *)entryToInsert
                                        forFeedURL:(NSURL *)feedURL
                                 completionHandler:(void (^)(GDataServiceTicket *ticket, GDataEntryBase *entry, NSError *error))handler;

to insert a new contact, and then from the completionHandler I update the contactsFeed using:

- (GDataServiceTicket *)fetchFeedWithQuery:(GDataQuery *)query
                         completionHandler:(void (^)(GDataServiceTicket *ticket, GDataFeedBase *feed, NSError *error))handler;

the new contact that I just inserted does *not* appear in the list of contacts fetched. 

The new contact is eventually added to my contacts list, as if I wait a while and then perform the fetchFeedWithQuery again, at that time the new contact will be there. 

Is this expected behavior? 

Is there a recommended time to wait after adding a contact before it will be visible to a query? 

Or is there some other API I should call to "sync" the contact info... between inserting and querying? 

What is the recommended way to perform an insert/query? 


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