Status: New
Owner: ----
New issue 712 by Visual Basic
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Insert Code
Dim conserv As New ContactsService("MyCompany-MyApp-v1.0")
Dim authFactory As New
authFactory.AccountType = "GOOGLE"
conserv.RequestFactory = authFactory
conserv.setUserCredentials("username", "password")
Dim nc As New ContactEntry
With nc
.Name = New
.Name.FullName = "John Davis"
.Name.GivenName = "John"
.Name.FamilyName = "Davis"
End With
Dim urifeed As New Uri(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default"))
conserv.Insert(urifeed, nc)
2.Run Code
3.Get error of invalid credentials, I tried 3 different ways from searching
on the internet and all fail. I dont understand. are these dlls not
compatable for vb 2010 Express? I downloaded the featured dll for .net
apps. I didnt know where else to post this so i posted here. Thanks, RJ
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