Blast on 5.1.0

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Aitor Bleda

8 dec 2016, 09:25:0608-12-2016
aan gd-ice
Hi Hector!

I have migrated our installation to 5.1.0 and now I find that the blast from the web interface doesn't work.  I tried with a fresh install/test with mvn/jetty and it also fails to return a result or even run a blast using blastn.. this used to work with v4.
Has something changed?  am I doing it wrong?

BLAST 2.2.31+



Alan Williams

8 dec 2016, 09:38:2608-12-2016
On 08-Dec-16 14:25, Aitor Bleda wrote:
> Hi Hector!

Probably no help, but we (synbiochem) upgraded to 5.1.0 and the blast
works OK for search. I found that it does not work well with other
search options, in particular bio safety level, so we have to leave that
on "Choose one".

> Regards
> Aitor


Hector Plahar

8 dec 2016, 13:53:1308-12-2016

Are there any error messages in the logs? Try rebuilding the blast index on the admin page -> Rebuild blast. Also click on "Rebuild Indexes" while you are at it. This may take a few minutes depending on the number of entries you have. 

Alan, this might also fix your issue. If not let mw know and I will look at it in more detail


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Aitor Bleda

13 dec 2016, 09:06:3413-12-2016
aan gd-ice
Hi Hector!

I have run a lot of tests to check that it doesnt work.
In short: blastn does not work for me with version 5.1, it worked on 4.

There are no log files if blastn is selected,  and if I delete the blastn binary still no error, so I can only guess it is not being called.  With tblastx (it is not what I need, but..) I get a wrong parameter call.
Same happens when I call with the api:
curl -X POST --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-ICE-Authentication-SessionId: 7157ab6c-4f3b-41ce-8681-9ebfe918bd4c" -d '{ blastQuery: { blastProgram: "BLAST_N", sequence: "atgaaactgagcaccaagc" }, parameters: { retrieveCount: 5 } }' "https://localhost:8443/rest/search"
(0 results, no log)

As the App Server restarts, and upon request, both on the web and by API, the blastDB gets rebuilt.

It does not work with the following systems:

System one.  Configuration one
Linux Mint Sarah kernel 4.4.0-47, based on ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Tomcat 8 
Open JDK 1.8.0_111 64 bit
Postgres as DDBB  
Installed from WAR, DDBB migrated from ICE 4
It is my dev machine
Blast: tried 2.2.31++ and tried compiling and using 2.5.0++ .  Works from command line, no change to ICE (I did change the parameter and restarted tomcat)

System one.  Configuration one
do a git clone and get a clean install
run an app server with mvn and let ice build a DDBB
edit conf and put blast path (both versions)
Add en entry, and give it a short DNA sequence.
Try blast both using web and API: same as before.

System two.
Linux Ubuntu 16.04 kernel 4.4.0-47
Tomcat 8 
Open JDK 1.8.0_111 64 bit
Postgres as DDBB
Installed from WAR, DDBB migrated from ICE 4
Same results as system one.  
Worked with ice 4

So I tried a different linux distro, tried with CentOS 7
kernel 3.10.0-327
Some jdk, running jetty and Blast 2.5.0++ compiled on system
ICE install with git clone and running on jetty.
Still does not work

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13 dec 2016, 10:07:4313-12-2016
On 13/12/2016 14:06, Aitor Bleda wrote:
> Hi Hector!
> System one. Configuration one
> do a git clone and get a clean install
> run an app server with mvn and let ice build a DDBB
> edit conf and put blast path (both versions)
> reboot
> Add en entry, and give it a short DNA sequence.
> Try blast both using web and API: same as before.

Do you try blast immediately after adding an entry? In my experience,
you have to rebuild blast to get it to match the sequence.


Aitor Bleda

13 dec 2016, 10:47:0313-12-2016
aan gd-ice

Hi Alan.

I put the data, rebuild blast and test.. doesnt work, restart server, nope, does not work.  On 4.8.1, I do the same, and works. 

Hector Plahar

13 dec 2016, 14:34:5013-12-2016
Hi, Aitor,

I will take a closer look at it today or tomorrow with a new 5.1.0 install and see what is going on. 



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Hector Plahar

15 dec 2016, 14:51:4815-12-2016
So I have tested a clean build and the only issue I encountered was what Alan mentioned: having to re-build the blast search index after each new sequence is added in order to get results. This should not happen and is a bug. I hope to have a fix next week. 

Aitor, check to make sure you have set the data directory correctly (and that there is a blast folder in there with files that look like "ice.nhr", "ice.nsq" etc). Also make sure your blast install directory is set to the location of the blast executable (e.g. /usr/share/ncbi-blast-2.5.0+/bin). These are all on the admin configuration page. I will also include more logging for blast searches when I release the bug fix in version 5.2.1

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