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Jun 22, 2009, 9:39:47 PM6/22/09
to gcs-pcs-list
In a recent session at the Semantic Technology Conference in San Jose,
People from google indicated that they would be interested to pick up
article citation information from web pages if it was incoded in RDFa.
Since there is no RDF binding for OpenURL, and since it would be
straightforward to produce one, I wonder if anyone is interested in
helping me to do that.


Ross Singer

Jun 23, 2009, 9:03:00 AM6/23/09
to gcs-pc...@googlegroups.com
This seems like it falls completely into the same domain as BIBO:


When you say "RDF binding for OpenURL" you mean for the
"ContextObject" bits of OpenURL (the ctx meta metadata, rft meta
metadata, svc meta metadata, etc)? Or would this include making RDF
bindings for the SAP1/2-specific metadata formats?


Eric Hellman

Jun 23, 2009, 11:51:54 AM6/23/09
to gcs-pc...@googlegroups.com
Yes, it would seem that BIBO is in the same space; I need to look at it more to see what the fit is. I wonder if Bruce is still on this list.

I think you would need both the ContextObject and the metadata formats.
Eric Hellman
10 Columbus Ave.
Montclair, NJ 07042
er...@hellman.net (personal)

Bruce D'Arcus

Jun 24, 2009, 11:01:08 AM6/24/09
to gcs-pc...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Eric Hellman<ope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, it would seem that BIBO is in the same space; I need to look at it more
> to see what the fit is. I wonder if Bruce is still on this list.

Yes. My publications are encoded in BIBO RDFa over at my site if
you're curious (though it probably needs a little work):


> I think you would need both the ContextObject and the metadata formats.

I confess to being entirely skeptical about OpenURL, but it may be
that I just don't understand it. What would a ContextObject look like
in the context of idiomatic RDF/RDFa/BIBO/DC?


Hammond, Tony

Jun 24, 2009, 11:13:06 AM6/24/09
to gcs-pc...@googlegroups.com

Funny you should just have asked that Bruce. I was just looking for (and
just found) an early OWL spec for ContextObject which I was noodling with
back in '03. (Tempus fugit.)

I haven't reviewed this at all, so be kind. Was just an early attempt to
model CO with OWL. Oh, I notice it uses the earlier homegrown identifiers
(ori/uri/xri) that wecontemtplated in OenURL before firmly switching to URI.

May be less than useless.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE owl [
<!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
<!ENTITY rdfs "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#">
<!ENTITY owl "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#">
<!ENTITY xsd "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema#">


OpenURL Framework - ContextObject Format

This document presents an Ontology that defines a ContextObject
Format for the OpenURL Framework using the Web Ontology Language (OWL)


Author: Tony Hammond <to...@tonyhammond.net>
Date: 27-02-2003



<o:Ontology r:about="">
<o:versionInfo>OpenURL 1.0</o:versionInfo>
<s:comment>An Ontology for ContextObjects.</s:comment>
<s:comment>OpenURL Framework Identifier - xri:fmt:xml:owl:ctx</s:comment>
<o:imports r:resource="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#"/>
<d:title>ContextObject Format</d:title>
<d:creator>Tony Hammond</d:creator>
<d:description>This Ontology defines a Format to express one or more
ContextObjects as an XML document.</d:description>


<!-- "ContextObject" class -->
<o:Class r:ID="ContextObject">
<s:comment>An information construct that binds a description of a
primary Entity - the referenced resource - together with
descriptions of Entities that indicate the context of the reference
to the referenced resource.</s:comment>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasAdmin"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasCommunityAdmin"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasReferent"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasReferringEntity"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasReferringEntity"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasRequester"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasRequester"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasReferrer"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>


<!-- "Admin" class -->
<o:Class r:ID="Admin">
<s:comment>Administrative information can be attached to the
"ContextObject" resource.</s:comment>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasAdminVersion"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasAdminEncoding"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasAdminId"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#hasAdminTimestamp"/>

Object Properties - Admin

<!-- "hasAdmin" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasAdmin">
<s:comment>Property attributing an "Admin" object.</s:comment>
<s:domain r:resource="#ContextObject"/>
<s:range r:resource="#Admin"/>

Datatype Properties - Admin

<!-- "hasAdminVersion" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasAdminVersion">
<s:comment>Property attributing an "AdminVersion" datatype.</s:comment>
<r:type r:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<s:domain r:resource="#Admin"/>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;string"/>

<!-- "hasAdminEncoding" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasAdminEncoding">
<s:comment>Property attributing an "AdminEncoding" datatype.</s:comment>
<r:type r:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<s:domain r:resource="#Admin"/>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;string"/>

<!-- "hasAdminId" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasAdminId">
<s:comment>Property attributing an "AdminId" datatype.</s:comment>
<r:type r:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<s:domain r:resource="#Admin"/>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;string"/>

<!-- "hasAdminTimestamp" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasAdminTimestamp">
<s:comment>Property attributing an "AdminTimestamp" datatype.</s:comment>
<r:type r:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<s:domain r:resource="#Admin"/>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;dateTime"/>


<!-- "CommunityAdmin" class -->
<o:Class r:ID="CommunityAdmin">
<s:comment>Administrative information can be attached to the
"ContextObject" resource. Its content
can be defined by communities of implementers.</s:comment>

Object Properties - CommunityAdmin

<!-- "hasCommunityAdmin" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasCommunityAdmin">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "CommunityAdmin" resource.</s:comment>
<s:domain r:resource="#ContextObject"/>
<s:range r:resource="#CommunityAdmin"/>


<!-- "Entity" class - Base class for subclassing Entities -->
<o:Class r:ID="Entity">
<s:comment>One of the six possible constituents of a ContextObject:
Referent, Requester, Referrer, Resolver, ReferringEntity, or
<o:intersectionOf r:parseType="Collection">
<o:Class r:about="#Referent"/>
<o:Class r:about="#ReferringEntity"/>
<o:Class r:about="#Requester"/>
<o:Class r:about="#ServiceType"/>
<o:Class r:about="#Resolver"/>
<o:Class r:about="#Referrer"/>

<!-- "Referent" Entity -->
<o:Class r:ID="Referent">
<s:comment>The Entity about which the ContextObject was created
- a referenced resource.</s:comment>
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Entity"/>

<!-- "ReferringEntity" Entity -->
<o:Class r:ID="ReferringEntity">
<s:comment>The Entity that references the Referent.</s:comment>
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Entity"/>

<!-- "Requester" Entity -->
<o:Class r:ID="Requester">
<s:comment>The Entity that requests services pertaining to the
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Entity"/>

<!-- "ServiceType" Entity -->
<o:Class r:ID="ServiceType">
<s:comment>The Entity that defines the type of service
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Entity"/>

<!-- "Resolver" Entity -->
<o:Class r:ID="Resolver">
<s:comment>The Entity at which a request for services is
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Entity"/>

<!-- "Referrer" Entity -->
<o:Class r:ID="Referrer">
<s:comment>The Entity that generated the ContextObject.</s:comment>
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Entity"/>

Object Properties - Entities

<!-- "hasEntity" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasEntity">
<s:comment>Property attributing an "Entity" resource.</s:comment>
<s:domain r:resource="#ContextObject"/>
<s:range r:resource="#Entity"/>

<!-- "hasReferent" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasReferent">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Referent" resource.</s:comment>
<s:subPropertyOf r:resource="#hasEntity"/>
<s:range r:resource="#Referent"/>

<!-- "hasReferringEntity" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasReferringEntity">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "ReferringEntity" resource.</s:comment>
<s:subPropertyOf r:resource="#hasEntity"/>
<s:range r:resource="#ReferringEntity"/>

<!-- "hasRequester" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasRequester">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Requester" resource.</s:comment>
<s:subPropertyOf r:resource="#hasEntity"/>
<s:range r:resource="#Requester"/>

<!-- "hasResolver" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasResolver">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Resolver" resource.</s:comment>
<s:subPropertyOf r:resource="#hasEntity"/>
<s:range r:resource="#Resolver"/>

<!-- "hasServiceType" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasServiceType">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "ServiceType" resource.</s:comment>
<s:subPropertyOf r:resource="#hasEntity"/>
<s:range r:resource="#ServiceType"/>

<!-- "hasReferrer" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasReferrer">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Referrer" resource.</s:comment>
<s:subPropertyOf r:resource="#hasEntity"/>
<s:range r:resource="#Referrer"/>


<!-- "Descriptor" class - Base class for subclassing Descriptors -->
<o:Class r:ID="Descriptor">
<s:comment>A Descriptor details information about an Entity, using
one of the following four methods: Identifier, By-Reference Metadata,
By-Value Metadata, Private Data.</s:comment>
<o:intersectionOf r:parseType="Collection">
<o:Class r:about="#Identifier"/>
<o:Class r:about="#MetadataByVal"/>
<o:Class r:about="#MetadataByRef"/>
<o:Class r:about="#PrivateData"/>

<!-- "Identifier" Descriptor -->
<o:Class r:ID="Identifier">
<s:comment>A Descriptor that unambiguously defines an Entity by the
combination of: (1) a reference to a Namespace; and (2) a value within
that Namespace.</s:comment>
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Descriptor"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#isaIdentifier"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>

<!-- "MetadataByVal" Descriptor -->
<o:Class r:ID="MetadataByVal">
<s:comment>A Descriptor that details properties of an Entity by the
combination of: (1) a reference to a Metadata Format; and (2) a
particular instance of metadata about the Entity, expressed according
to the indicated Metadata Format.</s:comment>
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Descriptor"/>
<s:comment>By-Value Metadata is provided as the combination of
(1) a 'format' resource, which identifies the Metadata Format of the
By-Value Metadata, and (2) a 'metadata' resource in which the metadata
corresponding to the identified Metadata Format is
<o:onProperty r:resource="#isaFormat"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#isaMetadata"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>

<!-- "MetadataByRef" Descriptor -->
<o:Class r:ID="MetadataByRef">
<s:comment>A Descriptor that details properties of an Entity by the
combination of: (1) a reference to a Metadata Format; and (2) the
network location of a particular instance of metadata about the
Entity, the metadata being expressed according to the indicated
Metadata Format.</s:comment>
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Descriptor"/>
<s:comment>By-Reference Metadata is provided as the combination of
(1) a 'format' resource, which identifies the Metadata Format of the
By-Reference Metadata, and (2) a 'location' resource that specifies the
network-location of the By-Reference Metadata. That network-location
must be a URL, and therefore it must be specified as an Identifier in
the URI Naming Environment; it must have a prefix of 'uri'.</s:comment>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#isaFormat"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#isaLocation"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>

<!-- "PrivateData" Descriptor -->
<o:Class r:ID="PrivateData">
<s:comment>A Descriptor that details information about an Entity
using a method not defined in this Standard.</s:comment>
<s:subClassOf r:resource="#Descriptor"/>
<o:onProperty r:resource="#isaData"/>
<o:cardinality r:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</o:cardinality>

Object Properties - Descriptors

<!-- "hasDescriptor" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasDescriptor">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Descriptor" resource.</s:comment>
<s:domain r:resource="#Entity"/>
<s:range r:resource="#Descriptor"/>

<!-- "hasIdentifier" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasIdentifier">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Identifier" resource.</s:comment>
<s:range r:resource="#Identifier"/>

<!-- "hasMetadataByVal" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasMetadataByVal">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "MetadataByVal" resource.</s:comment>
<s:range r:resource="#MetadataByVal"/>

<!-- "hasMetadataByRef" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasMetadataByRef">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "MetadataByRef" resource.</s:comment>
<s:range r:resource="#MetadataByRef"/>

<!-- "hasPrivateData" property -->
<o:ObjectProperty r:ID="hasPrivateData">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "PrivateData" resource.</s:comment>
<s:range r:resource="#PrivateData"/>


<!-- "hasId" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasId">
<s:comment>Property attributing an "Id" datatype (a
<s:comment>In the OpenURL Framework, Identifier Descriptors for
Entities are in one of three Naming Environments: (1) URI Naming
Environment: Identifiers from IANA registered URI schemes - the prefix
'uri' is used, (2) ORI Naming Environment: Identifiers from namespaces
registered in the Registry at http://www.openurl.info/ori/ - the
prefix 'ori' is used (3) XRI Naming Environment: Identifiers that are
specific to the Referrer environment - the prefix 'xri' is
<r:type r:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<s:domain r:resource="#Identifier"/>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;anyURI"/>

<!-- "hasFormat" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasFormat">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Format" datatype.</s:comment>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;string"/>

<!-- "hasMetadata" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasMetadata">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Metadata" datatype (a
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;string"/>

<!-- "hasLocation" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasLocation">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Location" datatype (a
<s:comment>The content of the location resource is a URL. As a URL
is an Identifier in the URI Naming Environment, the location must have
the 'uri' prefix</s:comment>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;anyURI"/>

<!-- "hasData" property -->
<o:DatatypeProperty r:ID="hasData">
<s:comment>Property attributing a "Data" datatype (a
<r:type r:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty"/>
<s:range r:resource="&xsd;string"/>


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Bruce D'Arcus

Jun 24, 2009, 11:17:26 AM6/24/09
to gcs-pc...@googlegroups.com

OK, googling, I found this:



a) the ContextObject is in fact the same as what BIBO (and DC) covers.

b) OpenURL adds a "location of resolver to parse the metadata and
present contextual services based on said metadata"

So my skepticism is that I have a hard time understanding the point of
OpenURL is in the context of RDFa.

1) BIBO and DC already provide a good foundation for describing the resources.

2) The embedded RDFa metadata gets extracted (likely often client
side) using generic parsing rules.

Why can't any "contextual services" be based on that, without need for
a resolver location?


Ross Singer

Jun 24, 2009, 11:25:17 AM6/24/09
to gcs-pc...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Bruce D'Arcus<bdarcu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> a) the ContextObject is in fact the same as what BIBO (and DC) covers.

This isn't entirely true. Z39.88 could, theoretically, be used for
contextual services for anything, not just bibliographic resources.

The reality is that the overwhelming majority of current
implementations, however, are limited to bibliographic resources (and
all of the currently registered metadata formats and community
profiles have a bibliographic flair).

Despite the best intentions of the NISO committee that designed it, I
think that, realistically, this will be all it's ever used for in any
significant quantity.

Still, I just wanted to clear that up.


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