Resize made GCE unusable

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Tyson Marsh

Jun 2, 2022, 1:59:30 PM6/2/22
to gce-discussion
I recently resized my disk and restarted. Now the OS has changed from Ubuntu to Debian and nothing works including ssh to the server. Port 22 is open and cloud shell works, but that's not really the VM, it's a representation of the VM so not really access to it. Any helpful suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'm fairly certain the data is there because:

Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay                             60G   45G   16G  75% /

and it's also interesting to note that the Size is twice what I asked for so it is somewhat likely that not only is the information still there, but likely to be there twice.

Original resize to 30 GB because 20 GB wasn't large enough and ran out of disk space.

I'm creating a place to pull the data out and use an extraction tool on it now. In the meanwhile, if anyone has any insights into what GCP via the resize tool that would be greatly appreciated.


Gabriel Robledo Ahumada

Jun 6, 2022, 1:19:37 PM6/6/22
to gce-discussion
I suggest opening a support case with Google through the Support Center. That way, they will be able to access the logs and tell you exactly what happened and if it can be fixed.
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