Help grow FREEDOM FOR PALESTINE song's FB page

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Nancy Kricorian

Jun 4, 2011, 7:04:30 AM6/4/11
Hey all,
This request is from Frank Barat of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine. Please LIKE this page and encourage your friends to support the song and the cause. All proceeds from the sale of this song go to support War on Want's projects in Palestine.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Russell Tribunal UK <>

Hi everyone

Just wanted to drop you a line to ask for help building the OneWorld Facebook Fan page.

 Its currently very small and doesn’t reflect the type of attention or views we have been getting to the youtube or microsite.
We haven’t pushed the facebook page too much but I think now we need to as a priority. Otherwise we are not capturing people for the campaign, not communicating our great support through all our endorsers and look weak in front of the media. Pre-order sales have been very low and UK recognition also I would really appreciate it if everyone could give a little time to this over the next few days. We will be judged externally by how much support in the UK it looks like we have. This fanpage needs to be big. Whats more, if we need 25K people to buy the single to get into the top 10, we need at least that number in the FB group. We currently have 2800.
Please could you

1)      Share the Fanpage on your FB wall and ask all friends to like it

2)      Actively contact friends on FB either through writing on their walls or sending them messages and ask them to join.

 This is an arduous task but as Facebook fan pages do not have an option of inviting friends this is the way we need to do it.  Even if we can all spend 30 mins on this each and get 20 people each to join the page over this weekend it would be great

3)      Write on the walls of any Palestine, human rights, music, anti-war, groups and events with this fanpage and push it out to them – asking people to like it

4)      Email any campaign lists you are on with the FB fan page and ask them to join. Ditto for just emailing your personal inbox

As I said this is all a bit tedious but is the only way a grassroots campaign can build support. I really hope you can all give a little bit of time to this over the weekend

Thanks a million in advance - we can do this!!

Frank Barat
"Corporate Complicity in Israel's Occupation" book about the London session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine is out in October. You can pre-order it now!

"Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel's War Against the Palestinians" my book with Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe, is out now.

"Not to believe in the possibility of dramatic change is to forget that things have changed, not enough, of course, but enough to show what is possible. We have been surprised before in history. We can be surprised again. Indeed, WE can do the surprising" (Howard Zinn)

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