After seeing the Gauntlt presentation at AppSecUSA, I was inspired to test drive Gauntlt between all the delicious Thanksgiving dinners.
I noticed that I needed to provide the hostname in each attack script. This of course makes sense until you want to target various hosts. As a traditional software vendor, I would target various hosts since different build servers would build different versions of the same product for Linux/Windows. Thus, the same attack script would need to support different builds. This is challenging because the current attack scripts seem to require me to hard code the hostname.
Use Case
Avoid hard-coding values within attack scripts through parameterization
Change Suggestion
In researching whether this functionality exists (does not appear to), I believe I have a change suggestion that can accomplish this:
- Use Cucumber profiles
- Cucumber already supports profiles. The caller for gauntlt just needs to:
- Create a folder called "config" in whatever directory it is in
- Create a file called "cucumber.yaml" in config/
- "cucumber.yaml" contents:
- This is up to the user but I have:
- [root@steph-lnx config]# cat cucumber.yml
- default: TARGET_HOSTNAME=target-machine01.internal.local SSLYZE_PATH=/root/sslyze-0.5_src/
- gauntlt-0.1.2/lib/gauntlt/attack_adapters/support/profile_helper.rb
- Modify add_to_profile function:
puts "Overwriting profile value for #{k}" if gauntlt_profile.has_key?(k)
gauntlt_profile[k] = eval(v)
By doing the above, I would be able create an attack file with the following profile to leverage values from cucumber profile if I need to. Otherwise, if I still want to hard code the hostname, the above code change suggestion would still work.
And the following profile:
| hostname | ENV['TARGET_HOSTNAME'] |
This also makes transparent the SSLYZE path since it wouldn't need to be defined in the .bash_profile and the sslyze.rb file would automatically be able to retrieve this.
Next Steps
If this makes sense, I'll log an enhancement ticket on I'd love to attempt to check this in if the approach is good as a means to try and contribute back to the community.
Thanks making gauntlt!