Florida 49 vs. W Kentucky 3 Final

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Sep 2, 2007, 9:01:30 PM9/2/07
to Gators of Florida
Florida 49 vs. W Kentucky 3 Final

With about nine minuets left in the game we had a lightning delay that
lasted for about an hour, then the officials decided to make the game
a final at Florida 49 - Western Kentucky 3.

All I can say about our offense is just plain AWESOME! Our young
defense needed this game to work out some bugs, and they started to
gel real good after the first drive Western Kentucky ran against us.

Tim Tebow far exceeded my expectations as our new starting QB, and
passing in the way I remember Danny Wuerffel did a decade ago - long
and accurate! Tim ran the ball a few times like he mainly did last
season, but running was not assigned to him like last season. But
seeing the threat he has by being able to just take off with the ball
just stopped Western Kentucky's secondary in their tracks.

The receivers Andre Caldwell, Riley Cooper, Percy Harvin, Louis
Murphy, Cornelius Ingram and David Nelson all did great, plus seeing
Cameron Newton come in to relieve for Tim Tebow and seeing that he can
run the same offense that Tim runs is very refreshing.

I was hoping to see a field goal kick or two, but the Gators' high
powered offense kept making touch downs! All of Joey Ijjas' extra
point kicks were good!

Charley Strong will keep working on a well talented but young defense
that did grow a little today, but with the experience they lack was
sure made up for today with their determination, self control and
sticking to the basics.

Even though the weather did not cooperate in the end, I'd still would
have liked to have seen a full sixty minuets of Gator Football. Oh
well, there's always next week when Troy comes into town!

Go Gators!



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