class SimulationAllScenarios extends Simulation {
var conf = ConfigFactory.load()
var environment: String = System.getProperty("env")
environment = environment.toLowerCase()
var baseUrl = conf.getString(environment.concat(".baseUrl"))
var scenarioConf = ConfigFactory.load("scenarioProperties.conf")
val httpsProtocol = http.baseURL(baseUrl).disableFollowRedirect
setUp(PageOneScenario.scn.inject(ramp(scenarioConf.getInt("PageOne.Users")) over (scenarioConf.getInt("PageOne.RampUpTime"))),
PageTwoScenario.scn.inject(ramp(scenarioConf.getInt("PageTwo.Users")) over (scenarioConf.getInt("PageTwo.RampUpTime")))
PageThreeScenario.scn.inject(ramp(scenarioConf.getInt("PageThree.Users")) over (scenarioConf.getInt("PageThree.RampUpTime")))
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class userSimulation extends Simulation {
def getOption(a:String,b:String):String = { Option(System.getProperty(a)).getOrElse(b) }
val server = getOption("server","default")
val tests = getOption("tests","default")
val users = getOption("users","default").toInt
val time = getOption("time","default").toInt
val httpScenarios = Map (
"testOne" -> List(
scn1.inject(ramp(users user) over(time seconds))
"testTwo" -> List(
scn2.inject(ramp(users user) over(time seconds)),
scn3.inject(ramp(users user) over(time seconds))
val httpProtocol = http
$ JAVA_OPTS='-Dserver= -Dtest=testOne -Dusers=100 -Dtime=100' ${GATLING_HOME}/bin/ -s userSimulation
no `: _*' annotation allowed here
(such annotations are only allowed in arguments to *-parameters)
val scns = httpScenarios(tests)
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This answer was for an older Gatling version. setUp now takes only one parameter: either an `Iterable` or a varargs. Concatenate your first nothingFor and your Params into one single Iterable.
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nothingFor((i-1) * (pRampTime+pStepTime) seconds),
rampUsers(pVusers) over (pRampTime seconds),
nothingFor(pStepTime seconds))
setUp(ionStepParams:_*, pomStepParams:_*)
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setUp(ionStepParams:_*, pomStepParams:_*)So if setUp(ionStepParams:_*) works, the above should also work.
Thanks for the second link. That cleared the my doubts. Have a good day.
var j = 0 var k = 0 val Params = 1 to pNumSteps map { i => { if(i%2==0){ k = k + 1 workloadType1(k, pPacing, ((pNumSteps - k + 3) * (pRampTime+pStepTime))) .inject( nothingFor((k-1) * (pRampTime+pStepTime) seconds),
rampUsers(pVusers) over (pRampTime seconds), nothingFor(pStepTime seconds)) }
else { j = j + 1 workloadType2(j, pPacing, ((pNumSteps - j + 3) * (pRampTime+pStepTime))) .inject( nothingFor((j-1) * (pRampTime+pStepTime) seconds),
rampUsers(pVusers) over (pRampTime seconds), nothingFor(pStepTime seconds)) } } }