garnishment of personal property, not including personal earnings.

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Jul 26, 2014, 9:16:12 PM7/26/14
My house was foreclosed on about a year ago. I received a notice today that I have a garnishment of personal property, not including personal wages. The amount owed is roughly $37000. The very same day, 1795 bucks was taken out of my savings acct leaving only $200. Will this keep happening if I have money in that acct. Does the "not including personal wages" mean they won't take my paychecks?

Tom Fox

Jul 27, 2014, 7:44:26 AM7/27/14
Great question. I'm surprised they left $200 in your account. Normally they take everything, up to the amount of the judgment. This makes me suspect there is something else going on here, other than a deficiency judgment resulting from the real estate foreclosure, but it is impossible for me to guess.

As a general rule, creditors can pursue multiple garnishments until the full debt is paid. Maybe even a wage garnishment, but that depends a lot upon what state you are in and where you work. Debt collection laws are different from one state to the next. It isn't simple and there are no easy answers.
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