Jiang Hu Master of Mr. Li Ding Xin's defination

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Dec 21, 2011, 7:56:58 PM12/21/11
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui

> Well, it is good to know that you did use Google Earth in Fengshui-auditing!!!

D: I think many people use google earth, and some use it to verify
their manual on-the-spot measurements. Of course google earth allows
us to test different theories without having to travel to many
different locations. So new possibilities have opened up.

You said: Magnetic field changes, and sometimes it changes rather
fast. For example, most of Europe has seen changes of about 1 degree
every 10 years in the recent centuries.

Please do not undermind Yang Gong when he invented Ganzhou YGFS, he
already included and knew exactly what magnetics is all about!!!

D: How does my stating a simple scientific fact *undermine* your
friend Yang Gong, if he said just the same?

I think my sentence already slef-explanatory!!!

D: It is not self-explanatory to me. I don't see what was being
undermined by saying that the magnetic field is always changing.

You must have not learnt Fengshui under any ShiFu before, your ShiFu
would have told you the first day about the magnetic influence along
it with the proper ways to use Luopan and the correct way to have your
Luopan adjusted.

Bottom line: If you calculate directions for the 1600s or earlier, you
have to take into account a possible 3 degree error (in both
directions). This renders it useless for compass methods that use
luopan ring with small divisions, and renders it very questionable for
methods with larger sectors like the 24 mountains.
Even if we where to find very accurate magnetic declination values for
middle ages and before, we are still with problem #1 and #2, which
give a 2 degree error on such readings. Too much for using with the
finer fengshui compass methods.

I am sorry, in this case I am not willing to share with you because I
have got to hold back something to make my living, I hope you can
understand that!!!

D: Everybody has bills to pay or kids to feed. If people want to keep
certain research or formulas private, that is OK. But then you can't
expect people to believe it blindly.
If only a part of the method is publicly shared, then it is not
possible for outsiders like me to review the method and/or the
historic case studies based on it.

I do not think people like you will come to learn from me, if you
could find another ShiFu and Fengshui Masters in the World whom has
shared so much information about their syllabus and fengshui
experience as me let me know, ofwhom I do not think so then you did
not appreciated, I am sure some would appreciate my 300 articles while
our Yang Gong Fengshui 3 publications Books are selling well too!!!

You said: If you work with private methods, then the only way to
convince people that your methods work is by using them on real live
cases today and then we can see later on whether your predictions come
true. For example, I also experiment with different approaches, and
do not share all my formulas. 1 - Because I am quite lazy, and 2 -
because it is not always easy to convey every aspect of a method. If
you want to convince me (and many others) of the validity of your
methods, then a few study cases from 1600s is not good enough..

I have almost 300 cases studies there, not just a few, please go and
read them, I am sure what you want in regards to your questions there

You said: you cannot share your complete method with us, so we cannot
judge the study cases you brought up.

Will you post and share all your complete sysllabus and manual of your
Bazi Courses or your products????

> Ganzhou YGFS has got no problems with these!!!

D: Do we have any good reason to believe that?

> Ofcourse, from my case studies, I have proven 2 cases out of 2 cases accurate and correct beyond any doubts.

D: That's not good enough for me. As outsiders we better keep our
doubts, since you cannot share the complete method with us, so we
cannot review it properly.

Will you post and share all your complete sysllabus and manual of your
Bazi Courses or your products????

Too many cats in sacks have been sold in the field of fengshui, so
people are more on guard nowadays.This is the first law of
metaphysics: "The more useless the method, the more expensive the

Many types of Fengshui can be learnt without ShiFu but not our Ganzhou
YGFS or Ganzhou Yang Jiu Pin Fengshui because of their Complexity.

>> D: I am not talking about the tombs you chose or why.

Ofcourse, you are not!!! You got nothing to talk about in regards to
its fengshui reasonsing!!!

You said: Just pointing out that many people died young in those days,
so it is not very significant.

I am here to discuss Ganzhou YGFS reasons, I am not interested in
anyother reasons except Fengshui Reasons!!!

D: Well, that's a major problem.
A researcher is supposed to look at ALL possible reasons, not just the
ones that support his hypothesis. If somebody only looks

Well, this is exactly falls into the defination of Jiang Hu Master by
Great Grandmaster Li Ding Xin because he told us that only people did
not have enough knowledge of Ganzhou YGFS then include all kinds of
reasoning (supertitoous believes) and massy applications to complicate
our Ganzhou YGFS Formation.

Please take note that why do we need specialized doctor???? What is
the difference between Machenics and Engineers???

Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Yang

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