Ganzhou YGFS research-finding of Dingling Tomb of Ming 13 Tombs

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Dec 16, 2011, 10:31:13 PM12/16/11
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui
Dingling Tomb of 13 Ming Tombs sits on Xu (Yang) Mountain Chen Facing
with Xue sitting Geng Xu Metal Dragon ( Xu mountain ) and Watergate is
Xun si (Por Changshen), which is Watergate Formation of Water Element,
Por Changshen for Metal Formation. The Qian in-coming Dragon is a Siu
Qiu In-coming Dragon. The Head of Dragon is in line with the Dragon
Xue sitting, which is Geng Xu Metal Ru Shou.

FORM ANALYSIS: The Tomb is located amidst beautiful embracing
mountains and waters, where its Dragon comes from Qian mountain with
Grand Ancestor and Ancestor and Parents Mountain beautifully at the
back To track the Host Dragon of Dingling Tomb is to see its movement
of running and stopping. The YGFS Master must visualize the Dragon
as a live Dragon, when Water moves the Dragon moves while left-turning
and right-turning waters crossing Ming Tang in-front of the Dragon,
thus the Dragon stops completely for its Dragon Xue sitting. In this
case, the Great Grand Ancestor Dragon Mai comes from Kun Lun Mountain
to Hua Shan, Tai Xing Shan from many thousand miles away to the
Beijing Xi Shan and lastly to the Ancestor Dragon of Tian Shou Shan
from the Heaven as if thousands horses rushing in from far, water
moves the Hai Dragon moves while its left-turning crossing Ming Tang
in-front of the Head of Dragon, thus the Hai Dragon coming in anti
clock-wise to stop completely for its Geng xu Dragon Xue sitting.

The Zang of Dingling Tomb’s Dragon is to see its Host Dragon to open
its Zang big and wide, meaning it is a Dragon full of Dragon Qi, but
the Host Dragon will have less Valleys in order to have its Zang big
and wide. In this case, the Hai Dragon of Dingling Tomb has big and
wide Zang to be very auspicious.

The Dingling Tomb’s Dragon Shu Qi is to see the Host Dragon comes down
to build its valley and before it goes up again the said Host Dragon
will have its Shu Qi like its Dragon’s neck as narrow as possible to
reserve its qi again to go up. In this case, the Hai Dragon of
Dingling Tomb has a very narrow Dragon’s neck to be very auspicious.

From Google Earth, we got Hai Dragon of 318 Degrees in-coming from its
Ancestor Dragon to Parent Dragon and Head of Dragon ru shou long
Degrees of 304 Metal Xue sitting on Ming Dingling Tomb. Hai Dragon in-
coming of Ming Dingling Tomb matches with the Yang Ji Star in the
Heaven, right opposite with the 28 Constellation Stars of Heavenly
Market Star. Thus, Gen Dragon is of Heavenly Market Star to be
embraced by some auspicious Stars like protected by left Prime
Minister and right Army Generals. This Gen Dragon does not like to
have another Yin Dragon coming in parallely. Apart from that, most of
the Gen Dragons in-coming are very auspicious with strong and big
forms and contours along with strong and auspicious Dragon Qi.

The Dangling Tomb was embracing with long left Dragon and Small white
Tiger which means wonderful and long lasting power and authority and
support from surrounding people and public. Right Tiger is very short
which means Harmony with the Dragon’s Xue Sitting, Green Dragon with
the surrounding environment of 4 Animals, which is auspicious.
Mountain coming from right to left, and water coming from left to
right with perfect internal marriage of harmony and going out from
Xun Watergate. For this Dingling Tomb external marriage is also good
which produces Sheng qi but the Watergate is not matching with xue
sitting, thus Yin Cha’s effects. That means that women may suffer due
to husband marrying again & having lots of concubines, or husband
dying early, which is true in this case.
For Dingling Tomb, the left Water comes from Jue Sector and right
Water comes from Lin Guan, Guandai and Diwang Sectos and meet in front
of Mingtang and going out from Cheng sheng.

Chang Shen out in Xun Sector, means that life of the people will be
short, or got killed for some reasons as per Yu Che Jing Classics.
Diwang, Guantai and Linguan waters coming in means that the person
will have, power and good education with lots of luxuries. These are
true in this case.

Yang water incoming means that the inhabitants will have a very
energetic and healthy life. Sick and Jue waters in means children will
have disasters, also bad for the inhabitants, can cause death in these
years. Also produce handicapped children.

Receiving Tai waters means that inhabitants will have sudden events
which will suddenly stop short something which is ongoing. I am
confident to comment the Royal Fengshui Masters’s mistakes of both
making Changling and Dingling Tombs because I have got my ancestral
books and also from my 2nd Ganzhou ShiFu's Classics of Yu Han Jing
from Yang Gong's lineage, he also brought me to see some of the Yang
Gong’s Yin Yang Zhai and Temples where my 1st ShiFu Great Grand Master
Li Ding wont know how to do it! Detialed please visit my blogs and

At the same times, the history of Ming Dynasty for the rest of
Emperors after the Royal Bury of Changling Tomb, suggesting that it
produced idiot and stubborn Emperors who did not chair the Kingdom
most of the times and also short-life after the fengshui done by
Changlin and some of the Emperors terminated their Children lines,
forced to pass the Royal Throne to other families. Worse still, after
the bury of Dingling Tomb, as the previous Royal Masters of Ming
Dynasty did not have my oral secrets, they did not correct and rectify
the mistake of Por Changshen done by Changling Tomb; worse still until
the hand of making Dingling Tomb, the said Royal Fengshui Master of
Dingling Tomb instead of curing and rectifying the Por Changshen bad
cause, but increasing its Por Changshen bad effects more AND more by
having the Xun Watergate of making it to be Metal Formation. As a
result, it killed the new Emperor (Xizong) within one month after
inheriting the Emperorship because of sickness as per Yu Che Jing
Classics written by Yang Gong and the next one Emperor to take his
place, Emperor Sizong what a die!!! Because he killed himself by
hanging at the Head of Dragon behind the Beijing Imperial City when
Qing Soidiers broke into the Beijing Imperial City taken over by Qing

As shown by the Diagram below, the analysis of the deaths of the
kings who followed after Dingling Tombs are as follows:
1. Emperor Xizong died 1627 at age of 22
2. Emperor Sizong died 1644 at age of 34.

Summarry and please take note that:
The Communist China today only allowed 3 Ming Tombs to be opened for
researching and visiting, unlike Tanning of CA member, he purposely
mislead by choosing in his favour!!! It is not me who purposely chose
these two Ming Tombs (I got no choice, only those two opened by the
Chinese Government) to damage the good names of the Ming Royal
Fengshui Masters, particularly Great Grandmaster Liao Jun Jing who has
had the highest ranking in our Ganzhou YGFS Pai.
Since there are only 3 Ming Tombs opened for researching, thus my
Ganzhou YGFS reports have been based on these 3 Tombs to analyse and
drawn my Ganzhou YGFS researching Finding!!!

Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Yang

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