The Forbidden City'Yang Gong Feng Shui Research

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May 31, 2010, 5:23:39 AM5/31/10
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui
The Forbidden City'Yang Gong Feng Shui of examining
Author:pro.doc.yang kim voon

::Yang Gong Fengshui Research of Forbidden City::

Great Grand Master Yang Jun Song passed the unique skills of Yang Gong
Fengshui onto us, including the case study of Beijing Forbidden City,
which is the most important case of Yang Houses Fengshui to our Yang
Gong Fengshui's apprentice, because it can reflect Yang Jun Song's
Northern Gua. quoted in Book of Jade <<Yu Che Jing>>: " Jiangdong
Eastern Gua One always auspicious, Jiangdong Western Gua Two?-?-.,
Northern and Southern Gua, one should be no difference" while
Jiangdong Eastern Gua One always auspicious had been represented by
Ceng Wen Can?ˉs Parents Grave made by Yang Gong back 1200 years ago
still well kept available for his beloved YGFS Dicisple Ceng Wen Can
in Ganzhou. Beijing Fengshui began writing by Tang Dynasty Fengshui
Great Grand master Yang Yun Song , whom he said: "Yan Mountain is the
highest, which starts from Great Ancestor Mountain of Kunlun,
Stretching thousands of miles ... ... to enter China, hundreds of
miles from East is Tianshou Mountain, then is flatland all the way
more than a thousand square, which is most fengshui testimonies
together to win on the form, shaped wins best in the world, according
to mountains and the sea, there is the impenetrable fortress of solid?

The Forbidden City was constructed in accordance with the laws of the
Yang Gong Fengshui theory of ideological construction site of the
The Forbidden City was mainly from the aspects standards to construct,
that is: Yang Gong Fengshui, is the trinity of one aspects, the
Forbidden City is a complete, so it is very extensive and profound
culture. "The city", in Ming Dynasty, through the Yang Gong Fengshui
Dicisple was studied repeatly, It occupies a land area of 7.2 square
kilometers and a construction space of 1.5 square kilometers where it
has 9999 houses with decadent colored glaze tiled roof, blue color
moat and the red fence separates it from the outside.

The Yang Gong Fengshui Dicisple used our Chinese Yang Gong orthodox
geomantic which was established by our Great Grand Master Yang Jun
Song back 1200 years, sits to [center axis] according to the same Gua
requirement of Dragon, Dragon Xue and Watergate that intentionally
deviation from axis to sit Geng Zi Dragon?ˉs Water Xue,.

The Forbidden City?ˉs fengshui inner qi pattern is what stated in Yang
Jun Song?ˉs Book of Jade <<Yu Che Jing>>: inner 4 Dragon Formation
(Ju) "Xin Marriages Ren and going out via Chen?°Dáèé?á????3?", and
fengshui outer qi pattern is what stated in Yang Jun Song?ˉs ??Qing
Nang Ao Yu?·: Outer 4 Dragon Formation (Ju): ?°Kun Ren Yi, Wen Qu from
the Head ?°à¤èéòò£????ú′óí·3??±.

The Forbidden City harmonious auspicious geomantic pattern, is the
Yang Gong Geomantic Dicisples creative application in GuoPu book of ??
Zang Shu?·£o?°The Contour stops while Forms Excellent, front Stream
and Back Mountain?±, by the riding Shewng Qi fengshui principles, and
matching with the contours and forms stated in Yang Jun Song?ˉs Book
of Jade.

The Forbidden City, is in accordance with China's orthodox fengshui
theory guidance layout, built the palace complex Chinese classical
masterpieces to the harmony between man and nature, and make full use
of the natural scenery of flourishing, in order to achieve the effect
of spirit to jay auspicious. The other three civilized countries in
the past could not preserved their respective Imperial Palaces, but
only the Forbidden City still preserved perfectly fine buildings after
nearly 600 years of wind and rain, which shows powerful and effective
of Yang Gong Fengshui.

There comes a question for those who has learned YGFS before, under
the Zi mountain there are 5 dragons, both Geng Zi 72 Dragon and Bing
Zi 72 Dragon are of Water element. Bing Zi Water Dragon is (more
perfect than Geng Zi) a better quality in terms of YGFS formation in
terms of its quality of Xue sitting and also do not favour any of the
3 Descendants (Classification) , which is also matching perfectly well
of Yang Jun Song?ˉs Book of Jade <<Yu Che Jing>>: inner 4 Dragon
Formation (Ju) "Xin Marriages Ren and going out via Chen?°Dáèé?á????
3?", and fengshui outer qi pattern is what stated in Yang Jun Song?
ˉs ??Qing Nang Ao Yu?·: Outer 4 Dragon Formation (Ju): ?°Kun Ren Yi,
Wen Qu from the Head ?°à¤èéòò£????ú′óí·3??±. Why does the Forbidden
City sit Geng Zi Water Xue and abandon Bing Zi Water Xue sitting?
Based on the author?ˉs given facts and explanation left in the rest of
this research, you should be able to find your answer?????? ?????????

The Forbidden City is the best practitioners of the Yang Houses
Fengshui theoretical system. in Forbidden City?ˉs case to analyze, his
Yang Houses Fengshui is based on Guo Pu "Zang shu" , as the highest
theoretical basis for the classic that is: to ride sheng qi, the inner
sheng qi (dragon qi) underground is coming from the Kunlun Mountains,
which is the great ancestor mountain, Beijing Dragon Mai is the
Northern Dragon Mai, the longest Dragon Mai in the World, the
Forbidden City?ˉs Dragon Mai is the same fengshui Dragon Mai of 13
Imperial Tombs, through the Taihang Mountains to the Yanshan, to
Tianshou Parents Mountain and flat dragon plain front; where the YGFS
Dicisples turned the plain front into creating a Head of Dragon (Ru
Shou Long) which is known as Jing Mountain to withold Dragon qi. By
Yang Jun Song?ˉs "Qing Nang Ao Yu?±. as the original rules for its
implementation of YGFS program, Yang Jun Song?ˉs "Tian Yu Jing" and
"Yu Che Jing" to develop a standard that is by Yang Houses Feng Shui
specific methods of operation, it is a set of scientific theories and
practice-based system. This development of YGFS means more to "Qing
Nang Ao Yu" in "Dian Dian Dao, μ?£?μ?μ1upside down," of 72 Dragon Five
elements to ge from the Kunlun Mountains, through the Taihang
Mountains to TianShou mountain, then ge first dragon (Di Wang Sector
as well as per Tian Pan) to ge Head of Dragon Geng Zi Water Dragon ru
shou and sitting Geng Zi Water Xue.

The Forbidden City?ˉs YGFS Formation is of Water Ju. From inside the
Forbidden City's the Jinshui river comes in by the northwest corner of
the downstairs into the Forbidden City, into the front of Tai He door.
The "artificial river" indicates as Lin Guan Water of 12 Chang Sheng
Palaces as per YGFS compass?ˉs Tian Pan (Heaven Plate) invented by
Yang Yun Song, where "Yu Che Jing" said: "Poly Bureau official Di
Wang, food and millions dollars", and the Jinshui (Golden Water) river
is named so because northwest of compass is gold representative of
Heaven. Therefore the ancients gave a beautiful fable Jinshuihe:
golden water from the Heaven, the flow through Jinshuihe is "temporary
bureaucracy" surging into the Forbidden City because of Lin Guan
water. Jinshuihe flows through the winding to the palace, Gate of
Supreme Harmony, Wenhua palace, Wen Yuan Ge, Donghua door and other
important buildings before it goes out from the Southeast corner (Yang
Gong Fengshui?ˉs in sense of Water outlets) then to its main Watergate
of Wu Sector.

A good or desirable of any Yang Houses?ˉs fengshui, the first decision
to look at is on the outlet (Watergate), because the sheng qi outlet
is the shut of Mingtang together. With the potential of good shape of
Forbidden City, should be and whether it is with good sheng qi decided
by the watergate, it depends on qi gathering in the Ming Tang, say,
with the ?°Long Jing Qi Zhong?± of Forbidden City, if the Dragon qi
and tang qi together are not well locked in the watergate, instead
disposing from the Mingtang, then the qi diffusion is not received the
desired results, and Ming Tang (external qi) whether accumulated
gathering, then depends on the nozzle shut of watergate, they achieve
"to accumulate external qi to effect the internal qi". The "artificial
river" to the southeast corner (Yang Gong Fengshui sense of water
outlets) further into the moat, matching with the classics definations
of <<Yu Che Jing)) by Yang Jun Song and <<Zang Shu>> of Guo Pu.

Yang Feng Shui theory advocates in place of strong Dragon qi to build
the Forbidden City, that is, by Gengzi water Dragon inner qi and
acceptance of External shengqi outside mingtang includes the
surrounding mountains of JingShan as the Head of Dragon, the West by
San Hai pool, south by Jinshuihe river. The Forbidden City?ˉs Tai He
palace as the center (Tian Xin), according to Yang Gong Fengshui?ˉs
Compass Tian Pan (Heaven Plate) that: artificial soil made of Jingshan
(Head of Dragon) is backed by the Imperial City (Di Wang Sector of
YGFS 12 Palaces), the North Sea of Ren Sector is Di Wang Sector, Qian
Hai comes the Lin Guan Water of Jinshui river, the Centre Pool in Xin
Xu (Guan Dai Sector of 12 Chang Sheng Palaces), and Geng You Sector
(bathing of 12 Chang Sheng Palaces), the South China Pool in the Kun
Shen Sector (longevity of 12 Chang Sheng Palaces), and only by (Kun
Shen Gong Longevity) Di Wang of 12 Chang Sheng Palaces qi moisture,
plants will flourish, human health and longevity will be rich. The
hand-dug water Jinshuihe leads the South China Sea into Xun Gong (most
likely the original Palace is Chen Sector) which matches the Inner and
Outer perfect formations as per Yang Jun Song?ˉs Book of Jade <<Yu Che
Jing>>: inner 4 Dragon Formation (Ju) "Xin Marriages Ren and going out
via Chen?°Dáèé?á????3?", and fengshui outer qi pattern is what stated
in Yang Jun Song?ˉs ??Qing Nang Ao Yu?·: Outer 4 Dragon Formation
(Ju): ?°Kun Ren Yi, Wen Qu from the Head ?°à¤èéòò£????ú′óí·3??±.

The Qian Jing palace, Jiaotai Palace and Kunning palace are the 3
Palaces for the Emperor to work and rest, a good Fengshui location is
important to them. Forbidden City and outer city channel only Shenwu
door, Donghua door, West Hua doors and wu doors location located in
YGFS Tainpan (Heaven) Kun Shen (Yang Gong Fengshui longevity side),
Ren Zi (Yang Gong Fengshui Di Wang side), Yi Chen (Yang Gong Fengshui
Watergate side) and Bingwu (Yang Gong Fengshui Tai side). Shenwu door
is on the Centre North of Imperial City, which goes against fengshui
believe of the ancients that does not open door on the centre north?
Then why is that Imperial City opens door there? This is because the
centre north is the Di Wang sector of Geng Zi water Dragon of Imperial
City. According to YGFS, the place for the Emperor to please the God
is Kun Sheng (longevity Sector of 12 Chang Sheng Palaces) while the
Temple of Imperial City is located on Xun Si Sector (Termination
Sector of 12 Chang Sheng Palaces). All these internal fengshui layout
of Imperial City are Yang Houses public fengshui auspicious layout.
This precisely as per Yang Yun Song 's <<Qing Nang Ao Yu>> which
matches the Inner and Outer perfect formations as per Yang Jun Song?ˉs
Book of Jade <<Yu Che Jing>>: inner 4 Dragon Formation (Ju) "Xin
Marriages Ren and going out via Chen?°Dáèé?á????3?", and fengshui
outer qi pattern is what stated in Yang Jun Song?ˉs ??Qing Nang Ao Yu?
·: Outer 4 Dragon Formation (Ju): ?°Kun Ren Yi, Wen Qu from the Head ?

Opposite to these Qian Qing 3 Palaces to the East, is the living place
of ?°Huang Tai Zi?±, usually is the elder Son of Emperor next to the
Royal Throne who is going to be the next Emperor after the present
Emperor passes away. Eastern side is the Qing Long Position and
auspicious for the Huang Tai Zi, but it is the Siu Kun Sector of the
Yang Gong Fengshui Formation. Why is that so? This is because Huang
Tai Zi is the second most powerful person in the Beijing Imperial City
besides the Emperor, so the Emperor sits on the Di Wang Sector while
Huang Tai Zi sits on the Siu Kun Sector to avoid him from taking over
the power from the Emperor before the Emperor passes away. Opposite to
these Qian Qing 3 Palaces to the West, is the living place of ?°Xi Tai
Huo?± once the most powerful lady in China back early 19 Century, the
Empress ?°Xi Tai Huo?±, the Ci Ning Palace lived by Empress Xi Tai Huo
is located at the Lin Guan Sector of Yang Gong Fengshui Formation, the
most auspicious sector besides Di Wang Gong. Thus, it can be seen that
Beijing Imperial City's selected location is mainly borrowed Yang Gong
Fengshui method prominent Emperor for his absolute authority. Ming and
Qing dynasty in control of political and economic lifeline for a total
of 500 years, could due to good fengshui. The fact that the Imperial
City itself can last for these long beautifully because of the power
and effectiveness of YGFS.

The Imperial Palace is a symbol of imperial power, which its position
naturally face to south direction, Watergate (shuikou) faces to Yichen
direction. we approached from the center of Tiananmen Square to
Forbidden City buildings, its position is Zi Shan Wu Direction near
Gui Chou sitting 72 Gengzi Dragon. Palace center axis deviation earth
axis is 2.2 degrees, refers to the North view, to the left side. In
our calculation, from the compass, Palace position is 3.63 degrees.
About the Imperial Palace position is not just south and north issue
who raised earlier. Researchers of the State Bureau of Surveying and
Mapping obtained the result that is the axis in the meridian 2 degrees
several minutes west. Fengshui compass to [magnetic] disk "is
Meridian" is 357 degrees 30 minutes to 2 degrees within 30 minutes,
which falls on the 72 Dragon of Geng Zi Dragon. This is the reason for
Forbidden City, Imperial City, and Beijing in the radial deviation
from the real axis. In fact, the so-called radial axis is the concept
of feng shui which is most misunderstanding of many long lines outside
of the community misunderstanding.

Yang Gong Fengshui Field qi cause indicates that everything in the
universe has its laws of development, due to certain laws of
development, will produce certain effect. Good cause Necessarily
produces good results. Yang Gong Fengshui examines the surrounding
Imperial City?ˉs environment, landscape-level fusion with different
Tai Chi: good or bad causes will be reflected in the Imperial City
Yang Gong Fengshui Ju in regards to the surrounding Imperial City?ˉs
environment such as dragon, dragon?ˉs cave, mountains, water, and
Mingtang including other artificial buildings and constructions in the
Mingtang. Since a good cause will inevitably produces good fruit;
while bad cause inevitably produces bad fruit, Yang Gong Fengshui
teaches us according to the law of development of cause and effect, to
avoid fierce because of the bad and good. The process of ensuring the
future good result is unseen by us, that is, the change process is
known as Xuan Kong. From the events of good or bad already happened in
the past, Yang Gong Fengshui teaches us to identify the cause which
leads to bad effects, forwhich, Yang Gong Fengshui also teaches us how
to change the bad change to good, which later will produce good
results in the future. The Imperial City?ˉs image (house gua) and the
YGFS environment fengshui ju will have its causes and effects which
can be reflected and traced back to its causes by YGFS to predict and
tell as and when the events and times of happening, all my serious
Dicisples Dizi can tell these after learning from me. (for those
reading Chinese, you may go and read my Chinese Version from,
a more orignal version of writing by me much great detailed).

Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Yang

YGFS Discussion (1-2010) of Forbidden City from

Dear Mr. Charles Younger
Thank for for reading my article. I will try my best to answer your
questions to the extend of our Lineage restriction.

You asked: "Is there an explanation for the historical events that
happened in the first few years of occupancy? I mean the brutal
executions of nearly 5,000 court ladies and eunuchs, the fire that
destroyed the 2 major halls and the death of the building emperor."
Your questions do not furnish me enough information of the
facts to answer you. However, my fengshui research of Forbidden City
is just like any other Yang Zhai Fengshui research, the only
difference is the level of application.
You asked: "The next 300 years of occupancy, with a few bright
Both, the occupancy of Ming and Qing Dynasty respectively in
Forbidden City had to be less than 300 years (total of less than 5
Periods only) i.e. both Kingdoms lasted for only 60years of total 4
Periods (less than 300years) approxiamately 240 years could not excess
total 5 Periods of 60 years (300 years), because YGFS Forbidden City's
formation (Fengshui Ju) in this case already pre-determined its
auspiciousness to those living there according to its YGFS's
geographical restriction (ofwhich discussed in my second part of
research). Thus, what happened in the past (Ming and Qing Dynasty)
will repeat itself again (what is going to happen in the future if any
King were to choose to live and work there). Hence, this is the Cause
and Effect in Xuan Kong theory as per YGFS that was why, Chairman Mao
of New China decided not to live and work there ( Forbidden City ).
Your question: "was a painful decline that culminated in about
100 years intermittent civil war and eventual extinction of the
Imperial system. Most of the decisions that lead to the eventual
demise of the Middle Kingdom were made by people living in the palace
No the fall of the Kingdoms of Ming and Qing Dynasty already
written in the codes of YGFS ofwhich could be discussed as per our
Cause and Effect in Xuan Kong theory as per YGFS. Well, what I posted
in this forum only the first part, other parts concerning the
predictions parts and conclusions parts will not be posted in this
forum such as: i.e. the YGFS reasons why both Ming and Qing Dynasty
lasted for only 60years of 4 Periods (less than 300years)
approxiamately, the YGFS reasons why only those royal bloods with
certain birth years became Emperors, the YGFS reasons which year and
which Emperor and why Ming Dyansty or Qing Dynasty occupied the
Forbidden City, the YGFS reasons which year and which Emperor had wars
with other the local forces or overseas forces which affected the
stability of the Kingdom and lastly the YGFS reasons which year and
which Emperor lead to the evevtual demise of the Ming Kingdom or Qing
Kingdom respectively and many
others such as why towards the end of Ming and Qing Dynasty, the
respective Emperor did not have Sons to carry on thier thrones and
royal bloods etc, there is always a cause to the effect in YGFS.
Thus, fengshui is not everything (100 % powerful) due to its
geographical limitation etc, but fengshui is powerful enough to make
changes in our destiny to fulfil our dreams.
Best wishes,
Prof. Yang (Post Doctor in applied Economics, Fudan)

YGFS Discussion (2-2010) from

Dear Mr.Charles Younger,

Your question: "sorry about the 300 years. I should have written 500
years. The Court Ladies Scandal came to light several years ago when
Ming documents were reviewed and cross referenced with Korean
documents. During the months long dedication celebrations a concubine
was apparently involved in a relationship. The ensuing investigation
became a blood bath in which 5,000 people lost their lives. The palace
was locked down and the festivities were cancelled until the
investigation ran it's course. Shortly after that the throne room and
the sacrificial hall were struck by lightning and burned. This was
around 1420. The emperor died a few years later.

The Beijing Imperial City took 14 years to complete during the year of
Yong Le, Ming Dynasty. While Ming Cheng Emperor died in the 22 year
of Yong Le. If it happened around 1420, that was 4 years before Ming
Cheng Emperor died. The building and construction of Forbidden City
was not conmpleted then, or rather nearly completed, so the fengshui
did not apply in this case. Forbidden City was there for 600 years
but, the first 100 years or so, was not like what it is now, meaning
Forbidden City was only partly built then.

Your question: "The 100 years I mentioned was the turbulent period
from about 1850-1950, or from the Taiping Rebellion to Communist
consolidation of power."

Yes, my research covered 10 years earlier than yours, starting from
28th June 1840, when first signing of the 1st Nanjing Treaty, giving
away Hong Kong to the UK, then the 2nd Tianjing Treaty of Wu day of
June, 1858 to the Fance and UK. then the 3rd Ma Kuan Treaty of 17th
April of 1894 to Japan, then Xin Chou Treaty of June 1900 to Eight
Foreign Countries, local forces from the Taiping Rebellion to
Communist consolidation of power etc,..etc the dates, events and the
reasons of happening can be matched with YGFS predictions against the
historical events from 1840 to 1950 based on YGFS formation and the
deffects & restrictions of Beijing Goegraphical environement.

Your question: "Interesting about Mao, while he didn't live in the
palace thought his residence was in a bungalow in a garden area on the
grounds. The 60-100 million eggs that were broken to make his omelet
could be a part of the dark legacy of the palace. maybe not."

The fact that Chairman Mao didn't live in the palace, instead of
living in Chong Nan Hai because his fengshui master knew the
restriction and fengshui scerets of Forbidden City to avoid Mao's
Kingdom to collapse before total of 5 periods. At present, I believed
the Fengshui Masters of the Top men like Chairman Hu and his left and
right men of New China, today are of YGFS lineage because each and
everyone of them once in top power would definately visited Ganzhou
YGFS Watergate of Ba Jing Pogoda to receive Dragon Qi there in Ganzhou
City, because once upon a time, Yang Gong 1200 years ago audited
Ganzhou Watergate. If not, Ganzhou City is a very small city compared
to 100 thousands Cities in China, why they all came there to visit,
don't they have better place to visit???? Actually in Ganzhou
Watergate, nothing much there to visit, I believe fengshui and good
Dragon Qi is the only reason that there must come.

Your question: "My point is that one must look at the results
generated by the application of Feng Shui practices to determine the
efficacy of the formulas and rules."

You are certainly right there!

Your questions: "The long term effect of the palace and it's residents
on the rest of China doesn't seem all that beneficial. It's
interesting to me that palace building rarely produces long term
benefits. Versailles in France is another example of pride going
before a fall."

As I have not done any research on your example of "Versailles in
France is another example of pride going before a fall, I can not
comment on that" But is the Palace still well kept there?

In the case of Forbidden City, YGFS fails to last the royal kingdoms
forever, not because of the restriction and limitation of YGFS giving
auspicious forever, rather it is the limitation of the Geographical
deffect, to explain these, just break our lineage rules for once only
to tell you that even the today Forbidden City National Researchers or
Scientists of present days still do not understand why there was a
missing sector in Qian Gua (North-west) of Beijing's Geographical
Landscape due to the Waterway called Northern-sea, because of the
Northern Sea's Form and structure which causes the Beijing's
Geographical Landscape to have a missing sector in Qian Gua ofwhom our
YGFS lineage Imperial Fengshui Master knew what happened back in 1406
when designing Forbidden City but could not do nothing to avoid the in-
auspicious to the Emperor as Qian Gua represents the King himself in
Yijing Gua Xiang while Qian Sector is the Lin Guan Sector of YGFS
according to Tian Pan as per YGFS (Tian Yu Jing Classics) theory where
<<Yu Che Jing Classics >> written by Yang Gong stated that "Lin Guan
coming, Career for good", thus what would happen if Lin Guan Missing
sector? Ofcourse there are other confirmed contributory factors of
YGFS due to ...... but the missing sector was one of contributory

Because of the defects in Beijing's Geographical Landscape to have a
missing sector in Qian Gua leading to the fall of Kingdom But YGFS is
still powerful and auspicious enough to look after Forbidden City
Yangzhai, as we know there have been 4 world-civilized countries in
the past, the other three civilized countries in the past could not
preserved their respective Imperial Palaces, but only the Forbidden
City still preserved perfectly fine buildings after nearly 600 years
of wind and rain, which shows powerful and effective of Yang Gong

Your question:"Many modern corporations have sunk into oblivion
following the erection of stunning headquarters buildings."

Well, you maybe right there, as a YGFS Master and Practitioner, I
believe these problems could be solved provided we have the blessings
to get the kind of land to build...If those of you ever visited the
Parents Grave of Yang Gong's Dicisple Ceng Wen Can, after 1200 years
the Tomb Stone still shining as new, just imaging any thing could have
changed bad images after 1200 years, because it rides good Dragon Qi
and receives good Mountains and Waters Qi, that is why!

Warm regards,
Prof. Dr. Yang
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