Tanning said your YGFS is Fake and his is real YGFS (Part 2)

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Dec 12, 2011, 9:02:07 AM12/12/11
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui
Dear Tanning,

You said: This is my last comment, to reply your Ignorant and Careless
respond as you pointed to me. As I re quote- this show the more you
wrote the less quality of your argument as your proud telling about
your research finding. As below :

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Thanks for your discouragement of my postings, I
have received letters in private to tell me that my postings are very
informative and meaningful to someones' Fengshui Careers.

Tanning wrote: don't you make big mistakes ; Master Liao Jin Jing or
Liauw Yu, besides Liu Jiang Dong, Zeng Wen Tian were among direct Yang
Gong disciple, so
must be dated around 900 AD era of Tang Dynasty, how can their name
still alive dated around 1400 AD in era of Ming Dynasty.Secondly what
you wrote mostly about 12 Growth Stage Phase or 12 Chang Sheng system
of feng shui, which are not consider special San he system inherited
by Yang Gong disciple.Pls, do better research to give more facts to
the reader.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: If my postings does not give any research facts
and findings, then you are welcome to give yours in the posting in
research to my posting, this is what a Fengshui Form for, is it not???

Tanning Claimed: ss a Good, Humble, Respected Lineage Master, like
CLAIMING about your superiority Feng Shui Lineage, for us as a
Chineseastrology member, you may choose to respond :

Prof. Dr. Yang said: My last posting reviewed that you are faking and
making false claimed as a good, humble, respected lineage Master
because many letters told me privately that you claimed your YGFS is
real and told others that my YGFS is Fake.

I am very direct and straight person, I do not like to see people like
you twisted and turned in one hand by claiming how holy are you and
the other hand tellig other YGFS lineage is Fake without any
supporting YGFS reasoning????

Tanning said: first point : Great Master Liao Jin Jing I mention was
are not mean theone living at the Tang Dynasty era, but one descendant
of Great Master Liao Jin Jing : that's enough

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Your statement does not change the fact that the
Royal Fengshui Master Great Grandmaster Liao Jun Jing made such as
mistake, not because of anything, he is a still a Great and honarable
Ganzhou YGFS Master in our Ganzhou YGFS Lineage, he made this mistake
just beause he did not have the Oral Secret that I have got.

Tanning said: secondly as you wrote, YGFS is not San He Systems, or
what Special San He Systems as you mentioned, please do not mislead
others of our Ganzhou Yang Gong Fengshui. : that's also enough.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: What are you talking about??? What is enough???

Tanning Said: So ours as member/reader understand yours Yang Gong are
different from other YANG GONG lineages as known in the feng shui
world, before YOURS

Prof. Dr. Yang said: That is fine, there are different YGFS in the
World, and also there are different YGFS in Ganzhou; that is exactly
what I meant in my article, I allow them of different YGFS Linege to
comment my Changling Tomb research based on YGFS.

Tanning said: BTW instead of dignity friendly respond, you respond
highly profile as per your message below. There is no doubt about it
that Great Grand Master Liao Jin Jing of Ming Dynasty made the mistake
in Yang Gong Fengshui's Li Fa of wrong waters method to cause the Por
Changshen's effects to result all the
subsequence 12 Emperors short-life and many of whom were forced to
pass their Royalship Throne to their borthers because of termination
of thier Children Lines as per the Yu Che Jing which states.I do not
think you have the ability to write anything because you do not even
understand Chinese History, please ask your ShiFu to post anything of
his Yang Gong Fengshui's research-findings on Ming Changling Tomb to
prove his methods are superior than mine or to prove my Yang Gong
Fengshui is not the real one??? I do not think anyone in the field as
brave as I am to chanllage Great Grand Master Li Ding Xin, my ShiFu
and Great Grandmaster Royal Fengshui of Ming Dyansty, Liao Jun Jing of
his work, in this case!

Tanning said: Cause your ignorant and show your pride, respond as
quote above.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: What and when I am ignorant and Pride?????

Taning Wrote : I see you mistaken write the PIN YIN for Great master
LIAO JUN QING /廖��, the descendent of Great Master Liao Jin
Jing /å»–é‡`ç²¾, as Liao Jin Jing / å»–é‡`ç²¾ from Tang Dynasty Era.
Your wrong spelling quite confusing.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I have already admited wrong for not following
Pin Yin, why you keep repeating???

Tanning said: So differ from what we understand so far in feng shui
world. As the most credible and best reference, we follow were from :
book by Master Zhong
Yi Ming : Xuankong Di Li Cong Tan second book /玄空地��譚�
第二輯 , quick refer : page 20 up.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I do not know what are talking about????

Tanning said: May be you right, I am Chinese overseas just read a bit
Chinese history, but I believe from Master Zhong's book mention above,
this is more correct about chinese feng shui history. Wow, In Chinese
discipleship are taboo to say or write about this, ""good look to

KV YANG RESPONDED: You maybe right that I did not follow the Pin Yin
for his name, looks like it, we have meant for the same person. So,
you seem to know your Chinese History right, this time! Good on you.

TANING said: This again not showing your humble attitude as a Lineage
master : since you not apology in mistaken put the name of ancestor
great master. Since you only said we have meant for the same person
(as I clarify your correct meaning).

Well, in our Chinese Tradition: One admits he has not done something
is wrong is regarded as Host and Pride Man, I think that is enough!!!

Tanning: As your earlier post pointed me as don't understand Chinese
history : NOW YOU ADMITTED as saying : So, you seem to know your
Chinese History right, this time! Good on you.

Samething, now I admited by saying you know Chinese History and re-
confirm it by praising you that: Good on You is enough as a Man of
Honest and Pride.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING (in traditional authentic feng shui or
also nowadays practice : careless manner also represent careless
attitude : which make you not mindful and wholehearted doing auditing
and teach student to be good : This possibly endanger Clients life FOR
Client, and also Teach
your student also become Careless and ignorant).

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Well, we take it on the matter, but not on the
person, i.e. MIng 13 Tomb of Changling but not the Person. Now you
are judging my Personality and Good Characters of a YGFS Master. I
think you are too much, really it is not accpeted in the Chinese World
nor the English World.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: well, Mr. Zhong Yi Ming himself is a confused
fellow in applied his Fengshui Method, because he mixed everything up
to apply to do or to write his book, my ShiFu, Great Grand Master Li
Ding Xin referred him as Jiang Hu Master, who has no Fengshui Lineage.
As the name suggests, San He Fengshui means you have used San He as
the base to apply, while Yang Gong Fengshui uses 72 Dragon to apply,
thus there are two different systems. Mr. Zhong Yi Ming did not know
our YGFS, that is why! Mr. Zhong Yi Ming should have said, both YGFS
and San He Fengshui belongs to a Fengshui Pai of Tian Gan (Stems) and
Dizi (Bramches) Pai.Therefore both, ours is Tian Gan Dizi Fengshui
Pai. But, we still want to call ourselves as Ganzhou Yang Gong
Fengshui Pai as Yang Gong created it.

TANING said: Wouw, Though you refer Master Li Ding Xin accused Mr
Zhong Yi Ming as Jiang Hu Master, since this your writing, also same
become your saying also.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Well, I never said anything like that! This is
my ShiFu's saying all the times, please read his books and see his
websites. www.lidingxin.com ;Well, I recomment you to read our ShiFu's
book: 49 Rings of Chinese Luopan written by Mr. Li Ding Xin, it is the
best selling book in the World, where you will find many and everwhere
he said about Jiang Hu Master.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Well, we must learn from the Elderly Persons and
Anceint People but it does not mean what they say is always 100%, we
must say and comment them with Evidence from History and Facts and
Reasoning from the Fengshui aspets, then we called these commenting is
on the matter itself, not on the person.

TANING :wrote :1. I am seeing as contrary what you said, Who is JIANG

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Then tell us how you apply your YGFS by adding up
other methods to tell my ShiFu off that he is wrong to regard you as
Jiang Hu Master???

Tanning said: I am more believe Master Zhong have authority as
authentic master, alsohis book very rich content, clear stated source
of reference, highly
analytical, and be the source of nowadays a lot modern course teacher.
Btw this is depend of each people subjective view.

That is fine by me! No problems.

Tanning said: 2. For you is good, to show your superiority toward your
master and
ancestor master. But for us, to write or outspoken about this consider
not filial and
violate Chinese tradition.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Like I said earlier, your policy of listening to
the ShiFu and Ancients Fengshui Masters 100% without any doubts is
good in Chinese Tradtion but bad for fengshui R & D of YGFS.

Tanning said: Other Think since you look down my understanding of
Chinese History, I must to say : What your finding about Great Master
Liao Jun Qing works has spoil his reputation, more you miswrote as
Great Master Liao Jin Jing. meaning not correct at all.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I see YGFS is very Scientific! In the Knowledge
of Sciences, there had been many Ancient Scientists's thoeries and
methods proven to be wrong, this is a very professional way of
developing YGFS and researching YGFS. I always told my students when
I am teaching them, please do not listen blindly what I told them but
to see for your self when doing researching of Yang Gong's Works in

Unless you prove my Ganzhou YGFS Oral Secrets is wrong by saying that
Royal Fengshui Master Liao Jun Jing made such as mistake, otherwise,
for the whole YGFS Industry R & D, a wrong is a wrong; nothing changes
the facts of wrong doings!

Tanning: FIRST : as we study metaphysics : Feng Shui just around 30%
affect people luck (still consist of YIN ZHAI AND YANG ZHAI), the
other 2/3 aspect depends on man luck, own karmic, and Heaven Luck
(included ancestor karmic also).

While what you said is commonly known but Fengshui Power is 100%
there, otherwise the Prediction of Fengshui only 30% Correct. Your
ShiFu has mislead you in this context, whatever it is (Yin Yang Zhai,
Temple...) when a bad cause is identified and pick-up by the Ganzhou
YGFS system, the bad effects resulted by the bad cause is 100% there,
therefore the Prediction is 100% correct. Not 30 percent as you said.

Thus, A good Fengshui Master will have the power to predict closed to
100% accurate and correct to predict.

Tanning said: also you said I am not learn history : so this is a list
of Han dynasty, Tang dynasty, Song dynasty KINGS span of life (I am
not put Qingdynasty King, cause not make too long).
This show, mostly emperor are short life. even THIS MING DYNASTY KING
IS BETTER SPAN OF LIFE. so your premise become invalid.
As logic saying against your argument about MING DYNASTY DESCENDANT A
LOT IDIOT how CHILD KING can be very intelligent, since not enough
year education, more the live with pleasure, compared with their
founding father ancestor struggling to be emperor?????.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: You purposely left-out Qing Dynasty not because
of too long, is because once Qing Dyansty included your theory and
argument will not stand because Emperors of Qing Dyansty were not only
long-life, alots of Childfen to choose from to pass the Royal Throne,
but also they were smart and hard-working.

KV YANG respond at :
according to my Great Grand Master Li Ding Xin, A Jiang Hu Master is
one who did not know any good fengshui and that only knows a little
here and there, as such, he does not hanve the ability and full
knowledge to do Fengshui by anyone of the Theory he knows to deal with
the Fengshui-auditing.

TANING:WELL, again you repeat telling Mr. Zhong Yi Ming as a Jiang Hu
Master (did not know any good feng shui………etc as quote above), by
saying according to Master Li Ding Xin. As LOGICALLY THINKING, we
cannot prove Master Li Ding Xin word of accusation by telling above,
it's you convey this sentence here, don't hide behind "the word
according to Master LDX" to avoid responsibility. Since you very brave
put this sentence here, better you say, (Prof Dr YANG agree with
Master LDX to define XXXXXX as Jiang Hu Master), then people will see
you a gentleman and pay respect for your keeping word. Otherwise you
afraid the consequency seeking by
"such Jiang Hu Guys to challenge you" better you not QUOTE Mr
LDX definition here. After all objectively the reader / member will
understand you have responsible, cause QUOTE this definition.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Please read my Blogs and Websites, I have not
concluded anything about Jiang Hu Masters. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_66d662740100xl57.html
and http://groups.google.com/group/ganzhou-yu-che-tang-malaysia-yang-gong-fengshui/topics?start

But you may read my ShiFu's Best selling published book of 49 Rings
and Shi Ku Quan Shu that anywhere and everywhere in the 2 books he
says Jiang Hu Fengshui, and named many persons as Jiang Hu Masters,
including me, his own Ganzhou YGFS Disciple Dizi.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: The problem comes from a Jiang Hu Master could
cause alots of problem arises as follows:-

Prof. Dr. Yang's 1. Most fengshui methods are against each other, if
you do not applythem in full knowledge, this contradictions of Jiang
Hu Methods will finally comes back to the Fengshui Ju, will cause
addtional problems???

Tanning said: REPHRASE : Jiang Hu Master Methods, will cause
additional problems, to the client. KV YANG as Yang Gong Feng Shui
Lineage have full knowledge, therefore can give good result or make no
problem to the client.

TANING : Since you are Yang Gong Feng Shui Lineage, higher level than
Jiang Hu Master, means you must be more powerful and easily WIN feng
shui battle towards what are your so-called Jiang hu Master opponent.
If happen they come challenge you. More towards their disciple,
grandson disciple and lower level, AM I CORRECT?, DARE you accept, to
prove what you are saying?

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I do not know what are you talking about??? 2.
Mixed Fengshui methods have different fengshui causes and effects, if
you mixed them up to apply, you will be the one who get confused,
which one of these fengshui methods or when each one has given what
effect, how are you going to follow it up??? 3. If you apply too many
Fengshui Pai's methods, who are you praying
to... As for me, I only pray to Yang Gong, what about you????

TANING said : Same with no 2. Since My master and me also learn and be
follower of this Mixed Feng Shui methods : therefore being a confused
people. Thus my master level, till my level, cannot compared with your
knowledge, and for feng shui duel or result surely lost to you,
correct ?

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Well, you are the one who started the attacks on
my Case Study, and told the public that your YGFS is real and my YGFS
is Fake, then you bear the burden of proof, not me. You are re-
directing my Question 1, 2 and 3 by accusing me that I am the Bad One
you are the Good One, this is a YGFS argument, not a Personal

Prof. Dr. Yang said: 4. Prediction is the highest secrets of a
Fengshui Pai, If you think that your mixed methods will give you more
predictions because you have more fengshui pai's methods to predict,
that is wrong because my NUmber 2: Mixed Fengshui methods have
different fengshui causes and effects, if you mixed them up to apply,
you will be the one who get confused, which
one of these fengshui methods or when each one has given what effect,
how are you going to follow it up??? There are many more to comment,
but I am running out of time, just leave you with the above-mentioned.

Tanning said: REPHRASE : KV YANG, as a Yang Gong feng shui lineage,
have attain the highest secret of Feng shui Pai in Prediction feng
shui result or happening. On the other side Mixed Feng Shui methods
follower prediction surely get confused = means doing wrong
prediction? . Did this rephrase exactly deliver your meaning.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: You do not have to ask me, just answer the
questions will do???

TANING : Since YOU SAY : can predict accurately the outcome , people
only believe you are boasted.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Beauty lies in the eyes of beholders, you do not
have to believe it... come Ganzhou to research YGFS yourself, will
know the facts.

Tanning: BETTER YOU GIVE A PROOF. Article or your research finding not
showing objective your ability.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: My research-finding and concusive YGFS reasoning
of proving Great Grand Master Li Ding Xin's Mayor Case (pls read
previous posting in the Liao Jun Jing's posting) and Royal Fengshui
Master LIao Jun Jing's Ming Changling Tomb Case study itself is
enough, ofcourse Since you are not my student, my report of the case
is 20 pages long actually but, I only posted 1 page in the CA, is good
enough to prove.. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_66d662740100xl51.html

Tanning said: Based on what I heard, Master Lam Kwok Hung, Bai He
Ming, are really have proved their accurate prediction, by winning a
feng shui fight with other feng shui guy.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: That is fine!!! However, too bad they have not
posted in the CA, else I will try to discuss with them.

Tanning said: If you can proof, like I heard Master Lam Kwok Hung, Bai
He Ming in Hong Kong had proved, by winning feng shui fight, then you
can make people
believe, you are not JIANG HU MASTER. Automatically your YANG GONG
lineage will be very famous, more people want to learn from you and
your master, and automatically you also get money both from student
and from winning feng shui fight.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: My Career in YGFS teaching and Clients are good
enough, because I charge expensively, at USD20,000 a student and I do
not need that many to go on my researching and developing YGFS's life,
so far so good!!!

Tanning said: DARE YOU DO THIS TO CONVINCE PEOPLE you are not lying
and boastful fengshui guy, buy making announcement to receive
challenge/fight?. If not better act low profile.

Prof. Dr. Yang: Ha ha ha, maybe you are new to CA, my postings of
announcement for people to come and prove me wrong in YGFS has been
there for many years, you see!!!! You are one of them who challanges
me by saying my Ganzhou YGFS is Fake.... but you did not dare to tell
us how good and how true of your YGFS Lineage is????

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I read Master Zhong's books too, but more like
fengshui history and story books are very helpful to anyone who wants
to know more about any fengshui pai.

Tanning said: REPHRASE : KV YANG opinion about master Zhong's book
were : content only feng shui history, story books and only give
information to anyone want to know about various feng shui lineage.
TANING : Again show your ignorant and looked down of Master Zhong's

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Well, Master Zhong has done a good job by
introducing the Fenshui Knowledge and History to the People, he has my
respect for that. But, as fas as my Ganzhou YGFS is concerned, he
does not know nothing, just a YGFS history book and YGFS General

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I am impressed of your Chinese Tradition of not
telling the Truth of what you learnt even it is in-correct or wrong-
doings, well it is healthy in Chinese Tradition but it is bad to
Fengshui Development and Fengshui Research, a responsible Fengshui
Master and a Serious Researcher will have to choose in between.

Tanning said: REPHRASE :
- Feng shui practitioner whom were follower of Chinese, Tradition,
though healthy in Chinese Tradition but are liar or hypocrite,
person : cause : not telling the truth to public, about their
incorrect or wrong doings.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: This is a personal attack statement, only people
like you would have said so, I would never have said so. Serious and
responsible in fengshui research and liar are two different things.

Tanning said:
- Feng shui practitioner whom were follower of Chinese
Tradition also making bad to Feng Shui Development and Feng Shui
- Because making bad to Feng Shui Development and Feng Shui
Researcher : can be regarded as non responsible and non Serious
researcher in field of Feng shui

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Yes, you got the point there.

This means, you also saying : YANG GONG your ancestor master whom his
name you use : whom founding father follow Chinese Tradition, anyone
whon follow Chinese Tradition making bad to Feng shui Development and
Feng Shui Researcher?????

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I do not know what you are talking about

Prof. Dr. Yang said: All of your long listing only tells me you love
Chinese History but you do not know how to do research, like I said
ealier If you would like to prove me wrong just like I proved my
ShiFu, Grandmaster Li Ding Xin's wrong or the Royal Fengshui Master of
Ming Dynasty's wrong, you must give relevent fengshui reasons and
supporting research.

TANING said:
a. Again and again : show your ignorance, as previous message
pointed me not understand Chinese history, NOW YOU POINTED ME DO NOT
searching carefully WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH, BUT proudly say me
don't have the knowledge to do research. FROM THIS POINT OF VIEW
b. I Tell you, me myself have write : 8 manual for teaching Feng
Shui & BA ZI both fundamental & Standar level, publish 3 books
already, also I have 6 times bring student to study LUAN TOU includes
going to Grave yard in Indonesia. CAN I QUALIFY : HAVING KNOWLEDGE AND

Prof. Dr. Yang said: No, from the point of you attacking my Case study
of Ming Changling Tomb.

Tanning said: c. HERE my POINT to show your weakness methodology in

Prof. Dr. Yang said: My case study is a standard way of doing research
in the higher Educational Research of Post Ph.D.

on : 1. Just based on Yu Che Jing and Tian Yu Jing classics which are
more formula based : as you wrote : got measurement Mu and Jue Water
Por Sheng. As describe by these 2 classics : descendant become idiot
and short life are very premature conclusion. This approach not
represent majority factors affecting feng shui result.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: This shows how ignorant of your Fengshui
Knowledge, let me analyse what you said as follows:-

You said: Just based on Yu Che Jing and Tian Yu Jing classics which
are more formula based : as you wrote : got measurement Mu and Jue
Water Por Sheng.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Fengshui does not have fixed formulars. Neither
Yu Che jing and Tian Yu Jing is Maths Books.

Tanning said: As describe by these 2 classics : descendant become
idiot and short life are very premature conclusion. This approach not
represent majority factors.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: These again show you are ignorance of fengshui,
When you do fengshui, the importance is Tian Di Ren. Our Yang Gong
Fengshui talks about the Big Taiji of Tian Di Ren's Harmony, from the
Big Tai Ji Harmony of Tian Di Ren, I found the wrong waters methods,
the Royal Master Liao Jun Jing made such as mistake in the Big Taiji
of Tian Di Ren, meaning to say other factors are all OK, just the
Water methods out of the all Factors, went wrong! The whole Heaven
(28 Constellation Stars, the Sun and the Moon's effect on the Tomb) is
OK, Earth (the Earth Plate and the Dragon Qi of 72 Dragons and 60
Dragons) is OK, Human factor (Renpan) is OK, out of the majority
factors only this Water method went wrong!

Taning said: 2. As Feng Shui people understand : determinant factor in
feng shui consist of : Timing (date selection), power of burial

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Maybe your fengshui is a smaller fengshui, my
Ganzhou YGFS do not have worry to whom, to when and to how, so long
the YGFS Formation is good and auspicious then it is auspicious
according to the 6 demands of fengshui, i.e. Cerrerrs, Children, Weath
and Prospoerity, Nobility, Long-life and Relationship.

Tanning said: Image of the Dragon and environment, Power of the dragon
(how strong the dragon), how strong the Embrace, The Incoming and
outgoing water (seen and unseen, while as your approach only see 2
possibility water, while the premise may have more than 2 incoming/
outgoing water that you may not understand or unaware), HOW IS YOUR
have you calculated or witnessed changed of magnetic reading at the
burial time, and your current measurement time : which are DIFFERENT,
cause long time period
maybe the also have change (just this point already eliminated your
conclusion), how strong your feng shui skill (i.e your understanding
of 24 mountain specific direction, DO YOU KNOW for each mountain must
have incoming and outgoing water), visible and invisible Sha QI. AS

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Your long listed explanation tells me that you
know your fengshui a little bit but you are not eligible and qualified
to teach students yet, why???

When Tanning said: Image of the Dragon and environment, Power of the
dragon (how strong the dragon), how strong the Embrace,

Prof. Dr. Yang said: You already mixed up the Internal Qi with the
External Qi, how could you use the same Pan (Plate) to audit both???

Tanning said: The Incoming and outgoing water (seen
and unseen, while as your approach only see 2 possibility water, while
the premise may have more than 2 incoming/outgoing water that you may
not understand or unaware),

Prof. Dr. Yang said: there are more than 2 out-going waters, that
shows your YGFS knowledge is Zero, how could you have 2 Watergate for
the same formation????

Tanning said: HOW IS YOUR LOPAN SKILL, where you put lo
pan, ALSO DO YOU MEASURE CORRECT OR NOT, have you calculated or
witnessed changed of magnetic reading at the burial time, and your
current measurement time : which are DIFFERENT, cause long time period
maybe the also have change (just this point already eliminated your

Prof. Dr. Yang said: How can YGFS's Dragon Xue Sitting changes
overtimes, I think you are joking. The changing of the Tomb Stone's
direction or the house foundation-layout does not mean the change of
Dragon Xue????

Tanning said: how strong your feng shui skill (i.e your understanding
24 mountain specific direction, DO YOU KNOW for each mountain must
have incoming and outgoing water), visible and invisible Sha QI. AS

Prof. Dr. Yang: Ha ha ha, there are 24 Mountains in the Chinese
Compass, you said each mountain must have in-coming and out-going
waters, ha ha ha so, at all time and everytime you will have 24 in-
coming waters and 24 out-going waters. Good on you, your maths is
100% your YGFS fengshui skills is Zero.

Tanning said: 3. As your way in replying comment, a lot of ignorant/
careless :
Not easy to comprehend all factor together, not too say how to do
deeper analysis the complexity.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I do not know waht are you talking about????

Tanning said: 4. The Most important feng shui burial site of Ming
Dynasty must
be the : Zhu Yuan Zhang father's grave, cause the ORIGIN that
inherit their descendant prospering how many generation.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Thank you very much for telling me. I know my
mother is a woman!

Tanning said: Emperor Yong Le Tomb doing by Great Master Liao Jun Jing
power are only A PATCH to strengthen the Ming Dynasty prosper a bit

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Did you ShiFu tells you or you came out from your
mouth??? What Classics says so??? I always tell my students, do not
listen to me but to read the Classics and to see Yang Gong's works.
People say things to suit themselves.

Tanning said: 5. Great Master Liao Jun Jing only do for the Yong Le,
it's impossible he done for all Yong Le descendant.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Well, you may have some points there, the Royal
Fengshui Master Liao Jun Jing's fengshui on Yongle (Changling) Tomb
has less power after sometimes but, it all depends the subsequent
Royal Fengshui Master awares of his mistake or not, to tell you the
truth, my Oral Secrets of identifying his problems, until now no
people knows about it except my students and my 2nd ShiFu.
II. My doubt about Great Master Liao Jun Jing doing
mistakes, the reason :

Tanning said: 1. As Tradisional or authentic feng shui practice : to
be accepted as disciple must pass the criteria : low profile, very
intelligent, filial, long year of training, caring, responsible for
his work therefore must be doing very accurate. Great Master Liao must
fit all this criteria, so he can inherit ancestor feng shui skill and
become the best feng shui master among others to qualify as royal Ming
Dynasty feng shui master

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Anyone makes mistake, these good traditions and
good charectors and personality of Great Grand Master Liao Jun Jing
does not prevent him from making mistakes. He is not Yang Gong,
ofcourse he made mistake too. Your point is not subjective, it is a
pre-assumed thinking that he should not have made mistake. Many good
fengshui master in the World and in China could make the same mistakes
because they do not have the Oral Secrets to deal with this Ming Tomb
of Changling. That is why, I have attached the Chinese websites and
blogs heavily discussed about this case, but no body could tell
why???? about the Mayor's my ShiFu's Case and Great Grandmaster Liao
Jun Jing's case no body in the Chinese and Western World know the
reasons why???

Tanning said: 2. As seeing the list and year of reigning : analyis of
the deaths of the kings who followed are as follows:
1. Emperor Renzong died 1425 at age 47. ( 1 year reign)
2. Emperor Xuanzong died 1435 at age 37 (10 year reign)
3. Emperor Yingzong died 1464 at age 37. (14 + 7 year reign)
4. Emperor Xianzong died 1487 at age 40. (23 year reign)
5. Emperor Xiaozong died 1505 at age 35. (18 year reign)
6. Emperor Wuzong died 1521 at age of 30. (16 year reign)
7. Emperor Shizong died 1566 at age of 59 (46 year reign)
8. Emperor Muzong died 1572 at age of 35. (5-6 year reign)
9. Emperor Shenzong died 1620 at age of 57 .(48 year reign)
10. Emperor Guangzong died 1620 at age of 57 = correction age 38 (1
year reign)
11. Emperor Xizong died 1627 at age of 22 (7+ year reign)
12. Emperor Sizong died 1644 at age of 34. (17 year reign)
Are the best (besides Qing dynasty) compare with other Dynasty King in
China as information.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: you have only chosen the Kingdoms in your favour
but you purposesly left-out Kingdoms and Emperors of Qing Dynasty
which destroys your arguments.

Tanning said: 3. Let's say objectively comparing with studying
history : a Dynasty had reign 276 year was consider very good feng
shui. Yong Le Grave feng shui done by Great Master Liao can patch
Ancestor Feng Shuitill 219 year (1425-1644) are very excellent feng
shui. Other wise Ming dynasty must be collapsed earlier.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: You did not study my research-finding well, just
that the wrong Li (Compass) Fa of Water Method which produced
incapable and short life Emperors and some termination of thier
Children Lines. The Royal Fengshui Master Liao Jun Jing sat Gui
Mountain of 72 Dragon of the auspicious Jewels Line of Ding Chou Water
60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di to take 72 Dragon of Gui Mountain as a base
to audit the 60 Jia Zi Dragon, to co-ordinate with Ji Chou Metal 60
Jia Zi Expansion and Contraction Dragons which is auspicious, at the
same time also it is auspicious to sit 28
Constellation Star of Maiden (Nu) Saturn Bat of 4 to 7 auspicious
Degrees. It is only sitting Gui Mountain Ding Facing to be on the
auspicious Jewels Line of Ding Chou Water 60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di in
relation to 72 Dragon's of gui Mountain, and at the same times, the
Gen Dragon in-coming matches with 28 Constellation for Tou Jupiter
Star 1 Degrees of Unicorn of Fire Element to be countered by 60 Jia Zi
Dragon Ding Chou Water Dragon Ru
Shou Tou Di as a base to produce Money/ Wealth with auspicious Yao as
well to prosper first and noble later for many hundreds of years of
Ming Dynasty’s Kingdom. It is only because of sitting the right 72
Dragon in relations to the 60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di, 60 Jia Zi
Expansion and Contraction Dragons and 28 Constellation Star and the
right Xing Shi (Form & Contour) Fa
of the Dragons and Waters, the Ming Dynasty could enjoy a Kingdom of
lasting 277 Years;

Tanning said: Now compared with nowadays :
President or dictator : how many year they reign????. Example ex
Malaysia PM Datuk Badawi people say very weak government, United
President George Bush Jr though reign 8 years but make American
reputation worse, most of the world dislike USA, the list go on.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Why did you bring all these people in??? They
have got nothing to do with our YGFS Formation because I have not
studied their YGFS neither have you to prove my Ming Tomb is in-

Tanning Said: 4. Ming Dynasty King though become emperor at very young
age, can maintain their power so many years in big country like
Chinese, are noteasy, this means though they are stupid, cause
inherited good feng shui
that make them not lost their Kingdom. Now look at our modern
society : why a lot of stupid guy can got a good income and prestise
job, company with a professor, or more intelligent person. While talk
about skill or personal power or academic cannot match with
intelligent person.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Oh God, what kind of these fengshui
reasonings??? Is it you called yourself Real YGFS??? My Ganzhou YGFS
analysed that the Royal Fengshui Master Liao Jun Jing sat Gui Mountain
of 72 Dragon of the auspicious Jewels Line of Ding Chou Water 60 Jia
Zi Dragons Tou Di to take 72 Dragon of Gui Mountain as a base to audit
the 60 Jia Zi Dragon, to co-ordinate with Ji Chou Metal 60 Jia Zi
Expansion and Contraction Dragons which is auspicious, at the same
time also it is auspicious to sit 28 Constellation Star of Maiden (Nu)
Saturn Bat of 4 to 7 auspicious
Degrees. It is only sitting Gui Mountain Ding Facing to be on the
auspicious Jewels Line of Ding Chou Water 60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di in
relation to 72 Dragon's of gui Mountain, and at the same times, the
Gen Dragon in-coming matches with 28 Constellation for Tou Jupiter
Star 1 Degrees of Unicorn of Fire Element to be countered by 60 Jia Zi
Dragon Ding Chou Water Dragon Ru
Shou Tou Di as a base to produce Money/ Wealth with auspicious Yao as
well to prosper first and noble later for many hundreds of years of
Ming Dynasty’s Kingdom. It is only because of sitting the right 72
Dragon in relations to the 60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di, 60 Jia Zi
Expansion and Contraction Dragons and 28 Constellation Star and the
right Xing Shi (Form & Contour) Fa
of the Dragons and Waters, the Ming Dynasty could enjoy a Kingdom of
lasting 277 Years;

Prof. Dr. Yang said:This is only 1 page of the research for the Case
Study of Liao Jun Jing, I have another 19 pages did not post up
because you are not my students http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_66d662740100xl51.html

Tanning said: Now compared with now WHY some of the EMPEROR stupid :
refer back not only influence by feng shui formula, STILL depend also
FORM / LUAN TOU, ancestor KARMA etc

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Ha ha ha, now you accused the Royal Fengshui
Master Liao Jun Jing did not choose the Land-form, accusing Liao Jun
Jing did not know Luan Tou, ha ha ha you do even know what are you
talking about, first to accuse me of damaging his name, now you
yourself damaging his name, why?????

Prof. Dr. Yang said: That is why, I said you are ignorance of YGFS,
the Ming Tombs is good and perfect for his Landform, Luan Tou, Xing
Fa, Shi Fa, Internal Qi, External Qi (Moon Qi, Sun Qi and Stars Qi),
Dragon Qi, Yin Yang harmony of all asperts are good, the only problem
is his Water method because he did not have the Oral Secret from Yang

Tanning said: 5. IN TERMS of saying : IDIOT and SHORT LIFE
A. IDIOT emperor : better say STUPID EMPEROR . cause if Emperor IDIOT
cannot think, cannot read, even cannot speak, and cannot enjoy sex to
have descendant. As we learn history only 1 emperor don't have
descendant.B. SHORT LIFE emperor : already have other dynasty King as
comparison. This Ming dynasty King averagely longer life

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Please do not mis-lead others again and again by
using disctionary, we are here to learn Fengshui and to share
Fengshui, not to be a Scholar of some Kind.

Tanning said: C. In Ba Zi terms, as the King, whom got bad advisor
means petty people : easily made bad decision, so he regarded as
stupid emperor, more only
know enjoy pleasure. The other side King got good advisor means NOBLE
PEOPLE : regarded as Wise King. In China history apply to all Emperor.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Since when, Yang Gong had become a Bazi Expert or
Fortune Teller?????

Tanning said: Other points already in msg #29710 In your case, you
randomly give me datas of your favour to prove me wrong is not
accepted in the research method, and if I were stupid enough to take
in in, there comes other problem whch do not fit as follows:-

Prof. Dr. Yang said: I commented 3 things in my article resulted by Mu
and Jue Water Por
Sheng as per Tian Yu Jing and Yu Che Jing as follows:-

1. Idiot Emperors -- resulted by Mu and jue Waters as per Yu Che Jing,
these 12 Emperors last 277 years, did you know how many years they had
chaired their Kingdom, I did not counted but my attached blogs, some
bodies counted for me, out of 277 years only 140 years they dis-appear
from the Kingdom meeting.

2. Idiot Emperors -- resulted by Mu and jue Waters as per Yu Che Jing,
just to study the Chinese History, what these Emperors had done during
they life in command as an Emperor, you would be surprised, only Idiot
would have done that.

3. Termination of ther Children Line resulted by Por Chang Shen as per
Yu Che Jing, , many of them after they died, no Children to carry
on,their brothers have to take over.

4. Short-life resulted by Mu and jue Waters as per Yu Che Jing.

None of your above-mentioned long listing has even touched on the
facts and research-findings to prove me wrong!

What you did is just to give me a briefing on the Chinese History as
mentioned below, of diffent Dyansty which are irre-levent and not
accepted in my research, nothing just a waste of times reading them.


Thank you very much, I know my Father is a Man.

Tanning said: Summary : your conclusion about your claim prove : Great
Master Liao Jun Qing (not Liao Jin Jing), make mistakes, still very
premature, therefore cannot accepted.

Prof. Dr. Yang said: Let the Members in the Forum to understand us; to
support you are as the Real YGFS Master while I am the Fake YGFS

Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Yang

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