independent variable and the resultant effect is long life,

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Dec 6, 2011, 10:31:35 AM12/6/11
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui
Dear HC,

You said: Take one of KV Yang's claims for example: that if we can use
one of his special rings, then the six Feng Shui demands, say long
life, can be achieved. The special ring he uses is the cause and is
called the independent variable and the resultant effect is long life,
with the people involved being the dependent variables.

Please take note that each of the rings has their fengshui to improve
the Long-life demanded in our 6 Feng Shui demands, for example:
Heavenly Pillars Mountains are good in Dipan (Earthplate), thus the
Earth Qi brings Long-life Fengshui to you, therefore there are about
10 rings convering from Ba Gua Ring, ...... to the last ring of 28
Constellation, each contribute to Long-life Fengshui.

The 2nd thing HC said was incorrect is that the whichever Ring I am
using is not the Cause, it is just a Tool that I use! The cause of
being Short-Life which destroys the Long-life Fengshui is something
else. it maybe anything or of certain thing in our surrounding such as
i.e. the wrong Por Changshen Watergate mentioned in my Changling Tomb
Case Study, so in this Case the wrong Li Fa of Watergate is the Cause
to destroy the Long-life Fengshui of the Emperors. Having identified
the bad cause, I could use my YGFS method to fix the Watergate, once
fixed, the bad cause became a good couse, at the same time, I would
apply more fengshui increase the Long-life Fengshui by other 10 rings
thus in future, the Emperors would definately be Life-life.

You said: How can a researcher ensure that the dependent variables are
kept constant? Everyone's genetic make-up is different and they have
different living conditions and host of other things that cannot be
manipulated into a constant set for the experimental result to make

My answer: as far as Fengshui is concerned, the dependent variables
are kept constant under the big Taiji of the Universe, but pre-
requirement that you must use big Taiji Fengshui, such as our Ganzhou
YGFS, that is why, after we have applied Ganzhou Yang Gong Fengshui,
if you did it right, regardless of their genetic make-up, or thier
different living conditions and host of other things, provided they
live into our YGFS Formation, they will be blessed with the good
fengshui of our YGFS Formation however, certainly people on certain
age and clssification will get benefit first than the others, but this
can be predicted by YGFS Master anyway, so not a problem!

You said: besides the effects cannot be observed in a reasonable time
frame to be practical. So it would be just a waste of time.

This is not true, in my previous case study of Ming 13 Tombs of
Changling, the effects of Short-life Fengshui of all the 12 Emperors
resulted from the wrong Waters Methods of YGFS Formation is 100%
observed, ofcourse with a reasonable time-frame for the 12 Emperors.

There is no doubt about it that Great Grand Master Liao Jin Jing of
Ming Dynasty made the mistake in Yang Gong Fengshui's Li Fa of wrong
waters method to cause the Por Changshen's effects to result all the
subsequence 12 Emperors short-life and many of whom were forced to
pass their Royalship Throne to their borthers because of termination
of thier Children Lines as per the Yu Che Jing which states: Por
Changshen Effects will have no Children in the worse-case. While also
the wrong waters method to have Mu and Jue Waters will bring Idiot Son
or handicaped Sons as per Yu Che Jing.

Best wishes,

Prof. Dr. Yang

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