Attacks of Ganzhou Yang Gong Fengshui for Ming 13 Royal Tombs of Changling

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Nov 30, 2011, 2:37:01 AM11/30/11
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui
A few Non-Chinese enrolled to learn Ganzhou Yang Jiu Pin Fengshui
Course from me in November, so I brought them to study and research
some Yin Yang Zhai in Ganzhou done by Yang Gong himself back 1200
years in Tang Dynasty only then I brought them to study and research
Ming 13 Royal Tombs in Beijing.

While Ming 13 Royal Tombs is not only the China Culture Heritage, but
also one of the World Culture Heritage, as such no one could deny the
contribution of the Royal Fengshui Grandmaster Liao Jin Jing of
Ganzhou, San Liao Village who created it by applying Ganzhou Yang Gong
Fengshui. However, there are also some bad comments and criticisms in
the internet attacking his Ming Changling Royal Tomb such as: all of
the Emperors and Kings produced after the bury of Ming Changling Royal
Tomb were Idiots and Short-life Emperors. as follows: and more of them to go if
you wanted to go through all of them, but none of them really have
outlined the reasons why that caused the Ming Changling Royal Tomb to
produce Idiots and Short-life Emperors. So, comments and attacks like
these without any given reasons and research-findings seem to be abit
unfair to a very famous Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty, Grear
Grandmaster Liao Jin Jing from Ganzhou, San Liao Village. As a Ganzhou
Yang Gong Fengshui Master, myself I do have the responsibility to find
out the truth of Ming Changling Royal Tomb as per my Research Findings
of Changling Tomb to defend for him is follows:

While the Dragon Qi is effected by the Earth to use Dipan (Earth
Plate) and the Ring of 72 Dragons to audit the Dragon Qi; the Human
Lucks is effected by the Moon to use Renplan (Human Plate) to audit
the Human Lucks. Likewise, the External Qi is effected by the Sun to
use the Heaven Plate (Tianpan) to audit and lastly the forms and
contours of Mountains and Waters are effected both by the Moon and 28
Constellation Stars to consider.

This Changling Tomb designed and constructed by the Royal Fengshui
Master of Ming Dynasty Yong Le, Great Grandmaster Liao Jin Jing to sit
Da Kong Wang Dragon Xue Sitting of Gui Mountain and Ding Facing was
claimed as a Jiang Hu Master by my ShiFu Great Grand Master Li Ding
Xin, because Grand Master Li¡¯s YGFS teaching were never to sit Dragon
Xue Da Kong Wang. According to Grand Master Li Dingxin, Dragon Xue
Sitting Da Kong Wang is very in-auspicious with Good Luck diminishes
from one generation to another.

However, from many researches of Yang Gong¡¯s Fengshui Works done by
Yang Jiu Pin (Yang Gong) himself back in his old times of Tang Dynasty
in Ganzhou, in many occasions, Yang Jiu Pin (Yang Gong) did Xue
sitting Da Kong Wang (ofwhich, I brought my Non-Chinese Student to see
for themselves).

One of the many reasons, my ShiFu Great Grand Master Li Ding Xin falls
out with Ganzhou San Liao Fengshui Masters was that Grand Master Li
commented Great Grand Master Liao Jin Jing of Ganzhou, San Liao
Village as Jiang Hu Master because the Royal Fengshui Master Liao made
Changling Tomb as Da Kong Wang Xue sitting Gui Mountain. Because of
that, my ShiFu Great Grand Master Li Ding Xin never brought us to
fengshui research San Liao Village nor did he bring any of his
students dicisples to research the Ming 13 Tombs.

In this case, my ShiFu Great Grand Master Li Ding Xin was wrong to
accuse the Ganzhou San Liao Royal Fengshui Master Liao Jin Jing for
making Ming Dynasty Changling Tomb¡¯s Xue Sitting Gui Mountain Da Kong
Wang as Jiang Hu Master because I have seen many of Yang Gong¡¯s
fengshui works of sitting Da Kong Wang which turned out to be very
auspicious. In this case, Ming Dynasty Changling Tomb¡¯s Xue Sitting
Gui Mountain and Ding Facing of Da Kong Wang is correctly done because
of its Dragon Mai Qi coming all the way from its Great Grand Ancestor
Dragon of Kun Lun to Tian Shou Dragon rushing in as thousand horses
from the Heaven£¬ it is too strong of its Dragon Qi to sit in line
(Dragon¡¯s Vein) of the in-coming Dragon¡£

As the Da Kong Wang Xue sitting of Gui Mountain and Ding Facing always
comes with finishing Qi of Zi Mountian and Initial Qi of Hai Mountain,
thus the Sheng Qi is very weak with Zero Dragon Qi, therefore sitting
the Da Kong Wang Xue of Gui Mountain and Ding Facing will harmonized
the heavy in-coming Dragon Qi all the way from its Great Grand
Ancestor Dragon of Kun Lun a few thousand miles running to Tian Shou
Dragon rushing in as thousand Horses from the Heaven.

Although the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty Yong Le, Great
GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing correctly sitted Da Kong Wang Dragon Xue
Sitting of Gui Mountain and Ding Facing, he made the same mistake of
my Shifu Great Grandmaster Li Ding Xin did in many of his works that
was to equal Earth Dragon Xue to Water Dragon. For example, one of my
ShiFu¡¯s work that he is proud of, ofwhich he used to bring us to
research as the teaching sample, the Grave of a Vice Mayor¡¯s father
which he did in year 2003
, where the Grave is Bing Xu Earth Dragon Xue sitting of Xu Mountain
Chen Facing, was wrongly regarded Bing Xu Earth Dragon as Water
Dragon, as a result it became Chong Guan Por Wang£»this Mr. Li Ding
Xin¡¯s case has been many discussions internet as above-mentioned, but
no body managed to identify the actual problems of Chong Guan Por Wang
which caused a handicapped child was born in the year of Xu (Dog)
while the Vice Mayor lost his Mayorship in the year of Hai (Pig), the
prediction matched with the year of happening and event that occurred
(lost of Mayorship and a handicapped child was born).

I truly believe that everyone makes mistake, the samething goes to me!
After-all, the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty Yong Le, Great
GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing whom correctly sitted Da Kong Wang Dragon
Xue of Gui Mountain and Ding Facing, he was not like Yang Gong, he was
just like an ordinary man like us, who could make mistake too! I
sincerely believe, except Yang Gong anyone makes mistake, so it is not
surprising to find that the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty Yong
Le, Great GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing did a very good job for Xing
(Form) Fa, Shi (Contour) Fa of choosing here to build Changling Tomb,
but made a mistake in Li (Compass) Fa by equalling Da Kong Wang of
Earth Element as Water Element to have wrongly received Lin Guan
instead of Chang Sheng Water (Shen Sector), Aging Water instead of
Guan Dai (Xu Sector), Sickness Water instead of Lin Guan Water (Hai
Sector) and Death Water instead of Diwang Water (Ren Sector).

Everyone who knows Yang Gong Fengshui well-enough to see the Changling
Tomb¡¯s surrounding Mountains and Waters with its direction of waters
running to the Watergates, will definitely to design Changling¡¯s Tomb
to have sitted Water Formation, for the same reason, the Royal
Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty Yong Le, Great GrandMaster Liao Jin
Jing did the same as well because only Water Formation will give the
best results.

Why did the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty Yong Le, Great
GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing made such as mistake??? Generally speaking,
Earth Element can be termed as Water Element most of the times; only
with certain exception, Da Kong Wang with certain Landform is one of
them, which does not equal Earth Element to Water Element. Actually,
it was the same person, the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty Yong
Le, Great GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing to do the Beijing Imperial City
where the Beijing Imperial City¡¯s Dragon Xue sitting was Geng Zi
Earth Dragon correctly regarded as Water Dragon in this case, which
turns out to be very auspicious
I am confident to comment his mistake because I have got ancestral
books from my Grandfather which tells exactly how Earth Dragon does
not equal to Water Dragon in this case.

Likewise, I have got ancestral books from my Grandfather which tells
exactly how Da Kong Wang can be sitted. From my 2nd ShiFu of Ganzhou
whom pass the Yu Han Jing Classics onto me, he also brought me to see
some of the Yang Gong¡¯s Yin Yang Zhai sitting Da Kong Wang where my
1st ShiFu Great Grand Master Li Ding wont know how to do it! At the
same times, the history of Ming Dynasty for the rest of Emperors after
the Royal Bury of Changling Tomb, suggesting that it produced idiot
and stubborn Emperors who did not chair the Kingdom most of the times
and also short-life after the fengshui done by Changlin.

As shown by the Diagram below, all of the Emperors died at young age.
The analyis of the deaths of the kings who followed are as follows:
1. Emperor Renzong died 1425 at age 47.
2. Emperor Xuanzong died 1435 at age 37
3. Emperor Yingzong died 1464 at age 37.
4. Emperor Xianzong died 1487 at age 40.
5. Emperor Xiaozong died 1505 at age 35.
6. Emperor Wuzong died 1521 at age of 30.
7. Emperor Shizong died 1566 at age of 59
8. Emperor Muzong died 1572 at age of 35.
9. Emperor Shenzong died 1620 at age of 57 .
10. Emperor Guangzong died 1620 at age of 57
11. Emperor Xizong died 1627 at age of 22
12. Emperor Sizong died 1644 at age of 34.

According to my ancestor book: Changling Tomb sitting Gui Mountain
Ding Facing has to be regarded as Metal Formation, not as Water
Formation reckoned by the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty Yong
Le, Great GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing. In which case, in-coming waters
of 65 degree: Yin is Jue (Termination) Water, 359 degree of Ren is
DEATH, 33 degree of Chou is MU which produce Idiot Children as per
Yang Gong¡¯s Classic: Yu Che Jing. Watergate going-out via 238 degree
of Kun ( Por Chang Sheng) will kill Children at young age.

Further proven by Yang Gong¡¯s Classics that: if Changling Tomb¡¯s Gui
Mountain Ding Facing reckoned by the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming
Dynasty Yong Le, Great GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing as Water Formation
was there to be accurate, then by receiving Chang Sheng Water (Shen
Sector) and Guan Dai (Xu Sector) going out to Jue Watergate, clever
and capable Emperors will be born instead of Idiot Emperors as per Yu
Che Jing Classic while Lin Guan Water (Hai Sector) and Diwang Water
(Ren Sector) going out to Jue Watergate, will enjoy long-time
properity (Long-life enjoyment) instead of short life Emperors as per
Yu Che Jing Classic as these are the perfect 4 External Formation of

It could be another reason why the Royal Fengshui Master of Ming
Dynasty Yong Le, Great GrandMaster Liao Jin Jing reckoned Da Kong Wang
Gui Mountain Ding Facing as Water Formation, because Gui Mountain can
mean Water Mountain too in 24 Mountains¡¯ analysis, which is in-
correct as far as 72 Dragons are concerned as per my ancestral books!

Apart from the reason that: the Da Kong Wang Xue sitting of Gui
Mountain and Ding Facing always comes with finishing Qi of Zi Mountian
and Initial Qi of Hai Mountain of Zero Dragon Qi, he sat Gui Mountain
of 72 Dragon could have been, because of the auspicious Jewels Line of
Ding Chou Water 60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di to take 72 Dragon of Gui
Mountain as a base to audit the 60 Jia Zi Dragon, to co-ordinate with
Ji Chou Metal 60 Jia Zi Expansion and Contraction Dragons which is
auspicious, at the same time also it is auspicious to sit 28
Constellation Star of Maiden (Nu) Saturn Bat of 4 to 7 auspicious
Degrees. It is only sitting Gui Mountain Ding Facing to be on the
auspicious Jewels Line of Ding Chou Water 60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di in
relation to 72 Dragon's of gui Mountain, others degrees will be Kong
Wang and Cha Chor Disasters Lines.

At the same times, the Gen Dragon in-coming matches with 28
Constellation for Tou Jupiter Star 1 Degrees of Unicorn of Fire
Element to be countered by 60 Jia Zi Dragon Ding Chou Water Dragon Ru
Shou Tou Di as a base to produce Money/ Wealth with auspicious Yao as
well to prosper first and noble later for many hundreds of years of
Ming Dynasty’s Kingdom.

It is only because of sitting the right 72 Dragon in relations to the
60 Jia Zi Dragons Tou Di, 60 Jia Zi Expansion and Contraction Dragons
and 28 Constellation Star and the right Xing Shi (Form & Contour) Fa
of the Dragons and Waters, the Ming Dynasty could enjoy a Kingdom of
lasting 277 Years; just that the wrong Li (Compass) Fa of Water Method
which produced incapable and short life Emperors.

Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Yang

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