What is the proper way of promoting YGFS????

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Dec 14, 2011, 1:08:43 AM12/14/11
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui
You said: Prof,,, I think you misunderstanding again what I mean....
My english not so good - so were you.. that's why we misunderstanding
each other.... hope i may give you more clearly....


You said: all in universe is dual aspect - yin yang aspect... what
ever you lies on in front you must has 2 aspect yin yang,,,, good and
bad... I think you must agree this..

No, You have wrongly mis-understood Yin Yang. Yin Yang means 2
opposite types of Qi, but this does not equal to 2 aspects of good and
evil??? Why comes to YGFS Yin Yang, both YGFS Yin and Yang Qi are
good, there are no negatives in YGFS Yin Yang.

You said: it means every fengshui aspect also have yin yang aspect....
if you said sitting on xue is very good aspect... so my questions what
is the bad aspect????

Sitting on the Right Dragon Xue always good, there is no bad aspects
of it, the only bad thing is people did not have the full oral secrets
of YGFS sitting on the wrong Dragon Xue.

You said: if you said good sector in Diwang... what is the bad aspect
in diwang,,,???

Well, now you are making abit sense because even though reciving
Diwang Waters is always good but, you must forgo others good things,
because once Diwang (prosperity) has been chosen, you may have to give
up others, you can not have both as per Yu Che Jing. That again does
not mean bad aspects!!!

You said: the question also come to all 12 changsen... if Mu is bad
sector --- what is the good one???

I do not see any good thing to come if you recieve Mu (Grave) Water.

You said: 2. deeper questions if Mu is bad... bad for what ????

Please go and read Yu Che Jing again!

You said: who is dweller get effect - father- mother-oldest son-oldest
daughter-etc ???? what is the bad aspect for dweller - sick-poor-not
harmony-no kids - lost parent-stupid -law issue etc... and when it
will happend??

If one has learned well Ganzhou YGFS, this is not a qeuation, very
easy to understand and apply.

You said: 3. Deepest questions ----if you do audit in such kind of
house -- can you prepare the remedy..?????

Yes, not a problem, Mr. Li Ding Xin's YGFS can not do remities, but my
Ganzhou YGFS can do remedies!

Your Question: for all fengshui formula created to dweller..dweller
will get the bad or good effect . without the dweller all the formula
is nothing...so can you give me some sample in your case or yr client
---appreciate what you have research so far and spend yr time and
energy... pls tell me the bad side of the fengshui formula... because
must be in yin yang aspect

Please go through my recent research and case studies from 2009 to
now, you shoudl be able to find your answers to your questions!!!
Before that, I was under the bad influence of my ShiFu to be mislead,
very little of the postings in eary days of 2007 and 2008 might be
needed updated.

You said: remember proffesor - really appreciated what you have
written in CA or other milist... but just to remind you -- how many
members really understand what is the concept of yanggong, dragon spot
or poor changsen, left turning, right turning.etc ... looks like "
give salt to sea" do they need sophisticated report????

Too bad, my YGFS report will give them the 2nd thaught of what really
fengshui is???? Why a Royal Fengshui Master of Ming Dynasty still
made mistake??? Why Prof. Dr. Yang became somebody so-sharp and
professional Ganzhou YGFS to point out the mistake of his own ShiFu
and Ming Dynasty Fengshui Guo Shi within a short times??? Why Mr. Li
Ding Xin has not responded to his Challanges??? Why Mr. Li Ding Xin
can not answer to Prof. Dr. Yang's letters of pointing out so many

Then they will start to think. Moreover, why Mr. Li Ding Xin's
relatives and friends damaged Prof. Dr. Yang's names by saying alots
of bad mouths such as his Fudan Post Doctor in Applied Ecomnomics is
Fake, that he did not teach well and did not do well... why Prof. Dr.
Yang's name is mentioned??? That they will start to think!!!

You said: that no body able ...do they believe you ???? why don't you
give them a simple understanding about all this...

They do not have to believe... one those who discover how good I have
been through reading my posting, they came, even it is 20,000USD. So
far I have got a few who paid and came!!! If they want to be a good
Fengshui Master, they must learn difficult topics of fengshui. In the
ancient times of China, people had to read many many old classics to
qualify as a Fengshui Master because no one like Prof. Dr. Yang who is
so Jeneraous and big-hearted to give away so much YGFS internet on CA
and Blogs.

Your said: what is yanggong in purpose, why yanggong , what do you
mean poor changsem, left and right turning, in simple and elegant way
but not open the secret..create their need and desire to learn from

If they read my blogs fully, I am sure they do not have to come to
learn from me to become a YGFS Master. The problem is some might be
too proud or too lazy to read throu!

You said: do you think you need to expose to the world - that you are
the one in the world dare to challenge yr own sifu - li ding xin ????
is it good manner ????

I would not have done that, if Mr. Li Ding Xin did not openly accused
me Liar, cheater, suing me in Court then he lost the court case and
paid the court charges, he gets many relatives of him telling all kind
of bad mouths in the net and websites to damage my good names, if
someone wants me dead and finished me in the industry of fengshui,
will you fight-back or not????? In Chinese Tradition, it is always to
treat ShiFu like a father, but this ShiFu took a knife to kill at the
back, do you still regard him as father and stand-still to allow him
to kill without any defence? Moreover, I did not bad mouth him, only
on the YGFS matters never on his personals; there are many bad things
of him internet, if you were to type his name in chinese, you would
see, but I refused to say anything like that because these are
personal attacks, what I do is only to tell the issues of his Ganzhou
YGFS fengshui which is wrong and mis-leading, I think this is very
healthy in the Ganzhou YGFS R & D.

Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Yang


Dec 14, 2011, 1:08:40 AM12/14/11
to Ganzhou Yu Che Tang, Malaysia Yang Gong Fengshui
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