Fw: Membership Monday: MACRC Mag: Read it Online ... and Improving Gender Equity

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Gregory A . Butler

Oct 21, 2024, 10:07:35 PM10/21/24
to gan...@googlegroups.com

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From: Mid America Carpenters Regional Council <in...@carpentersunion.org>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2024 at 01:15:43 PM EDT
Subject: Membership Monday: MACRC Mag: Read it Online ... and Improving Gender Equity

Oct. 21, 2024

Around the Council

The latest issue of the MACRC magazine is online now. Find out what we're up to, who we're supporting in this year's elections, and how we're building up communities across Mid-America where we live and work.

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- Decision Time-

Where do the presidential candidates stand on issues that matter most to skilled tradesmen and women? Who supports our right to organize and flex our union muscle in securing more jobs and fair pay? It's time to learn the facts and find out who stands with us. (Scroll down to our In the News section to read about a GOP proposal the could start taxing your union benefits.)

Click Here

- We Have a Winner! -

Angel Vasquez (Local 1) is our first member to complete the Apprentice Cub Club incentive program. By finishing the final "Educator" level, Angel will have his dues paid for one year! He also recently journeyed out and was recognized at this month's Apprentice Graduation by EST Kevin McLaughlin. We encourage all apprentices to stay active in Cub Club so you too can reach the incentive milestones. Congrats Angel, and keep up the good work!

- VIP Friends -

The MACRC was proud to host the Illinois Women's Institute for Leadership Training Academy honoring Sen. Tammy Duckworth at our Chicago office. Thank you Senator for your military service, your leadership and unwavering support of working families. And thanks for taking the time to meet with our leadership and Sisters!

- On the Air -

Great job by MACRC President Joel Pogose, Director of Diversity Jonathan Jones, and Training Director Craig Triplett on a live union labor panel hosted by WCPT 820 - Chicago's Progressive Talk. They discussed tax fraud, apprenticeship standards, and diversity in the building trades. It was a lively discussion and we look forward to doing it again!

- Expanded Campus -

St. Charles Community College is expanding in Wentzville, MO. Union Carpenters with River City Construction, TJ Wies, Titan and Next Level are building this $32 million campus to boost classes in welding, robotics, HVAC and nursing – some of the most in-demand fields in the years ahead.

...and in Springfield, MO this $80 million revamp is underway at Missouri State. The university’s 53-year-old science building (formerly Temple Hall) is being renamed for longtime U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt. Along with the name change, the building is getting a state-of-the-art renovation and 77,000-square-foot addition. Our members are performing all scopes of skilled craftwork with Performance Contracting, Niehaus Construction, AME Constructors, Carson-Mitchel Construction and Flooring Systems, Inc.

Improving Gender Equity in the Trades


GOP Wants to Tax Your Benefits


Helping Hands: Several MACRC Sisters recently participated in the 2024 Women Build DuPage Habitat for Humanity project. This volunteer effort helps raise money for our communities and provides an opportunity for women in the trades to show off their skills. Great work Sisters!

Longtimers: Several Local 1693 Millwrights were recognized at a recent service pin party. Special shout out to Brother Carl Holtz (pictured with Rep. Nate Hodgson) on earning his 55-year service pin…and over in Local 92, Gerald Breeden received congratulations from Reps. Phil Hancock and Ray Schwegmann for a remarkable 65 years of service. Thank you all for your many years of Brotherhood!

Health Fair Fun

The MACRC put on a mini health fair recently in Cape Girardeau, MO. Members and their families received free health screenings and got to enjoy food, games, and prizes. These health fairs are a great perk for all MACRC members and we thank all who attended and worked our fairs this year. See you at the next one!

Preparing the Best: St. Louis flooring apprentices in their 5th term or higher are required to complete weeklong course that includes the INSTALL Substrate Preparation certification, along with ICRA certification, enabling apprentices to earn both credentials simultaneously. Those who meet the course requirements gain two valuable certifications and help keep our Union Carpenters the best trained, most prepared in the industry.

Stop By: The Builders Fall Home Show in Fenton, MO (Nov. 2 & 3) offers free admission + parking with an opportunity to see, learn about and buy the latest home improvement products and services in a convenient, easy-to-get-to location. We’ll be there, so stop by our booth…don’t miss it!

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Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council | 12 East Erie Street | Chicago, IL 60611 US

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