Re: what if I don't want my PCs to have a ship?

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Abrigon Gusiq

Feb 8, 2011, 5:34:29 PM2/8/11
Singular ship is a nice way to deal with PCs, but yes, not always realistic.
I like the ones where trhe ship is the adventure.. You know your on a ship, or you do not?
Why in Traveller, you had military surplus or more like you find it on some planet, a left over from the last war, but now what?
End of the Federation/Empire or like.. Old bone yards and more? Civlian ships are not well armed if at all? Speed and all, why Han Solo had a old light cruiser?
I wonder if one option for the depression we seem to be in, is to expand into space and more than just ... nope but ... Expansion is not the first time, that a nation has "solved" their financial and population problems. Got to many homeless, start a war, kill them off and move on? See WW2 and Hitler, way to many veterans who was often unemployed and some even armed, FreiKorps they was called, often little more than gangs..  Now if you give them a ship and ... a star to steer by? Not likely to be much, unless you have some idea something is there?
Star Ship Trooper, how did the war star? Or it was paranoa or arachnaphobia/xenophobia?
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter G
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: [world-create] what if I don't want my PCs to have a ship?

A number of easy ones.
1 - Interstellar ships are very expensive, and there are no small ships. In modern dollars think $30 million to buy, plus $15,000 a day to operate.  The PCs can't get one without a business plan and such.  That puts them out of the adventuring business.  Military ships are at least 10 times more expensive, and 10 times more expensive to operate and are under fairly tight control.  I'd offer this as an option to the PCs, but with the restriction that "adventures" will be rare and far between. Yeah, real life time passes instantly, but their characters will age 5 to 10 years between each adventure.
Small ships are not built because they are not cost efficient to operate as cargo vessels. IF they want a smaller ship, they'd have to design it from scratch and that will take 3 to 5 years and still cost the equivilent of $15 million dollars; and no chance of financing.
2 - Operating a ship requires fairly extensive training. They will have to have licenses which take time to get & advance. Or it requires fairly high military rank to be in charge of one.
3 - Interstellar travel is fairly common, and travel by starship is not all that expensive or inconvient. Why would anybody but a Bill Gates buy the equivilent of a 747 to carry 5 people? And there really isn't anything smaller to buy.

--- On Mon, 2/16/09, Lxndr <> wrote:
Almost every single interplanetary or interstellar RPG out there seems 
to assume the PCs have their own ship (either Star Trek style, where 
they have more-or-less autonomous control over the ship, but are subject 
to orders; or Firefly/Farscape style, where they pretty much own the 
ship). This setup is kind of annoying to me, as it kind of gives the PCs 
carte blanche to head almost anywhere they want.

I'd like a setup closer to... well, our own world, with how airlines 
work and the like. Some situation and setup that would cause the PCs to 
be *passengers* on large vessels traveling through the ether, so to 
speak. Some setup that would justify constant travel between as many 
different points as possible, all as passengers on, well, passenger 
liners. Any ideas?

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