Call for Participation: First Meeting for Working Group 1 (CA22145: GameTable)

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Nov 24, 2023, 6:49:44 AM11/24/23
to GameTable WG1 AI
First Meeting for Working Group 1 (CA22145: GameTable)

When: Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Where: Leiden, the Netherlands

The first in-person meeting for Working Group 1 (on Search, Planning, Learning, and Explainability) of the GameTable COST Action (CA22145) is planned to take place on January 31, 2024, in Leiden, the Netherlands. Many thanks to Mike Preuss and Aske Plaat for their help and willingness to host us at LIACS!

This is a call for participation. 

Please let us know 

if you are interested in an active, on-site meeting with other WG members.

Our plan is to have talks and discussions on all three of the core research goals described in the WG1 summary, which we recently shared in the network's mailing list

  1. Human-like game-playing AI.

  2. Imperfect-information games (in a General Game Playing context).

  3. Explainable search and reinforcement learning (in games).

While the working group is not necessarily restricted to just those three topics, there is a limit to how much content we can properly cover in a single day, and we feel that this is a good selection of topics for our first event. Please feel free to share any feedback on this.

Core goals of COST Actions include the facilitation of networking and building new connections, collaborations, and plans for possible grant proposals. Therefore, our plan is not only to have invited talks on research already done within these topics, but also to allow ample time for discussions. In particular, we encourage participants to express their interest in setting up collaborations or future grant proposals to each other.

Please let us know (see email addresses below) if you are interested in active, on-site participation in this event. If you like, the participation may include a short invited talk on some relevant research you have already done, or a grant proposal that you have recently had accepted or have already submitted. It may also consist of “just” active participation in discussions and setting up collaborations with new colleagues in our group. Based on received expressions of interest, we will make a selection of people for whom we can reimburse travel and accommodations.

Please do not feel compelled to write an elaborate, detailed application: a very short and on-point outline of your interests is fine! Please also keep your PhD students and other young researchers in mind and encourage them to attend.

Dennis Soemers Jakub Kowalski 

(WG1 Co-leaders)


Dec 21, 2023, 9:55:02 AM12/21/23
to GameTable WG1 AI

By now, everyone who is invited to this WG1 event should have received an official invitation email from COST, also indicating in what capacity you are invited (with or without reimbursement). If you were expecting an invitation but did not receive one, please verify that it did not land in your Spam folder, and verify that you have actually applied (and been accepted) to the working group using the orange "Apply" button on the COST website.

Note that the correct address for our WG1 event on January 31 will be: Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333 CA, Leiden, the Netherlands - Room 4.13 (Snellius building). The official COST invitation mentions another address in Leiden, but that one is only correct for the Action-wide (not WG1-specific) kickoff event on the previous two days. The Zoom link for remote attendance is the same though.

We have created a tentative (subject to change!) schedule for the day, which is as follows (also attached in PDF format):

  • 09:30 - 09:40: Welcome
  • 09:40 - 10:00: Goals of the Day
  • 10:00 - 10:45: Human-like Game Playing AI (part 1)
  • 10:45 - 11:15: Coffee break
  • 11:15 - 11:45: Human-like Game Playing AI (part 2)
  • 11:45 - 12:15: What Would You Like to Discuss in WG1?
  • 12:15 - 13:45: Lunch break
  • 13:45 - 15:00: Imperfect Information Games (in a General Game Playing Context)
  • 15:00 - 15:30: Coffee break
  • 15:30 - 16:45: Explainable Search and Reinforcement Learning (in Games)
  • 16:45 - 16:55: Closing

Kind regards,


Op vrijdag 24 november 2023 om 12:49:44 UTC+1 schreef d.soemers:

Jan 31, 2024, 3:01:49 AMJan 31
to d.soemers, GameTable WG1 AI


I try to connect but the Zoom link doesn't work.

Kind regards,


Prof. dr. habil. Laszlo Barna Iantovics, MC Management Committee Romania

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