New Book WE THE GAMERS on How Games Teach Ethics & Civics

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Kat Schrier Shaenfield

belum dibaca,
3 Jun 2021, 18.29.2003/06/21
Hello Games for Changers!

I have a new book out this week from Oxford University Press. I am super thrilled to share it with you and hear what you think about it!

9780190926113 (1).jpg
We the Gamers: How Games Teach Ethics & Civics

Find out more at:
A mega-tweet summarizing the book
An interview with me about the book on Edutopia
A sneak-preview of page 99 of the book

Here is also a way to buy the book on the OUP website (30% discount: ASFLYQ6)

About the Book

Ethics and civics have always mattered, but perhaps now more than ever before we realize how much they matter.


But how can we teach civics and ethics? How are we already learning this?

My new book, We the Gamers, explores how we connect, communicate, analyze, and discover when we play games. Games can be used in ethics, civics, and social studies education to inspire learning, critical thinking, and civic change.

We the Gamers shares a range of examples including board and card games, online games, virtual reality and augmented reality games, and digital games like Minecraft, Executive CommandKeep Talking and Nobody ExplodesFortniteWhen Rivers Were TrailsPolitiCraftQuandary, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

We the Gamers also explores the obstacles to learning with games and how to overcome those obstacles by encouraging equity and inclusion, care and compassion, and fairness and justice.

Featuring helpful tips and case studies, We the Gamers shows educators the strengths and limitations of using games in civics education.

Let’s imagine how we might repair and remake our world through gaming, together.

Take care, Kat  

Dr. Karen (Kat) Schrier

Associate Professor & Director, Games & Emerging Media program, Marist College
Author, We the Gamers (Oxford University Press)
Author, Knowledge Games (Johns Hopkins University Press)
Editor, Learning, Education, & Games book series (ETC Press/Carnegie Mellon)
Author, Designing Ourselves (Center for Technology & Society)

Randy Kulman

belum dibaca,
4 Jun 2021, 08.10.2204/06/21
kepadaKat Schrier Shaenfield, Games for Change

Congrats!!  How can we help with reviews or other publicity?


Randy Kulman

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