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"google time"

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Wendy Despain

Mar 12, 2009, 2:47:51 AM3/12/09
to Game Studio Manifesto
I think you should avoid referencing "google time" at all. Especially
since you add a whole lot of qualifiers. It's google time except
except except.

I think you should just call it a skunkworks. You'll use far fewer
qualifiers and (I think) hit fewer raw nerves.

Another flashpoint in the manifesto is the 20% less pay idea. This one
is hard for me to understand without something to reference what you
consider 100% pay. My experience in this industry is that salaries
vary widely and tend to be on the low side of miserable. So 20% less
of that? Won't work. But 20% less than the higher side of reasonable -
that could work.

And yes, I think this manifesto has merit - and could be a company I'd
be interested in working for.

Wendy Despain
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