The new Google Groups imposed on Friday the 13th, November, 2020, are HORRIBLE! Change for change’s sake! Always change for the worse! Shit on you, stupidiots!
Google swallowed Deja News and created Google Groups. Deja News was a wonder even during the primitive era of the Internet (1990s). Google Groups was a decent platform, up until this November, 2020, Friday the 13th.
Frankly, I’ve been shocked Google Groups lasted this long! Google is notorious for:
Offering services
Changing the offerings — always change for the
Cancelling/discontinuing the offerings.
So, Google Groups reached the second phase: change for the worse. Logically, the cancellation of the service is to be expected.
Google has offered and then discontinued over 25 services in their short life. No company has survived such miserable behavior. But, hey, think how Donald Caligula Trump succeeded in becoming Prez… and lasting 4 years!
• “Google
Search, Google Shit – An Internet Anthem”
• “DracGoogla:
Google Devilish Search Updates”