A Random Number Generator Is Much Better Than Most Lottery or Gambling Systems

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Nov 30, 2018, 2:21:45 PM11/30/18
to gamblin...@googlegroups.com

A Random Number Generator Is Much Better Than Most Lottery or Gambling Systems

"Only Randomness is Almighty! Randomness is great!"

(a modern chant)

You might have already learned a painful lesson. You might have paid serious money for gambling systems, or lotto, lottery systems. They burnt you out! Not only you paid big money for such systems - you also lost big money playing! There are very, very few systems that really work - IFF any outside Ion Axiomaticus Saliu's systems. But Axiomaticus is the only author who gives you really great systems for FREE! Granted, the strategy and systems developed by Ion Axiomaticus Salius are founded on solid mathematics. His theory and practice (systems or strategies) are not for just about any brains. Some mathematical skills are required.

Not every human is mathematically inclined. Nothing wrong with that. Most humans are normal, without being mathematicians, or philosophers, or physicists, or artists. They are just normal persons. It is natural for normal persons to gain
some success, especially financially. That assures a better living.

Money represents an important element of the Fear_Survival system inherent to life. Fear-and-Survival is the most essential system of all life, life in all its forms. So, it is natural and normal for humans to try gambling. They play lotto and/or other lottery games. There is a plethora of lottery games out there. Pick games, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno...
You name it, they give it to you! Humans also invented the casino gambling. Many persons gamble in casinos in hope of a quick big win.

How about investing in the stock market? Well, that is the most gigantic form of gambling. You, the small investor, are not the real gambler in the stock market. Mind you, you do gamble with your money. But the real gamblers are the stockbrokers. They manipulate huge amounts of money. They buy when they think the commodity, or equity, or the likes, has reached rock bottom. If the stock grows to a perceived overly high level, they sell.

So, the rule is "buy cheap, sell high". Problem is, it is really gambling assessing what is cheap and what is high. That's why some brokers win big. The same brokers also lose big! They gamble with people's bankroll, though. And that's why some commit suicide - stock brokers and investors alike! IF you are not mathematically inclined, or willing to light up your
brains with systems and strategies - let Randomness Almighty help you.

Just play randomly. All lottery commissions offer free random generators. They are called something like quick picks or
computer picks or lucky picks; the most accurate term is random picks. The best random generators, however, are not those offered by your lotto commission. The best random generators and odds calculators come from the same Ion Axiomaticus Salius. And, again, they are free - freeware with no strings attached. That's the way he is - nobody can cure him of giving away great stuff of his own creation!

If you click on this link, you will be taken directly to the best ever random number generator and probability (odds) calculator:

The main thing to keep in mind is REPETITION. That is, generate many sets of random combinations or numbers BEFORE deciding to play. You save money as you compress the time. Indeed, the more you play the higher the winning probability.

Mathematically, the winning probability is lower at the start of play. So, why not skip a large portion of the losing streak - which comes in the beginning? You compress the time, you save money, and you increase your winning probability.

Version 7.0 of the super generator implements superior inner (innate) filtering for lotto games, including Keno, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions. The Saliusian filters are founded on the most significant parameters of probability theory and statistics. You'll notice on your lotto cards. The patterns follow more closely the patterns of real lottery drawings.

You want your own random number generator? Oh, well, it's your right to think positive. But, believe me, and believe me strongly, nobody has ever beaten Ion Axiomaticus Saliu's random numbers generators! There are plenty of random generating programs  out there. But no random generator comes even remotely close to Ion Axiomaticus Salius' random combination, number generators. That's the Truth - it is an unforgivable sin to hide the truth. Ain't no virtue in modesty while hiding the truth!

You insisting in trying your hand at creating your own random number generator. You especially interested in a lottery generator, a program to generate true random lotto combinations. You got it! Program name: RandomNumbers.bas (also
RandomNumbers.exe, the compiled source code).

Here is the link to the source code for a very efficient random lottery number generator for ANY lotto game (5/35, 5/39, 6/49, 6/51, 10/80, etc. etc.):

This extraordinarily tiny but efficient function generates unique random numbers to screen:

         PRINT "#"; ION; "->";
 S2 = K: S1 = V
    FOR j = 1 TO S1
    IF RND < S2 / S1 THEN PRINT j; : S2 = S2 - 1
     S1 = S1 - 1

Keep in mind that previous reminder: Repeat a generating cycles several times before attempting to play. Repetitio mater studiorum, said those Ancient wise Romans. Repetition is the mother of all studies.

Best of luck, O randomly hopeful student of Almighty Number, O devoted random follower of Randomness Almighty!

Jaqk Fowuru,
Doctor in Occult Science of Numerica Aleatora
(Random Number Generation)

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