Tools Lotto 6: Special Upgrade to Lottery Utility Software

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Nov 30, 2018, 2:06:22 PM11/30/18

ToolsLotto6.EXE: Special upgrade to the lottery utility software for 6-number loto

I added two powerful functions to Util632.EXE and created ToolsLotto6.EXE.

The two new functions:

~ Triplets Rundown (3-number lotto groups);
~ Quadruplets Rundown (4-number lotto groups).

The functions report the frequencies for every triplet/quadruplet.
Another report sorts the triplets/quadruplets by frequency, from the most frequent lotto groups (hot) to the least frequent (cold).

 Here is a small fragment for triplets in Pennsylvania 6-49 lotto game:

                SORTED Lotto-6 Triplets - Date: 07-15-2008
                Data file analyzed: C:\LOTTERY\PA-6
                Total drawings analyzed:  464

                   Lotto-6 Triplet         Total hits

                   11  18  36                5
                   36  37  48                5
                   1  19  33                 4
                   2  11  39                 4
                   2  13  45                 4
                   46  47  48                0
                   46  47  49                0
                   46  48  49                0
                   47  48  49                0

Read the presentation and download ToolsLotto6.EXE from here:

Lotto Tools Software Utility for 6 Number Lottery Games.

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