Odds Calculator, Number Combination Generator for Lottery, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Horses, Sports, Roulette
website has had the most popular online ActiveX controls of all (Internet) time:
Odds Calculator and Number Generator.
The two online applications were a feast in the era dominated by Microsoft
Internet Explorer, as only IE allowed ActiveX controls. Things have changed,
and Internet Explorer dropped from 90% market share in the hey-day to some 6%
at the end of 2015.
Therefore I decided to make the two online applications standalone Windows
software. The two programs are still free.
You can read a detailed presentation on this Web page:
The applications are free to download from the freeware area of SALIU.COM:
The two Windows programs are also available as free downloads from CNET Download.com:
Pages dedicated to number,
combination generators: