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Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions: Software, Strategies, Systems

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Ion Saliu

Dec 11, 2017, 3:02:23 PM12/11/17


These games are notorious for this characteristic: gigantic jackpots but humongous odds. Still, winning systems and strategies are possible with the right lottery software. 

 We all witnessed pertinent success in the traditional lotto and pick lottery games. Winning strategies, systems are possible — and they are founded on mathematics. I wrote in this famed article: 

“I showed that in a lotto 6/48 (or 6/49) game, every number will repeat within 6 drawings in over 50% of the situations. Let's dig deeper into this statement. So, the probability of a lotto 6/49 number to repeat is 1/2 times 1/6 (the number will repeat after 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 drawings). The combined probability is 1/2 x 1/6 = 1/12. Actually, it is .54 * 1/6 = 0.09.
But the lottery draws 6 numbers, therefore the probability to get all 6 numbers repeating after 1 to 6 drawings is: 0.9 ^ 6 = 0.000000531 (raising to the power of 6). The result can be expressed also as 5.31 times in 10 million, or 1,881,676 to 1. Well, the odds are better than playing 6 random numbers (1 in 13,983,816): 7 and half times better. That's a law, too. No matter when you play such a lotto strategy, your odds will always be seven times better than purely-random play.”

Read this article for more details:
FFG Median, Skips, Lottery, Lotto Filtering, Probability, Odds, Jackpot


Calculating and plotting the skips manually is an exercise in delusion. Only software can perform the task accurately and fast. There has been only one piece of software capable of handling the multijurisdictional lottery games of Powerball, Mega Millions, and Euromillions: MDIEditor and Lotto WE. 

And thusly I announce here the creation of command prompt software to handle the aforementioned lotto games. The command prompt packages integrate everything, including the GUI MDIEditor and Lotto WE. These are the intuitively-named lottery software bundles: 

The Powerball software for huge-jackpot games drawing 5 regular numbers (e.g. from 1 to 69) AND one Power Ball (e.g. from 1 to 26).
•        Main page: Powerball: Odds Calculator, Online Random Generator, Software, Numbers, Combinations, Strategy, Systems 

The Megamillions.exe software for huge-jackpot games drawing 5 regular numbers (e.g. from 1 to 75) AND one Mega Ball (e.g. from 1 to 15)
•        Main page: Mega Millions: Odds Calculator, Online Random Generator, Software, Numbers, Combinations, Strategy, Systems

The Euromillions software for huge-jackpot games drawing 5 regular numbers (e.g. from 1 to 50) AND two Star Numbers (e.g. from 1 to 11).
•        Main page: Euromillions: Odds Calculator, Online Random Generator, Software, Numbers, Combinations, Strategy, Systems

•        You can have my peerless lotto software (
Bright/Ultimate or MDIEditor and Lotto WE) create the well-known skip charts. Simply selecting 6 lotto numbers that show as current skips figures between 0 and 5 improves your lotto 6/49 odds seven-fold! There is no doubt or mystery here. It is a formula-backed fact. No matter when you play such a lotto strategy, your odds will always be seven times better than purely random play. 

•        Look at this real-life case (6/49 lotto in Pennsylvania Lottery). You can see that all skips are 5 and under in 14 drawings out of 1000 draws analyzed. You can improve the odds further if considering skips of 0 to 6 (20 additional winning situations). Meanwhile, I haven't seen one single draw where all 6 skips are in double digits. You might have to wait a lifetime or two to see all skips larger than 20! Well, then, why play lotto numbers that have large skips?! 

•        The cynics who ragingly cry that the odds are always the same are right once and only once. At the very beginning of the lottery game, all skips are "equal": 0 (zero). The skip-charting lottery software is SkipDecaFreq*.exe, menu II of the Bright/Ultimate Software packages, function S = Skips, Decades, Frequencies. Copy and paste the following report to Notepad++ for correct viewing. 

                       Lotto 6 / 49 Report: SKIPS (ANY Position & Vertical POS) 

     Line    Any  Any  Any  Any  Any  Any   POT    Pos    Pos    Pos    Pos    Pos    Pos    COL

      no      1    2    3    4    5    6            1      2      3      4      5      6

       45     0-   3-   2-   2-   0-   2     3-      0-    45+    57-    12+    83+    84+    84+

      315     0-   0-   1-   1-   0-   3-    3-     20+     5-    40+     5-     0-    64-    64-

      508     2-   0-   0-   4-   3+   0     4-      2-     7-    27-     4-     7-     0     27-

      885     1-   4-   0-   1-   0-   1-    4-      1-     4-    13-    30+     9-    45+    45+

      762     3-   5+   0-   0-   3    1-    5-     22+    25+     0-    41+     3-     1-    41-

      626     0-   5-   0-   0-   2+   1-    5-     47+    33+   110+    29+     6-    30-   110+

      295     5-   1-   2    1+   0-   3-    5-     36+    51-    11-     1-    29+    11-    51-

      978     1-   0-   1    5+   4-   0-    5-     36+    26+   111+     9-    25+     0-   111+

      334     5    2-   5+   1+   1-   5-    5-      5-    39+    37+     1-    16-     5-    39+

      228     0    5+   2-   4+   1-   0-    5-      0      9+    11-    25+     8-     0-    25-

      405     5-   0-   3+   1-   4-   3     5-      5-    16+     3     50+    24-    50+    50-

      403     5+   4+   2-   0-   0-   5-    5-      5+    48+    73+    23-    58+     5-    73+

      429     0-   3-   0-   3+   5+   2-    5-     20+     3-     0-    25-    40-     2-    40-

      720     5-   0-   3-   0-   0-   2-    5-     14+     0-     3-     0-     0-    21+    21-

      119     3-   2-   0    6+   0-   4+    6-    368+    47+    65+   106+    48+     4+   368+


      752    10+  17+   3-  17+   9+  58+   58+     10-    29-     9-    84+    89+    58+    89-

      676     2-  58+  20+  32+   8+   7    58+      2-    67-    22-    32-     8+     7     67-

      482     4+  15+  49+  16+  20+  60+   60+      7+    15+    63+    16+    26-    60+    63+

      981     5+  11+  10+   2-  10-  67+   67+      5+    25-    10-    12-    10-   582+   582+

      584     1-   1-   2-   3-  73+   0-   73+      1-     1-    33-    38-   113+     0-   113-

      165     6-   9-   4+   7+  76+   0-   76+      6-     9-    55+    55+    93+     0-    93+

Special software creates lottery systems, strategies based on skips for lotto, digit lotteries, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.

Creating the lottery strategies has a dedicated eBook. The analysis is comprehensive and profound. The manual also covers the latest in lottery software that creates the best-ever strategies.

The Best Ever Lottery Strategy, Lotto Strategies.

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