“Let no one enter casino who is ignorant of blackjack basic strategy BBS.”
That is, no gambler should sit at a blackjack table and cash in for chips. The basic strategy improves the chances to win by several percentage points. Ultimately, however, blackjack is still a losing gambling proposition by at least 7.5%. The basic strategy can turn into a winning proposition in conjunction with the
This blackjack strategy is the easiest to memorize and learn as it does not require letters. The color-coded cards here are based on one color: red for the main action: split pairs, double down, hit (draw).
The player gets his/her first two cards.
1) Are the two cards forming a pair (e.g. 2+2, 7+7, J+J)?
• A = Yes; if the color is red on the split coded card, then split the pairs
• • Blackjack ‘Pairs Splitting’ Basic Strategy Card
• B = No; move quickly to card #2
2) Are the two cards a double down combination (e.g. sum up to 9, 10, 11)?
• A = Yes; if the color is red on the double strategy card, then double down the hand
• • Blackjack ‘Double Down’ Basic Strategy Card
• B = No; move quickly to card #3
3) If 1) or 2) above did not apply, the player must make a final decision
• A = If the color is red on the hit//stand colored card, then hit the hand (i.e. draw another blackjack card)
• • Blackjack ‘Hit or Stand’ Basic Strategy Card
• B = If the color is grayed out, the player STANDS.
You can always learn the best basic strategy globally by reinforcing the instructions on the main blackjack basic strategy page:
I understand there are issues with mobile phones. These flashcards for blackjack basic strategy were designed long before the revolution in cellphones. The main blackjack basic strategy page was adapted to mobiles. There is a similar page with a white background.
The best procedure, however, is to print in color the three flashcards. Study them for just one week. Then, cut out the colored cards and take them with you to the casinos. Generally, they allow you to consult flashcards while playing. It won’t take long before you’ll play without them!