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Upgrade to BRIGHT6.exe, Super Lotto-6 Software Bundle

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Nov 29, 2018, 7:25:07 PM11/29/18

BRIGHT6.exe has been seriously upgraded:
Version 2.0; Upgrade, April 23, 2009.

The upgraded package includes new programs, notably the powerful SoftwareLotto6.exe (main screen, option S = Super Utilities).

All restrictions on generating every Lotto ComboNation were lifted. A majority of the components (standalone programs) have been updated as well, including LottoWheeler.exe, GridCheck6.exe, CheckWheels6.exe,

Some lotto 6 programs were spread all over the place at the download site. This upgraded software package assemblies in one location all necessary programs for 6-number lotto games. I strongly recommend that you upgrade from version 1.

Recommendation: start the package via B6.exe (just type b6). The new interface runs the new programs, for Vista, Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 as well (also for the old Win 9x/2k). The source code is included for the menu program

Best Lotto Software for 6-Number Lottos

Best of luck!

Ion "Don't-Call-Me-Mister" Saliu,
Parpaluckily At-Large
Lotto Software, Strategy, Systems
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