New Year's Eve - Event Staff Needed

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Edward Daniels | AEA

Dec 30, 2024, 8:18:43 AM (8 days ago) 12/30/24
to DC ProActor, Galvanize Group
Hello All:

I am currently looking for 2 persons to inflate balloons tomorrow between 3pm-5pm.

I am also looking for a completely separate person (1 person) to work check-in at my New Year's Eve event tomorrow evening from 8pm-1am. You'd be responsible for making sure that everyone entering pays the cover. Smart phone required. Most guests will be walking in off of the street (as opposed to being pre-ticketed).

Pay is $20/hour

Location is Union Market.

If interested and available, please reach out ASAP. 

Thank you!


EDWARD DANIELS | AEA | | IMDB: Profile@EdwardDaniels 

Scorpio Entertainment | CEO | | @ScorpioDJs

Monologue Madness | Producer | | @MonologueMad

Desk: 202-536-4495Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm
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