Resharper 8

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Chris Stewart

Sep 17, 2013, 11:50:38 AM9/17/13
Has anyone tried to upgrade to Resharper 8?  I remember the pain of getting VS 2013/R#7/Gallio working... curious if anyone has upgraded to R#8 with VS 2013/Gallio.


Mar 28, 2014, 10:54:25 AM3/28/14

I've a large number of test cases and of course the test report is huge. It takes 5-10 minutes for the browser to display the report and then it takes a long time to scroll down the report.

Just wondering if there are any functions which tell Gallio to chunk the report down into smaller reports? I'd like to break the reports down by test area.

Any suggestions?


Espen Albrektsen

Mar 29, 2014, 3:07:03 AM3/29/14
I have usually solved this by running my tests one category at a time. In order to ensure I allways run all tests, my last test run executes all categories except the ones that were explicitly executed in the first run.

You then have mbunit store the test result to xml files. (gallio.utitilies.exe)

Once the all the tests have executed, i genereate one html file per category.
Finally - and this is the reason why I create XML first, then html after - I create a "condensed" report from ALL the xml files. The condensed report only contains tests with problems - ignored and fail - and is typically the only report you are interested in. I like to keep both reports as build artifacts on my server.

I have attached the .bat file I use for accomplishing this - I give no guarantees that it will actuall work - but at least this has done the trick for me...


Espen Albrektsen

This is the script I use:


Apr 11, 2014, 9:24:43 AM4/11/14
Hi Epsen,

Thank you for the suggestions.

I discovered I can view my large reports by clicking on the Execution Log tab in Gallio ICarus. For some reason the Execution Log tab is able to very quickly display those large reports. This solves my current problem.

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Apr 11, 2014, 12:53:52 PM4/11/14

I answered my own question while writing this email - But I thought I'd send the Q&A just in case someone else has the same question.

I'm writing tests to test a web app using Gallio, MbUnit, and Selenium the open source web app testing package.

The first step is to login to the system. The login page contains the usual username and password textboxes and a captcha control with a textbox for entering the captcha code.

Using Selenium I get the username and password textboxes and call Selenium SendKeys to send the username and password to those textboxes. That's the easy steps.

Next I get the captcha textbox using Selenium. Now I need to send the captcha code displayed on the web page to the captcha textbox. Since the captcha code changes every time I reference the login page I can't hard code that into my test app. I have to visually read the captcha code and some how get the code into the test app so it can call Selenium SendKeys to send the code to the captcha textbox.

I was hoping there might be some way to display a dialog box with Gallio. Then I could key in the captcha code into the dialog and then pass that to the SendKeys function to send to the captcha textbox.

The answer:

Create a Windows Form\Dialog with a TextBox and Button. Show the form. User enters Captcha code and clicks on OK button. Code picks up captcha code from TextBox and calls Selenium SendKeys to send the code to the Captcha textbox on the browser form. Use Selenium to get the login form submit button and call the Click method for that web element.

btw: Two thumbs up for Selenium. Nice test tool!


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