Timeout not executing teardowns

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Cody Mack

Aug 2, 2012, 12:47:52 PM8/2/12
to galli...@googlegroups.com
Currently, the Timeout attribute may be applied to test fixtures and to test methods. However, when a test method exceeds its timeout, the TearDown and FixtureTearDown are not being executed. I am wondering if the following functionality could be implemented (following upon http://code.google.com/p/mb-unit/issues/detail?id=880):

1. When a test method exceeds the timeout in the test method’s or in the test fixture’s Timeout attribute, the methods decorated with TearDown and FixtureTearDown are executed.
2. The Timeout attribute may be applied to—and is respected for—methods decorated with TearDown or FixtureTearDown.

I am a beginning developer and can help with coding these features, if these features are approved. Architecturally speaking, where should these changes be made in the source code?
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