Gallery 3.1.3 language change

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Dec 18, 2020, 2:31:11 AM12/18/20
to Gallery 3 Users
Hello folks,

Is it possible to install additional languages on the new Gallery 3.1.3? It appears the built-in mechanism is no longer working because the hardcoded URL ( doesn't exist

Thanks in advance,

Adrian London

Dec 18, 2020, 6:13:17 PM12/18/20
That part of the website seems to have been deleted. A pity, as it’ll be a boring job creating the translations by hand.

You can have a look at the “incoming_translations” table in the database to see how it’s done. Was there a particular language you wanted? I don’t know how easy it’d be, but I have German, French, Mandarin (简体字 and 繁體字) that I might be able to extract. I’ve not used them recently so there could be texts missing but at least that would be quicker to rectify!

The command for people to check which languages they have installed is "SELECT distinct (locale) FROM incoming_translations”.


Dec 19, 2020, 4:01:17 PM12/19/20

I'm afraid I don't know anymore about Gallery 3 language translations that what Adrian already went over. In fact, I've wondered why, in the Maintenance Section, there is still a task you can run which says it will "update translations strings" -- because for the past couple of years whenever that task is run you get a error message because the old translation strings repository is apparently not working anymore. But maybe the task has been left in the Maintenance Section "just in case" someone decides to start working on translations again?

Heck, I've never seen any place on the displayed pages of Gallery 3 where the average viewer can select to chose one of the non-English languages *already* installed in the database. I'm not sure Gallery 3 ever allowed for this. It may be one of the Gallery 2 features that never made it into Gallery 3.

-- J.R.
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Adrian London

Dec 20, 2020, 11:02:50 AM12/20/20
I don’t use it any more, but G3 did have a module which one could activate that allowed a user to select a language from a list of installed languages. I believe that functionality still exists.

I used flags to represent the languages and it looked good. I had it on the login page. However, everyone just used English anyway so to declutter, I removed the option from display. I only use G3 for myself and close family anyway; it’s not for public/business use.

Damien Andrews

Dec 20, 2020, 7:04:37 PM12/20/20
to Gallery 3 Users
I recently upgraded my two language Gallery 2 (English and Japanese) to version 3.1.3 but I was only able to get one language functioning. After the upgrade, only Japanese was available, which is actually fine as the main language...

I spent a bit of time trying to get English work but have given up. If there is a way to get dual language functionality back in G3, I'd like to know what needs to be done.

I'm currently testing some alternative software that can import Gallery data. has import functionality, but I haven't been able to get it both languages to move across... As Piwigo has a fairly big user base and development seems to be ongoing, I may end up using it and manually adding my English language data.

Over the coming holidays I plan to spend some time and sort this two language problem out.


Damien Andrews

Dec 20, 2020, 7:16:54 PM12/20/20
to Gallery 3 Users
Made a mistake with the url in my last post. It should have been:

The .com site is their commercial cloud hosting site.

Adrian London

Dec 21, 2020, 9:16:06 AM12/21/20
Go to admin / settings / languages and make sure English is ticked as “installed”.  if not, click it and then “Update Languages”.  It’ll throw an error as someone has deleted the translations part of but it’ll still flag it as installed and if your database has English in it then it’ll become a workable option.

For each user, you can select which language they get when they log in.  That’s in admin / users & groups

I tried piwigo a few years ago and didn’t like it.  I’m sure it would have been fine if I gave it time, but I tried to customise it to make it look like my G3 install (especially the maps showing my photos using GPS locations in EXIF) but gave up.  I also got confused by the way it, by default, doesn’t store the photos in any meaningful hierarchy on disk.


Dec 21, 2020, 5:44:32 PM12/21/20

Well, it isn't like Gallery 3 is text-based Content Management System -- it's "graphic interface" in the truest sense... the images are the interface. And with Google Translate available free to all these days, any incidental text data accompanying the pictures could be almost instantly translated into any language. I've used Google to translate entire tech-heavy websites and it does a very good job.

-- J.R.

Adrian London

Dec 21, 2020, 5:52:57 PM12/21/20
When G3 first came out, running everything through Google (or other) translate wasn’t feasible, so I installed Mandarin as I was living in China. Sure, all my photo captions and descriptions were (mainly) in English, but the interface switched language, which was cool.

No doubt it was, and maybe still is, useful for non-English speakers who want to install and run G3. Doing all the admin work via Google Translate isn’t the best, especially as it translates everything and makes a total mess of some stuff, such as advanced setting strings.

As you say, nowadays it isn’t so important. Still fun though, for those who like tinkering.


Dec 21, 2020, 6:03:52 PM12/21/20

In the past, when PHP upgrades threatened to render Gallery non-functional, quite a few people tried moving to Piwigo -- they reported considerable dissatisfaction for various reasons. As I recall the most common complaint was that it was not a fast as G3, particularly when a lot of images were put into it. Never tried it myself. But as I just mentioned to Adrian, I don't really see that language is that much a part of G3 functionality. If I had never see n G3 website in my life and then suddenly came across one in Japanese, I would be able to use it immediately, just by clicking on one of the thumbnails and going from there. And if I really wanted to know what the little bit of text displayed said, I would just ask Google Translate to translate the webite in real time for me.

-- J.R.
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Apr 22, 2021, 8:03:23 AM4/22/21
to Gallery 3 Users
Just in case anyone is missing a language - it seems I have pretty much all languages in my db, some 22600 strings. See 7zip file.
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