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Re: [gallery-3-users] Modal exif details for photos

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Mar 8, 2023, 5:10:16 PM3/8/23

I'm afraid I have no clue, but since I am using greydragon for my Gallery sites I am concerned -- this is the first time I've heard greydragon does not work with PHP 8. Did you try to use it there? If so, was the failure complete or just some elements not working? I did a fair amount of tweaking to greydragon when I first started using it long ago. If it is just some elements of it not working with PHP 8 I might be able to tinker with it. Certainly I will have to stick with PHP 7.4  if nothing can be done. *sigh*...


On 3/8/23 8:56 AM, David Jackie Armstrong wrote:
I am revising a Gallery 3 installation ready for the move to PHP8:

I previously used greydragon as a theme but as this is no longer supported have moved over to Wide Wind, and would like to use the modal window for the exif details but cannot see how this could be done. For example, see:

PHP7 using the i button on the photo page:

PHP8 using the Photo details link in the thumbnail hover: 

Any help appreciated.


David Armstrong.
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Gerardo L. Cahn

Mar 8, 2023, 6:12:38 PM3/8/23

I am using greydragon under php 8.1.6 (distro Fedora 37).  I works.... ok-ish.  Display is fine; what does not work for me is one of the side-modules that Serguei Dosyukov wrote around greydragon, keyboard navigation.  But using the mouse works.  Bummer, but... at least we keep flying, like Cpt Reynolds in Firefly.


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// Gerardo L. Cahn <>
//  linux, mac ... and, well, yes,
//        ((windows too)).


Mar 8, 2023, 8:47:33 PM3/8/23

Thanks for the information. It's good to know that it mostly works for you with php 8.1.6 -- maybe David can try that version and see what happens for him. While I'm happy with PHP 7.4 for now, it seems like soon I'll have to get a test PHP 8 setup and see how the version of greydragon I tweaked works with it. It's been so long I don't even remember half of the changes I made to it... darn.

-- J.R.
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David Jackie Armstrong

Mar 10, 2023, 7:33:19 PM3/10/23
to Gallery 3 Users
I had decided to move away from greydragon as the original developer is no longer involved, and it is also not included in Brad Dutton's fork of Gallery 3 on GitHub - it is more of a longer term strategy rather than trying to work with a stranded theme and instead use one of the "core" themes. (I figured out how to get the exif table to open as a modal window.)

When I changed over to PHP 8.1 (even with short tags enabled in cPanel) my heavily customised installation using greydragon reported the errors below - this is using Gallery 3.1.5 - I have used modules from Brad Dutton's fork in my newer installation running on PHP 8.1, and edited some modules to remove short tags etc.

I also prefer the way that the album descriptions only appear when hovering over the thumbnails in Wide Wind as I feel this looks neater with the centred thumbnail images. This is particularly as I have kept the album summary info in the thumbnails rather than merging it with the album description (as in the standard G2 to G3 migration), so there can be a lot of text to display.


David Armstrong.


Platform information
  • Host name:
  • Operating system: Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.77.el7.x86_64
  • Apache: Unknown
  • PHP: 8.1.13
  • MySQL: 10.3.37-MariaDB-cll-lve
  • Server load: 1.27 1.97 2.06
  • Graphics toolkit: imagemagick
Gallery stats
  • Version: 3.0+ (branch master, build 434)
  • Albums: 2582
  • Photos: 9675

TypeError [ 0 ]:count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given
  1. MODPATH/gallery/helpers/gallery_theme.php[ 41 ]

    36 } else if ($tag = $theme->tag()) { 37 $buf .= rss::feed_link("tag/tag/{$tag->id}"); 38 } 39 } 40 41 if (count(locales::installed())) { 42 // Needed by the languages block 43 $buf .= $theme->script("jquery.cookie.js"); 44 } 45 46 if ($session->get("l10n_mode", false)) {
  2. MODPATH/gallery/libraries/Theme_View.php[ 236 ] » gallery_theme_Core::head()

  3. DOCROOT/themes/greydragon/views/page.html.php[ 98 ] » Theme_View_Core->__call()

  4. SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 318 ] » include( arguments )

  5. SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 260 ] » View_Core->load_view()

  6. MODPATH/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php[ 75 ] » View_Core->render()

  7. SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 226 ] » View->render()

  8. MODPATH/gallery/controllers/albums.php[ 77 ] » View_Core->__toString()

  9. MODPATH/gallery/controllers/albums.php[ 22 ] » Albums_Controller->show()

  10. {PHP internal call} » Albums_Controller->index()

  11. SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 302 ] » ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs()

  12. SYSPATH/core/Event.php[ 208 ] » Kohana_Core::instance()

  13. APPPATH/Bootstrap.php[ 67 ] » Event_Core::run()

  14. DOCROOT/index.php[ 124 ] » require( arguments )


Mar 11, 2023, 2:38:34 AM3/11/23

Thanks for the detailed posting of the syntax to enable the exif class. What I like about greydragon the most is the extensive "settings" page it provides, allowing you to see and modify most every option in the theme directly on the page with no hand coding required. Since I'm happy with everything it does it doesn't bother me that Serge, the original developer of the theme, is not actively working on it anymore -- but of course the never-ending tweaking of PHP tends to punish such complacency :)

-- J.R.

On 3/10/23 2:13 PM, David and Jackie Armstrong wrote:
I had decided to move away from greydragon as the original developer is no longer involved, and it is also not included in Brad Dutton's fork of Gallery 3 on GitHub - it is more of a longer term strategy rather than trying to work with a stranded theme and instead use one of the "core" themes. 

I figured out how to get the exif table to open as a modal window by editing exif_dialog.html.php to include an extra style / class div shown in bold ( at least I believe this is what enabled it):

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<div id="g-dialog" class="ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" style="width: auto; min-height: 108px; max-height: none; height: auto;">
<style type="text/css">
  #g-exif-data { font-size: .85em; }
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David and Jackie Armstrong

Mar 11, 2023, 8:00:23 AM3/11/23
I was incorrect in showing how the modal window is created for the exif data. This is done the same way as the forms are linked to from (for example) the add album menu. The following link was added to the sidebar by editing info_block.html.php to include a link to the exif data table using the correct class, with the extra lines in italics:

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<ul class="g-metadata">
  <?php foreach($metadata as $info): ?>
    <strong class="caption"><?= $info["label"] ?></strong> <?= $info["value"] ?>
  <?php  endforeach; ?>
  <?php  if ($item->captured) { ?>
  <a class="g-dialog-link" href=<?= url::site("exif/show/{$item->id}") ?> "target=_blank" >Photo Details</a>
  <?php  } ?>


The styling and title labelling of the exif data table is done in exif_dialog.html.php:

<?php defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.") ?>
<style type="text/css">
  #g-exif-data { font-size: .85em; }
  .g-odd { background: green; }
  .g-even { background: yellow; }

<h1 style="display: none;"><?= t("Photo detail") ?></h1>
<div id="g-exif-data">
  <table class="g-metadata" >


David Armstrong.

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David Jackie Armstrong

Mar 12, 2023, 10:36:24 AM3/12/23
to Gallery 3 Users

If you cannot remember what changes you made to your gallery, I would recommend doing a fresh install in a new folder and using WinMerge to compare with your current gallery:

I've attached the files I used to document the changes made to my gallery3 installation in a zip file, which can be expanded and viewed in a browser. The root html file was edited in Word after being produced as a report in WinMerge.


David Armstrong.
Jigasaurus PHP7 to


Mar 12, 2023, 7:15:43 PM3/12/23

Thanks for the tip, I've never tried winmerge. My Gallery installations go back about 14 years and I've been tweaking a bit here and here the whole time. Should have kept notes...

-- J.R.

On 3/12/23 10:33 AM, David and Jackie Armstrong wrote:

If you cannot remember what changes you made to your gallery, I would recommend doing a fresh install in a new folder and using WinMerge to compare with your current gallery:

I've attached the files I used to document the changes made to my gallery3 installation in a zip file, which can be expanded and viewed in a browser. The root html file was edited in Word after being produced as a report in WinMerge.


David Armstrong.

On Thu, 9 Mar 2023 at 01:47, J.R. <> wrote:
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