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Aug 23, 2010, 8:36:27 PM8/23/10
to GalaxyMage Redux Dev
Well, so far I have the network at least basically setup, it is just setting up the functions and plugging them in at this point - but that is still a ton (90%) of the work in that area :S
I also have the gui working - it functions very well, but it isn't exactly pretty.

We're already at the end of day 2, and I really don't think we can finish GMR as a pyweek entry. The work we've done to this point is a nice start, but if we rush to get it into Pyweek, we'll just start hacking stuff together to finish and we won't be able to continue it, and I don't think anyone wants to start a rewrite (again).
So, my thoughts are to take what we have now and just work on GMR as GMR, if anyone else still wants to do Pyweek (I do) perhaps we can come up with a simple idea we can make nice and presentable.

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