Research timing

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Dec 27, 2008, 12:23:58 PM12/27/08
to Galac-Tac
Say there ... Frank brought up a new question. When you're
researching to get a new tech level, and succeed, then the new tech
level is gained BEFORE new ships are built. This sounds like it might
not be the best way to go, as it might be a little surprising to have
your ships come off at a new tech. Of course, maybe you WANT it to
happen that way.

So the question before us is now, should a new tech level be achieved
BEFORE or AFTER building new ships in a turn?

(New players are encouraged to participate in these discussions as
well and tell us which way they think they'd like it to work, from a
conceptual viewpoint, untainted by previous experiences.)

Dec 27, 2008, 9:27:25 PM12/27/08

Personally, I think it's a good idea to achieve tech as the last thing in a turn.  Like Davin says, and I agree, that when buying tech you want to get as close to the next level "without going over".  This way, you can build you last set of scouts or other warships you need before going up in level.  You can also move your ships into position for refitting for the new level.   Then after you achieve the next level, you can refit your ships, restock any missiles (keep in mind when you achieve a new tech level your missiles are cut in half), and reclassify and build any new ships.  What do the rest of you think?


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James White

Feb 24, 2009, 2:36:01 PM2/24/09
to Galac-Tac
I'm impatient and would be annoyed if I had to wait even longer for my
tech to go up. If the research cost was a set number and there was no
guessing involved in planning around you techning up then I would
definatly want it before. As things are now, however, I could see
advatages both ways. I've already wasted the majority of a turn by
moving to refit and build new tech 2 ships thinking I would tech up
and then finding out that I did not tech after all.


Feb 24, 2009, 6:02:56 PM2/24/09
to Galac-Tac
Yes, James, I'm sorry that you missed part of a turn expecting a tech
level gain -- almost everyone in this game (that have gotten tech 2)
have had that problem. At least it's consistently annoying for
everyone. The random number generator just created large numbers this
time, and I think it needs to continue to be random so players are
never quite sure where the breakthrough will be reached. (Even
guideline numbers weren't published in the early versions of the

I think the consensus (from phone discussions and lack of additional
participation here) has been to leave it the way it is and gain tech
at the end of the processing run so you'll know whether or not you got
it for use the next turn. Changing it would make it earlier (not
later), but it would come unexpectedly and you couldn't make plans on
it (and thus might have to waste a whole turn just to see if it
happened yet, which would be very annoying). Don't you agree?


Feb 25, 2009, 11:44:20 AM2/25/09
to Galac-Tac
James - let me ease your pain, where is your empire??? <lol> Some
things are worth waiting for!

Feb 26, 2009, 9:31:25 AM2/26/09

I would agree with this one as well.  If you know you're close to achieving tech and put a little too much into research and BINGO!  you're the new tech without wanting to be you wouldn't want any ships built to be the new level.  Plus if you want to redesign the ship you're building to allow for the new tech, achieving it at the end of the turn would allow for that.


On Tue 09/02/24 16:02 , Davin sent:

Yes, James, I'm sorry that you missed part of a turn expecting a tech
level gain -- almost everyone in this game (that have gotten tech 2)
have had that problem. At least it's consistently annoying for
everyone. The random number generator just created large numbers this
time, and I think it needs to continue to be random so players are
never quite sure where the breakthrough will be reached. (Even
guideline numbers weren't published in the early versions of the

I think the consensus (from phone discussions and lack of additional
participation here) has been to leave it the way it is and gain tech
at the end of the processing run so you'll know whether or not you got
it for use the next turn. Changing it would make it earlier (not
later), but it would come unexpectedly and you couldn't make plans on
it (and thus might have to waste a whole turn just to see if it
happened yet, which would be very annoying). Don't you agree?

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