my response to attacks on my posting on Covid-19 severity and statistics

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Mark Venzke

Jul 10, 2020, 10:39:54 PM7/10/20
Fellow inventors and entrepreneurs:

You members who energetically attacked my posting on this list service and who attacked me ought not blame the messenger or opinion holder or advocate, me.

The writer, Jon Rappaport, is an inveterate and diligent researcher and well informed and courageous writer and author.  He is one of many investigative journalists and authors who have concluded that the Covid-19 "threat" is vastly over-blown.

The CDC itself issued a recent statement concerning the government and mainstream media great exaggeration of the reported manifestations of Covid-19.  Well placed whistleblowers have done likewise.  (View Plandemic, a short documentary about Dr. Judy Mikovits at  Dedicated and courageous clinicians, doctors and nurses, have attested to pervasive and intentional Covid-19 misdiagnoses and unnecessary and harmful--often deadly--treatments.

Be a critical consumer of broadly sourced news and information.  For many reasons, you will get very different information from different sources.

For example, do you think that the only ways to produce electricity is with fossil fuels, nuclear fusion, hydro-turbine, photo-voltaic panel, wave-and-current exploitation and geothermal?  Have you yet heard of nuclear fusion, free energy or vibrational exploitation?

Discuss; do not become dogmatic or hostile or disrespectful or threatening.

Consider all credible evidence.  Much evidence of the nature, manifestations, effects and immunology of Covid-19 being roughly equivalent to those of common and seasonal influenza have been widely available in the public domain, though Internet technology companies have been removing some of it.

I shall not discuss this matter furthar--though I would like to do so--as I have much work to do.


- To have the last word does not make one "right."

- To be the most insulting or repetitive or taunting does not make one the "winner."

You can convince me of nothing using those tactics.

Is Hackerspace and this list service of it an organization that promotes and enables creativity, free thinking, innovation, invention and tinkering, or is it an organization that adopts and promulgates doctrinaire positions and attacks alternative positions?

In truth and freedom and the benefits that they confer.

Mark Venzke

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020, 11:07 AM Eric Pleace <> wrote:
OK, now we know where you stand.
I'd like to suggest Seroquel - it's a strong anti-psychotic, and it will help you sleep also. Ask your doctor if it's right for you.

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 10:09 PM Mark Venzke <> wrote:
ventiators--no good

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jon Rappoport <>
Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2020, 10:48 AM
Subject: My investigation of the so-called COVID deaths
To: <>

Deaths labeled "COVID" have nothing to do with the purported virus...
My investigation of the so-called COVID deaths
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
At this point, I've written and published over 150 articles on the COVID fraud.

For every major assertion I make in the following overview, I've written at least one article.

To sum it up: deaths labeled "COVID" have nothing to do with the purported virus.

The purported virus has never been discovered.  A claim of discovery was made, but proper scientific procedures were never carried out.

Which leaves the question: why are all these people dying?

Are the deaths all stemming from the same cause?  No.  They aren't.

Overview: A huge percentage of people dying have traditional diseases: flu-like illness, pneumonia, other lung infections.  Many of these deaths have been re-labeled as COVID deaths.

For example, about 300,000 people a year in China die from pneumonia.  It's quite easy to call some of these deaths "COVID."

A large number of people in Italy die every year from flu-like illness.  The same re-labeling occurs there.

In Chinese cities, in the north of Italy, in Spain, there is very heavy air pollution.  This pollution causes severe lung conditions and exacerbates already-existing lung problems.  Some of the consequent deaths are called "COVID."

As I've stated in previous articles, COVID is old people.  In New York, for example, those 65 and older account for 73.6 percent of all so-called COVID deaths in the city.  These people are actually dying, prematurely, of previous serious health conditions, plus long-term treatment with toxic drugs, plus the terror of a COVID diagnosis, plus isolation from family and friends.  Many of these people are dying in nursing homes.  No new virus required.

Take that picture and it will generally describe what is happening all over the world.  COVID is old people.  In Canada, for example, 81 percent of all so-called COVID deaths occur in nursing homes.

One other factor in New York.  The current hospital treatment---breathing ventilators and sedation---kills 97.2 percent of those patients over the age of 66 who are subjected to it.

What about this re-labeling I mentioned?  How is it done?  Several ways.  In hospitals, doctors simply write "COVID-19" on patient files.  After patients die, their charts can be tagged "COVID."

In general, there are three types of diagnosis.  No test at all---just the observation of general flu-like symptoms.  Or a PCR test, or an antibody test.  Both tests spit out "COVID" results in a significant percentage of cases.  The result has nothing to do with the detection of a unique "COVID virus."  The result is a function of the tests.

What about new conditions?  Are any people dying as a result of non-traditional factors?  In any so-called pandemic, this is possible.  In the north of Italy, there were several vaccination campaigns, just prior to the announcement of "COVID."  In New York, as I pointed out, the ventilator treatment is killing patients.  Then there is the whole issue of 5G technology rollouts.  To delve into that subject, I suggest exploring the work of Arthur Firstenberg, author of The Invisible Rainbow.

Do not assume that ONE CAUSE is the explanation for all so-called COVID deaths.  This is a common deep error.  "Well, if it isn't the virus, then what is it?"  There is no "it."  There is only a psychological disposition to search for an "it."  Look for MULTIPLE CAUSES.

There are always outlier cases.  Unexplained deaths.  Some people are quick to jump on these cases and claim they prove the virus is real and is a killer on the loose.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

"Young and healthy, suddenly dropped dead.  See, it must be the virus."

No, it doesn't have to be the virus.  Unexplained cases---especially when a viral cause is arbitrarily brought on board---need to be examined very closely.  They rarely are.

When I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., in 1988, I looked into a very early set of AIDS cases in Los Angeles.  They were all described as young, "previously healthy," and then "suddenly struck down by a new virus."

The CDC published parts of their medical records.  From the records, it was clear "previously healthy" was a gross lie.  These young men had prior medical conditions, for which they were undoubtedly treated with toxic medicines.  There was an indication of toxic street drug use.  After an hour of reading their partial records, the diagnosis of "suddenly struck down by a new virus" was quickly dissolving.

I've been investigating so-called epidemics for 30 years.  I've developed the strategy of looking for multiple causes of death that have nothing to do with the announced virus of the moment.  I've always found those causes.

"The virus" is one of the greatest frauds in modern history.
Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
You can find this article and more at NoMoreFakeNews.

Natalie Ironside

Jul 10, 2020, 10:44:36 PM7/10/20
Sure, bud 

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Kathryn Storey

Jul 10, 2020, 10:52:27 PM7/10/20

Natalie Ironside

Jul 10, 2020, 10:56:42 PM7/10/20

Eric Pleace

Jul 10, 2020, 11:13:45 PM7/10/20
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your follow-up email.
I want to apologise for my hasty response to you. I was out of line and not being the man I aspire to be.
Although I disagree with your conclusions about covid, I want to honor your right to hold such ideas.
I probably follow different media than you do.  My choice. One for the freedoms we enjoy.

My wife works at Shands hospital where every day she sees numerous people who will be having surgery soon.
Yesterday 4 such people subsequently tested positive for covid. The staff who worked with them will be taking extra precautions and be alert for their own symptoms.
For me this is very real and personal.

So I wish you and all of us well, and look forward to our open Tuesday evenings at hackerspace - when it is safe to do that.
Best wishes,

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