Adding a Compile Dependency on a Plugin

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Peter Kelley

Mar 6, 2016, 11:03:51 PM3/6/16
to Gaelyk
What is the best way to specify that the compilation of an app depends on jar files included with a plugin?

I am currently playing around with a neo4j plugin and the domain classes in my project need to include annotations from neo4j ogm. The ogm libraries are in the binary plugin jar but the compile can't find them. At the moment I have a 'providedCompile' depewndency in the main project which is less than ideal, I'd rather have the plugin be self contained.

Vladimír Oraný

Mar 7, 2016, 2:59:03 AM3/7/16
to Gaelyk
the plugin should work like any other Gradle dependency. just declare the required dependencies in your plugin's gradle/maven file and it should be fetched transitively.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 5:03 AM Peter Kelley <> wrote:
What is the best way to specify that the compilation of an app depends on jar files included with a plugin?

I am currently playing around with a neo4j plugin and the domain classes in my project need to include annotations from neo4j ogm. The ogm libraries are in the binary plugin jar but the compile can't find them. At the moment I have a 'providedCompile' depewndency in the main project which is less than ideal, I'd rather have the plugin be self contained.

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