UAF Statement on Paris shootings & Stand up to Racism & Fascism organising meet, Tues 13th Jan, 7.30 pm Glasgow UNISON

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Keith 74

Jan 13, 2015, 6:36:33 AM1/13/15
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:59:12 +0000
Subject: UAF Statement on Paris shootings & Stand up to Racism & Fascism organising meet, Tues 13th Jan, 7.30 pm Glasgow UNISON

There are two items in this email:

1) statement from UAF condemning the recent attacks in Paris,
2) 'Say no to scapegoating immigrants - 'Stand up to Racism and Fascism' demo, Glasgow - Organising meeting for the demo tomorrow night, Tuesday 13th January at 7.30pm,Glasgow City Unison Offices, 84 Bell St, G1 1LQ.

1)UAF condemns Paris shootings


We wholeheartedly condemn the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris that left 12 innocent people dead and others injured. We send our heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of all those killed.

While those who carried out this attack claimed to be acting in defence of Islam, the only effect of their actions will be to give an excuse to those who peddle real hatred against Muslims and strengthen their hand. At a time when Islamophobes, racists and fascists are polling high votes and galvanising support in street demonstrations across Europe, we must unite against Islamophobia, racism and fascism.

While condemning this attack, we must act against the danger that fascist, racist and Islamophobic organisations will seek to take advantage of this assault and use it to build support. We cannot allow the actions of a handful of murderous individuals to create the circumstances for rise in support for organisations that would genuinely persecute Muslims and undermine all of our rights. On the day of the attack #killallmuslims trended worldwide.

Fascist and far right groups that are advancing in Europe pose a real and grave threat to freedom and democracy. In France the Euro-fascist Front National will seek to take advantage. It is an organisation that does not use Nazi imagery but its origins lie in Vichy France and convicted Holocaust deniers such as former leader Jean Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen’s father

In Germany the racist and fascist Pegida movement has organised large racist and Islamophobic street demonstrations, supported by far right and fascist political parties. In Greece the openly Neo Nazi Golden Dawn has presented a threat electorally and on the streets. Jobbik is a similar movement in Hungary.

In Britain right wing populist UKIP topped the poll in the Euro elections and gained two seats in Parliament. The fascist English Defence League (EDL) and British National Parry (BNP) – who have suffered a recent demise – Britain First and others will no doubt seek to use these events in France to build support here.

Across Europe we must learn the lessons of history. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, trade unions, liberals, socialists, social democrats, LGBT communities, students, black, white and young people and all those that stand for freedom and democracy, must unite against racism, fascism and Islamophobia. We must send a message loudly and clearly: don’t let the racists and fascists divide us.

Email to add your name to this statement.

2) Say no to scapegoating immigrants - 'Stand up to Racism and Fascism' demo, 21 March 2015, Glasgow

- Organising Meeting for the demo tomorrow night, Tuesday 13th January at 7.30pm,Glasgow City Unison Offices, 84 Bell St, G1 1LQ.

The Greek anti-racist and anti-fascist coalition Keerfa, have called for an International day of protests against racism and fascism on Saturday 21 March 2015. UAF has seconded this call for anti-racism demonstrations to be held across cities in Europe and Britain.

UAF has called for demonstrations on March 21st in Glasgow and London to reject racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism; to celebrate diversity and make migrants welcome. This call has become particularly poignant after the murderous assaults that have taken place in Paris. These demonstrations will also be a focus for combating racists like UKIP and fascist parties standing in the 2015 General Elections. 

Please come to the UAF Scotland open organizing meeting to discuss how we can build for the March 21 ‘Stand up to racism and Fascism’ demo in Glasgow. 

This is an open meetings planned to bring together trade unionists, Councillors, students, people of faith, members of migrant communities all those who want to support and mobilise for March 21 and everyone is welcome.


UAF Scotland
c/o Strathclyde Fire Brigades Union
4th Floor
52 St Enoch SquareGlasgow
G1 4AA
Facebook: UAF Scotland
Twitter:      @uafscot

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Unite Against Fascism

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