International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology Innovation (ICESTI 2014), BALI - Indonesia

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Dani H

Jul 1, 2014, 6:09:29 AM7/1/14
Final call for papers

International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology Innovation (ICESTI  2014)

10 - 13 September 2014 | Bali Dynasty Resort, Bali Island, Indonesia.

ICESTI 2014 will provide a forum for accessing to the most up-to-date and authoritative knowledge from both industrial and academic worlds, sharing best practice in the field of Engineering, Science, and Technology towards sustainable development. The conference will provide an opportunity to highlight recent developments and to identify emerging and future areas of growth in these exciting fields:

- Technology Innovation in Information Technology

- Technology Innovation in Energy

- Technology Innovation in Electrical and Electronics

Technology Innovation in Mechanics and Materials

Technology Innovation and Creative Economy

Technology Innovation in Industrial Management

Important Dates:
  • Full paper submission: July 15, 2014
  • Notification of acceptance: July 20, 2014
  • Final paper submission and registration: July 20, 2014August 7, 2014
All Accepted Papers will be submitted in one of the following international journals:
  1. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 1991-8178, AJBAS is indexed by ISI-Thomson Reuters.
  2. Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 1995-0772, ANAS is indexed by Elsevier (SCOPUS).
  3. ARPN-Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 1819-6608, JEAS is indexed by Elsevier (SCOPUS).
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than EIGHT (8) pages including results, figures and references through ICESTI online submission system <>. Only papers that comply with the journal template and have successfully done all revisions as suggested by reviewers will be published in one of the above journals.

ICESTI 2014 is organized by ESTInnovation Society and supported by Widya Mandala University, Surabaya University, Gunadarma University, and Petra Christian University-Electrical Engineering Department.

See you in The Island of God, Bali

Warm Regards,

ICESTI 2014 Committee
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