Irreducible Functionality and Complexity

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Dec 19, 2010, 3:32:15 PM12/19/10
to futures trading

=== Irreducible Purpose ===
The achieve the function or purpose of catching mouse needs five
parts. There can't be less than five parts or the ''optimum''
functionality won't be achieved.

Removing two parts as Kenneth Miller does achieves the fuctionality of
a powerful paper clip: it no longer can catch mouse automatically.
Miller is equivocating between different types of functionalities with
the word "complexity". A better term for Behe's (Irreducbile
Complexity)IC is '''Irreducible Purpose'''. The purpose of the mouse
trap is to catch mouse ''unattended'' which as far as mouse trap
engineers can determine needs a minimum of five parts. Removing the
mouse base and stapling it to the floor doesn't remove the ''purpose''
of the original base but replaces one type of base for another and it
removes the mobility of the mouse trap thus reducing its overall
purposefulness: Reduced functionality.

Same with the flagellum, it needs 40 parts to swim through the fluid:
to achieve the purpose of ''Irreducbile Optimized
Functionality(IOF)''. The type III secretory mechanism which injects
toxins needs 8 parts to achieve a different IOF. purpose. They both
use some of the same shapes, they both need a minimum of 40 and 8
parts respectively in order to '''optimize''' their functionality.
Some IC systems could still function with less parts but like the
mouse trap stapled to the ground at the cost of reduced functionality.


Jan 13, 2011, 3:07:48 AM1/13/11
to futures trading
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