Invitation for the 6th September

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Aug 24, 2009, 12:59:49 AM8/24/09
to The Future of Learning in a Networked World

I have been quietly enjoying FLNW3 from the sidelines this year.
Reflecting on the messages that come my way, and remembering the
crazyness of visiting and linking via mobile and web 10 rural Thai
High Schools last year.

Circumstance conspire that I have a large empty house right by the
beach on Waiheke with wireless access. It makes a great venue for
conversation, contemplation, collaboration and friendship. Putting it
out there as an opportunity for a meeting real and virtual on the 6th
September. Let me know if you would like to meet up. Bring a sleeping
bag and stay over Saturday night if you like?

Alex Hayes is visiting NZ the first week of September. We will fly to
Dunedin on the 3rd and hope to catch up with Leigh and others. The 4th
is the GNI Symposium where Alex and I will talk about Technology
enhanced Collaboration and POV:

We'll stay over Friday night where we hope to share dinner and
conversation, then head back to Auckland Saturday arvo. Saturday
evening will be a shared meal for those who wish to join. Sunday an
open day event - suggestions please. I have a venue and refreshments.

Let me know if you can meet us in Dunedin or Auckland - and extend the
conversations of FLNW3




Aug 24, 2009, 6:14:38 PM8/24/09
yup. count me in for a Waiheke extension.



Leigh Blackall

Aug 24, 2009, 8:09:38 PM8/24/09
What a surprise! still catching up with email. Excited to see visitors are coming!! Can you get my name on the door for your session Alex and John? Once again, I had no idea the Uni was running such an event. I need to luncheon more at the staff club it seems.. ;)
Leigh Blackall
skype - leigh_blackall
SL - Leroy Goalpost

Michael Coghlan

Aug 24, 2009, 11:07:14 PM8/24/09
Welcome home Leigh! I just walked in the door myself. (I won't be joining this little gig in NZ :-))

-  Michael

Vance Stevens

Aug 24, 2009, 11:35:43 PM8/24/09
Having just missed the left coast meet up by virtue of having to report back to work just as it was getting under way, I find that the proposed NZ gathering is falling just short of a break I'll be getting at the end of Ramadhan.  That starts Sept 17 and I'll have 5 days off.

If anything worth traveling for is still going on at that time I would consider making a trip.



Aug 26, 2009, 8:15:55 AM8/26/09
to The Future of Learning in a Networked World
Yes folks it's true.

John and I have decided to re-connect in the best way possible - a
combination of face-to-face martini's, SL, Skype and a host of other
mixed modes yet to be explored.

I'm privileged to work for a company ( our own :) that sees value in
kindling conversations with of course the
overtone however....what John and I've been speaking about is some
link ups with Leigh about the FLNW3 experience, with Brent and the
Waiheke taxi driver, with the TALO mob online or even better still
with Vance and co. in tow as we venture from Orange, Sydney, Auckland,
Waiheke, Christchurch, Dunedin, Brisbane and finally back through
Sydney to cold old Orange town.

Land of the cool temperate Pinot. Robust reds -

Lavender farms -

I've fleshed out an itinerary of sorts at

We are keen to connect with you all so let us know what times you
frequent SL or other and where we can Flickr your pics.

Till tommorow.

On Aug 25, 1:35 pm, Vance Stevens <> wrote:
> Having just missed the left coast meet up by virtue of having to report back
> to work just as it was getting under way, I find that the proposed NZ
> gathering is falling just short of a break I'll be getting at the end of
> Ramadhan.  That starts Sept 17 and I'll have 5 days off.
> If anything worth traveling for is still going on at that time I would
> consider making a trip.
> Vance
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Brent <> wrote:
> > yup. count me in for a Waiheke extension.
> > brent.
> > --------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:59 PM, johnenz<> wrote:
> > > I have been quietly enjoying FLNW3 from the sidelines this year.
> > > Reflecting on the messages that come my way, and remembering the
> > > crazyness of visiting and linking via mobile and web 10 rural Thai
> > > High Schools last year.
> > > Circumstance conspire that I have a large empty house right by the
> > > beach on Waiheke with wireless access. It makes a great venue for
> > > conversation, contemplation, collaboration and friendship. Putting it
> > > out there as an opportunity for a meeting real and virtual on the 6th
> > > September. Let me know if you would like to meet up. Bring a sleeping
> > > bag and stay over Saturday night if you like?
> > > Alex Hayes is visiting NZ the first week of September. We will fly to
> > > Dunedin on the 3rd and hope to catch up with Leigh and others. The 4th
> > > is the GNI Symposium where Alex and I will talk about Technology
> > > enhanced Collaboration and POV:
> >

John Eyles

Aug 26, 2009, 5:49:55 PM8/26/09
Hello everyone,

OK here's some specific events for the calendar next week ...

1. Wednesday 2nd September: Shared Dinner -  Physically hosted on Waiheke Island from 7 - 11 pm virtually accessible on the internet including Second Life (we'll have SL projected onto large screen). Hoping this can be a mash-up of conversations around learning and technology enhanced collaboration. If you would like to attend in person you are very welcome - just send me an email so I can give directions and get a sense of numbers attending.

2. Friday 4th September 8.30am - 5pm GNI conference in Dunedin. Free event - register here: There will undoubtedly be lots of eating and conversation around the symposium event.

3. Sunday 6th September 11am - 5pm (NZ local time). Open conference style gathering on Waiheke and connecting in around the world. Let me know you would like to attend so I know numbers and can send directions - also top of mind topics for discussion.

All the best,


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Brent <> wrote:


Aug 26, 2009, 6:04:59 PM8/26/09
John ... i'll make it to both the Waiheke events.

topic? "How to gut a fish? YouTube vs The guy down at the fishing
shop, or How I learned to stop loving the global and started listening
to my community" ... or something like that :-)

Leigh Blackall

Aug 26, 2009, 6:25:17 PM8/26/09
Nice topic.. easy for those who have ready access to a community. Ours was gutted by Mitre10 Mega, the Warehouse, Pack n Save and mute universities long ago. I'm looking forward to eating my fish on Youtube.


Aug 27, 2009, 6:38:21 AM8/27/09
to The Future of Learning in a Networked World
Whats "worth " ?

On Aug 25, 1:35 pm, Vance Stevens <> wrote:
> Having just missed the left coast meet up by virtue of having to report back
> to work just as it was getting under way, I find that the proposed NZ
> gathering is falling just short of a break I'll be getting at the end of
> Ramadhan.  That starts Sept 17 and I'll have 5 days off.
> If anything worth traveling for is still going on at that time I would
> consider making a trip.
> Vance
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Brent <> wrote:
> > yup. count me in for a Waiheke extension.
> > brent.
> > --------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:59 PM, johnenz<> wrote:
> > > I have been quietly enjoying FLNW3 from the sidelines this year.
> > > Reflecting on the messages that come my way, and remembering the
> > > crazyness of visiting and linking via mobile and web 10 rural Thai
> > > High Schools last year.
> > > Circumstance conspire that I have a large empty house right by the
> > > beach on Waiheke with wireless access. It makes a great venue for
> > > conversation, contemplation, collaboration and friendship. Putting it
> > > out there as an opportunity for a meeting real and virtual on the 6th
> > > September. Let me know if you would like to meet up. Bring a sleeping
> > > bag and stay over Saturday night if you like?
> > > Alex Hayes is visiting NZ the first week of September. We will fly to
> > > Dunedin on the 3rd and hope to catch up with Leigh and others. The 4th
> > > is the GNI Symposium where Alex and I will talk about Technology
> > > enhanced Collaboration and POV:
> >


Aug 27, 2009, 6:40:17 AM8/27/09
to The Future of Learning in a Networked World
Sounds like a POV challenge Brent.

Here's one that came into existence today -

These refrigeration mechanics have it all over fisherpersons it seems.

On Aug 27, 8:04 am, Brent <> wrote:
> John ... i'll make it to both the Waiheke events.
> topic? "How to gut a fish? YouTube vs The guy down at the fishing
> shop, or How I learned to stop loving the global and started listening
> to my community" ... or something like that :-)
> brent.
> --------------------------------------
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 9:49 AM, John Eyles<> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > OK here's some specific events for the calendar next week ...
> > 1. Wednesday 2nd September: Shared Dinner -  Physically hosted on Waiheke
> > Island from 7 - 11 pm virtually accessible on the internet including Second
> > Life (we'll have SL projected onto large screen). Hoping this can be a
> > mash-up of conversations around learning and technology enhanced
> > collaboration. If you would like to attend in person you are very welcome -
> > just send me an email so I can give directions and get a sense of numbers
> > attending.
> > 2. Friday 4th September 8.30am - 5pm GNI conference in Dunedin. Free event -
> > register here:
> > There will undoubtedly be lots of eating and conversation around the
> > symposium event.
> > 3. Sunday 6th September 11am - 5pm (NZ local time). Open conference style
> > gathering on Waiheke and connecting in around the world. Let me know you
> > would like to attend so I know numbers and can send directions - also top of
> > mind topics for discussion.
> > All the best,
> > John
> > On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Brent <> wrote:
> >> yup. count me in for a Waiheke extension.
> >> brent.
> >> --------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:59 PM, johnenz<> wrote:
> >> > I have been quietly enjoying FLNW3 from the sidelines this year.
> >> > Reflecting on the messages that come my way, and remembering the
> >> > crazyness of visiting and linking via mobile and web 10 rural Thai
> >> > High Schools last year.
> >> > Circumstance conspire that I have a large empty house right by the
> >> > beach on Waiheke with wireless access. It makes a great venue for
> >> > conversation, contemplation, collaboration and friendship. Putting it
> >> > out there as an opportunity for a meeting real and virtual on the 6th
> >> > September. Let me know if you would like to meet up. Bring a sleeping
> >> > bag and stay over Saturday night if you like?
> >> > Alex Hayes is visiting NZ the first week of September. We will fly to
> >> > Dunedin on the 3rd and hope to catch up with Leigh and others. The 4th
> >> > is the GNI Symposium where Alex and I will talk about Technology
> >> > enhanced Collaboration and POV:
> >> >

Vance Stevens

Aug 27, 2009, 7:16:47 AM8/27/09
Hey Alex,

I was trying to address that this morning.  I left a comment in your calendar but on hitting submit I got a white screen.  So I refreshed and got a note that your server had detected I was submitting the same msg twice.  It never appeared so I assumed it was awaiting moderation.  Now many hours later it still isn't there, but it kind of addressed your question.

I saw from the calendar that when I have a 5-day break Sept 18-22 you will be in Melbourne for EDUPOV.  

It looks like I'll be missing the main party in New Zealand with John Eyles, whom I met in Bangkok at the FLNW event he organized last year.

So, "worth" weighs party factor and chance to meet F2F in pleasant preferably natural or exotic surroundings plus altruistic variables (all high to warrant trip to Thailand) vs. cost of getting there, weather in Melbourne, chance of snow on Buller, and density of FLNW folk about AND the fact that my wife will accompany, and we're looking for a nice place to go spend 5 days.

This time around I might have to settle for YouTube fish on SL.  I'm sure our paths will eventually cross in some place where we leave actual footprints,

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