Discussion of FLNW in Elluminate at 1300 GMT Sunday Jan 2, 2011

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Vance Stevens

Dec 31, 2010, 1:38:24 PM12/31/10
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
Hi all, we plan to ring in the New Year with a discussion of FLNW: Future of Learning in a Networked World, featuring Michael Coghlan, Vance Stevens, and Barbara Dieu

Sunday, January 2, 2011
13:00 GMT in Elluminate http://tinyurl.com/y3eh
Announcment: http://taedtech.ning.com/events/sunday-speedgeek-future-of

Bee (aka Barbara), Michael, and Vance met recently in Brazil to travel together to conferences in Sao Paolo and Brasilia http://braz2010vance.pbworks.com/ continuing on a reduced scale a movement known as FLNW, as indicated at  http://tinyurl.com/flnw2010vance and where Bee updated http://flnw.wikispaces.com/Brazil.

Today's "SpeedGeek" will continue our ongoing conversation. Michael's website at http://users.sa.chariot.net.au/~michaelc/ is a time capsule of ongoing collaboration, starting more or less with EFI in 1997, where Michael, Vance, and Maggi Doty founded Webheads. It broaches professional development through TAFE, Voice Online (Michael is known as "the voice"), as well as Michael's consultancies, Articles/Presentations, and of course his music, with great songs such as "Happy Online". Bee blogs at http://beespace.net/ and her presentations and projects are linked from http://www.barbaradieu.com/. You are welcome to join us on Sunday.

The event this week will take place in Elluminate http://tinyurl.com/y3eh Please note, Elluminate is generously provided to us by Learning Times, and prior registration is required (non-intrusive, takes only minutes).

For more information please visit http://learning2gether.pbworks.com

The Google Calendar showing these events is displayed at

Hope to see you there,

Vance Stevens


Jan 1, 2011, 3:30:06 AM1/1/11
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
"featuring"? what is this - the Beatles after Yoko Ono?  do i have to buy a ticket?

highly amused on this side of the planet... :-)


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Michael Coghlan

Jan 1, 2011, 9:16:37 AM1/1/11
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
Send me 50 bucks Rose and you can join in :)

- M.

Barbara Dieu

Jan 1, 2011, 10:20:56 AM1/1/11
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
In 2008 on Jan 1st, I had already managed to lose my camera with all
the photos of the New Year's fireworks in Sydney and back in
Wollongong from a ride to Bondi Beach, Rose and I struggled to contain
the water burst from the bathroom faucet - the third of a series of
misfortunes that marked my stay in OZ...
Nevertheless, the trip down under was memorable thanks to our previous
f2f contact during FLNW I in NZ, everyone's warm hospitality, the
opportunity I was given of having a glimpse of your everyday lives and
the many long informal unrecorded conversations over a glass of wine.
Happy New Year everyone!

Barbara Dieu

Vance Stevens

Jan 1, 2011, 11:40:34 AM1/1/11
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rose,

I'm amused at your amusement, and would be even more amused if you would join us on Sunday, and same for anyone else listening in.

(Incidentally, that announcement goes out to a number of communities, so if it was a little over-explained for the likes of this list, that would be why, but for obvious reasons I thought you'd all appreciate being included ;-)

Speaking of listening in, I was listening just now to a conversation between you and Michael and Bee and Stephan and others just now on my jog down the corniche.  It was pretty recent, mostly about wikileaks.  I guess that's FLNW! (Learning what goes on behind our backs!)

Hope to see you there,

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/futureoflearning?hl=en.

Vance Stevens

Jan 3, 2011, 9:15:59 AM1/3/11
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
This Tweet features a friendly rib-tickle in announcing the FLNW discussion with Michael and Bee last night:


Or go directly to the Elluminate recording at



Jan 3, 2011, 7:30:10 PM1/3/11
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
not to mention me crashing my car into the concrete pillar at mt keira lookout or my kitchen catching fire, requiring the firemen to come put it out) (which you slept through! lol!!)

a very eventful trip, it's true...  :-)


Barbara Dieu

Jan 3, 2011, 7:46:59 PM1/3/11
to futureof...@googlegroups.com
> requiring the firemen to come put it out) (which you slept through! lol!!)
That's very much me to sleep through the best part :-(

>a very eventful trip, it's true... :-)

it gives us lots to laugh about now but that series of misfortunes at
the beginning felt quite dramatic then. I hope you have recovered...

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