A website not being seen by FusinReactor

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Dec 6, 2017, 8:54:20 PM12/6/17
to FusionReactor

Our web server is Windows Server 2008 R2, Coldfusion 9.0.2 Enterprise multi server configuration, IIS 7.5, FusionReactor FRAM 7.0.8. We have a CF instance named “misc” which has 3 IIS websites (A,B,C) connected to it. There is a FusionReactor instance installed in the "misc" CF instance. When I go to Request Activity and Request History it shows requests for websites A & B but not C.The Application dropdown box is on All Apps, but website C is not a selection.

I know there is traffic to site C because I can get to it and I see requests in the IIS Advanced logs.

Any ideas why FR is not recognizing site C is appreciated.

charlie arehart

Dec 7, 2017, 10:33:39 PM12/7/17
to fusion...@googlegroups.com

Joe, I would not suspect a problem with FR, to be honest. I would suspect instead that this is telling you that your web server configuration setup is not as you expect, and the requests for site C really are going to some other instance.

Here’s a simple test you could run: stop that misc instance, and try your requests to site C, and see if they fail. If they do not, then clearly the misc instance is not the instance processing those requests. :-) But perhaps you will be unable to stop it, if it’s production.

Fair enough. What about stopping whatever other instance you have. Is the only other one your cfusion instance? Might you presume that’s “not getting any traffic” except your cfusion CF admin? You can try stopping that (since you don’t think it gets any traffic). If your tests of requests to site C fail, you know that it IS the instance processing that request.

(Yet another solution, which may have helped you see this sooner, would be to put FR into any other CF instances you have, including the cfusion one. Since FR is licensed per box, you’re free to put it into the other instances. Then you would see clearly which instance was getting what traffic.)

If that’s the issue, then of course you need to look into why IIS is sending the requests to the “wrong” instance. Look into CF’s “web server configuration” tool (wsconfig) which will both let you change things, and confirm how it thinks things are setup. Hope that gets you sorted out.

If you confirm this is the issue (and not FR itself), and yet you remain stumped as to how to resolve it, it really would be outside the scope of this forum to dig into it this further with you. And while you could take the issue to the CF forums, I’ll point out that there are folks (myself included) who do CF server troubleshooting, remotely, and this could likely be fixed in minutes by someone familiar with things. (I offer a satisfaction guarantee, so you won’t pay for time you don’t find valuable.) You can find such consultants at a site I keep, cf411.com/cftrouble.

Hope that’s helpful.



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Dec 8, 2017, 3:37:44 PM12/8/17
to FusionReactor
Thanks for the response and ideas Charlie.

You were correct in that the requests are going to another CF instance. I see site C requests in the other CF instance with FusionReactor. On the web server I checked the site ID in IIS which is 4. I then checked the web configuration tool which showed the site to be connected to the correct CF instance. In IIS I looked at the Handler Mappings for site C and the WildCard Handler does not point to the #4 directory, it points to #1 directory - it points to the executable in JRun4/lib/wsconfig/1 instaed of JRun4/lib/wsconfig/4. I think this is causing the problem of website C not connected to the CF instance that is reported in the web config tool. I'm thinking changing the 1 to a 4 in the Executable parameter for the WildCard Handler & restarting IIS & CF will get the C website connected to the correct CF instance. Either that or creating another website in IIS for C, checking the folder numbers and turning it in after turning off the original C website in IIS.

Thanks again for the response.


Dec 8, 2017, 10:16:27 PM12/8/17
to FusionReactor
What I did was change the number in the number in the WildCard Handler directory path from 1 to 4, which wrote the change to the web.config file. As soon as I did that requests for site C were showing up in the correct CF instance as is defined in web config tool. Hopefully I did not miss anything and it will continue to work after restarts ...

I will certainly keep you in mind should we need expert assistance in the future.
Thanks again.

charlie arehart

Dec 9, 2017, 4:18:23 PM12/9/17
to fusion...@googlegroups.com
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