custom tags folder not intercepting calls

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Mike Henke

Dec 10, 2010, 11:24:22 AM12/10/10
to FusionDebug

I am back to using FusionDebug at my new job and love the updates/
enhancements. I am not able to step into custom tag calls and if
breakpoints are set in the customtags folder, they don't stop.

I thought it was something with the Source Code Lookup tab but must
not be filling it out correctly.


Mike Henke

Anna Ljungberg [FusionDebug Team]

Dec 13, 2010, 4:08:08 AM12/13/10
to FusionDebug
Hi Mike,

Thank you for providing us with information about this issue.
We are able to reproduce the problem and this issue has been tracked
as we will have to investigate the matter further.

We will keep you updated as soon as we have more information.

Kind Regards,

Anna Ljungberg [FusionDebug Team]

Dec 13, 2010, 11:06:07 AM12/13/10
to FusionDebug
Hi Mike,

I have been looking into this issue more thoroughly and as it turns
out the reason I was able to reproduce your problem was because I had
the same file located in two different custom tags folders.
When I removed one of the Custom Tags Paths FusionDebug was able to
step into the custom tag successfully.

Would you just like to confirm that this is not the case for you?
Also make sure to check that the path specified on the breakpoint in
the breakpoint’s view of FusionDebug is actually pointing to the right
file on your server.

Kind Regards,

On Dec 13, 10:08 am, "Anna Ljungberg [FusionDebug Team]"

Mike Henke

Dec 17, 2010, 2:14:53 PM12/17/10
to FusionDebug
Hi. Thanks for looking into this. I am not sure if I needed to restart
something (eclipse, fusiondebug instance, or the cf server) but it
seems to be working now. Thanks,

On Dec 13, 10:06 am, "Anna Ljungberg [FusionDebug Team]"

Anna Ljungberg [FusionDebug Team]

Dec 20, 2010, 2:36:03 AM12/20/10
to FusionDebug
Hi Mike,

I'm glad to hear that your problem has been resolved and that
debugging is
working properly for you again.

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